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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Many hair transplant patients see their procedure and results differently than others. Being self-critical of the result is quite common. I agree with "Spanker", your hair looks very good. If you're still concerned in a few months, consider a few hundred strategically located grafts in your hairline as suggested. Be patient and appreciate your hair caliber.
  2. I've always been amazed after transplanting over 7,000 grafts how thick my donor remains. When I was on display (transplant model) at the International Hair Restoration conference in Chicago with Dr. Vories a couple years ago....the surgeons were amazed at how much donor area I had. Most encouraged me to move a couple more thousand to the crown area.
  3. Obviously the donor area is a bit thinner because of the extraction of so many grafts. After about 3-4 weeks the donor area has healed and the existing hair will have grown about a half inch and should be long enough to protect the scalp. Best bet is to always wear a hat outside when you're exposed to the sun for a lengthy period of time.
  4. There are a number of really good doctors on this website. Spend some time looking at lots of before/after photos. I'm an advocate for Dr. Michael Vories. He specializes in FUE and extracts every graft and places every graft himself. Also, the cost per graft is exceptional. $4-5 per graft. Check out his website at CarolinaHairSurgery.com and my website at... MyFUEhairtransplant.com. Best of luck to you.
  5. Even with a hair transplant I continue to wear a hat when in the sun just to protect any area of my head as well as my face, neck, etc. You may have areas on your head that is still thin with hair and you need that protection. Be safe....wear a hat.
  6. I believe you are correct Ernie, I probably jumped immediately to that conclusion because when I see scars associated with transplants, I immediately think of FUT scars. Good catch..on your part.
  7. Nicely work by Dr. Wesley. This is the primary reason I did not consider FUT. I just didn't want to have that linear scar. FUT provides great results but so does FUE with no visible scarring.
  8. Bill is correct...take advantage of this site and find a recommended surgeon. It's interesting that you've had this since birth. I'm sure you should have a strong enough blood supply in that small area? I'm sure 500 or fewer grafts will serve you well. Best of luck and keep us posted.
  9. Others may weigh in but I've never heard any negative correlation associated with smoking and unsuccessful hair transplants. I'm sure you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Relax and look forward to hair growth in 3-4 months.
  10. I saw 17K and I thought....Wow! I had a total of 7,125 and thought that was huge. 1,700 will serve you well. Sounds like Dr. Konier has another happy patient. Best of luck. The pictures look great. Keep us posted in about 3-4 months when all that hair starts surfacing.
  11. Can you provide more details? How long has it been this way?
  12. I would be concerned with putting hair color/dyes on a healing scalp and immature hairs. That's just my thoughts, your doctor may have other ideas. You will start to see plenty of growth at the 4 month mark. I'm sure you and your doctor will make the best decision.
  13. Looks like you're healing well. The redness will continue to fade. You have a lot to look forward to. Your hairline will fill in nicely. Congrats to you and Dr. Diep.
  14. You have a lot to look forward to! Congrats on your surgery and ...happy growing. Be patient, you will start seeing nice results in about 4 months or so. Could be sooner, growth rate is different for everyone.
  15. Of course an FUT surgeon is encouraging you to not go with FUE. Strip surgery does produce good results as long as your okay with the 8 inch linear scar for the rest of your life. Maybe a doctor will respond regarding the damaged follicle but I would suspect a damaged follicle would not produce a hair. This happens in transections of hair grafts but that percentage is very low and the surgeon typically removes more grafts to compensate for the transections. I had over 5,000 grafts transplanted using FUE in 2012. You be the judge of the success. And if you would like to see more before/afters visit my website at MyFUEhairtransplant.com. Thanks for contributing to this website and I'm sure you will hear from others regarding your question. Best of luck to you.
  16. I would expect your surgeon must have had confidence in your donor area and you're experiencing some shock-loss. Those hairs will return but you must be patient. Using FUE, your surgeon could have spread out the donor area if they felt your donor area was not strong. Be patient and I'm sure you will be pleased in a few months.
  17. "KO" is correct. Get a consultation and find our how viable your donor area is. You may be surprised how many grafts are available and what a skilled surgeon can do.
  18. Based on before/afters and other comments on this website, I would have to agree with "hsrp10" assessment of best FUE doctors. I'm not as familiar with the surgDo your homework, search this site for posts and pictures regarding these surgeons and see which one your most comfortable with. For me... I wanted a surgeon who specialized exclusively in FUE procedures and also performed all of the extractions and graft insertions. I know there are skilled techs to help with this but having the surgeon do this was a great bonus and reassurance for me. Best of luck in your search.
  19. All my grafts were extracted with a .8 mm punch. I have a good picture of my cropped hair in preparation for my second surgery where approx.1,700 grafts were extracted two years prior. I'll find that picture and post it very soon.
  20. Just be very glad you have excellent donor areas which is a huge positive in your case. I had great donor area which has yielded over 7,000 grafts. At the International Hair Restoration conference in Chicago a couple years ago, where I was on display, surgeons examined my donor area and said I could easily have another surgery. You're very fortunate to have great donor areas. Best of luck to you and keep us posted.
  21. You state that you think you may be completely bald in 2-3 years. Dr. Feriduni may have an excellent point. If you have surgery now and lose lots of your existing hair, the transplant may not look successful. I'm sorry you're in that situation. Maybe take a look at pictures of yourself from previous years and estimate the hair loss. Everyone is different but my hair loss stabilized in my early 30's. Best of luck. We just don't want you to spend thousands of dollars and not be happy in a couple years.
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