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Everything posted by JohnCasper

  1. Over 3,000 grafts in the front should yield excellent results. It's hard to determine number of grafts but it sounds like your doctor was being honest regarding your yield. Looks like you may have good donor areas but really can't tell from the pictures. I happen to have what my doctor calls... "freak of nature..donor area". I've had over 7,000 grafts moved and have plenty donor for more if I want. Be patient and look forward to your front filling in. Keep in mind, the growth rate may be slower with your second surgery. Mine started growing much later after my second surgery (about 5-6 months). Best of luck and keep those pictures posted with updates for us.
  2. Don't be a hero, make sure you take prescribed pain meds. Staying ahead of the pain is very important. I weaned off the pain meds after about 5 days an then took ibuprofen for a few days.
  3. It's very important to choose a doctor who you are very comfortable and confident in. 3,000 is a lot of grafts if they are going to be transplanted in one day. Best of luck and follow all the doctors orders. Remember to post those before/afters for us.
  4. Neograft was used for my first surgery in 2012. I did have an area that didn't grow in as well. That may have been attributed to the possible drying out of the grafts as a result of the neograft suction process. This was not confirmed but was considered as a reason. Dr. Vories no longer uses Neograft. My overall results were good. As a matter of fact, Neograft used my before/after photos in their national ad.
  5. Dr. Vories just wanted to make the frontal area a bit more dense. The growth was much slower but filled in well. I've chronicled my entire event for 4 years at MyFUEhairtransplant.com . You can visit the archives and look at my results every week or month to give you some perspective.
  6. I think you will be just fine but I would send your doctor the picture you attached here. You can see pictures of my first 30 days after surgery (and beyond) at MyFUEhairtransplant.com It may give you some perspective going forward.
  7. I agree....take pictures weekly of your results and keep a detailed journal of any changes you observe. I had fairly quick hair growth after my first surgery but much slower growth rates after my second surgery. That dormancy phase is tricky to predict. I've heard of some patients hardly showing any growth until the 7 month mark. Try to hang in there....you may be surprised.
  8. I'm glad you had a good experience. I'm sure you will see great results. I had 2,000 more grafts done in the frontal area 3 years after my first surgery and the results were wonderful. My growth rate was slower after the second surgery. I didn't see much growth until about the 5-6 month range. So....be patient. I've experienced the same picture issue. Not sure why that happens on upload but there isn't anything you can do. Pretty frustrating.
  9. Your transplanted hairs will shed (in most all cases). They may even look like they've grow a bit before shedding. They will fall out and lie dormant for 3-4 months before a new cycle of grow begins. Some hairs may pop at 3 months while others may surface in 4-5 months. Just be patient. You will also experience pimples along the way. This is quite normal and occur when the new hairs are trying to break the surface. You have lots to look forward to. Hang in there and happy growing in 2017.
  10. Hope you can post some before/afters soon. Typically you should be seeing very nice growth by 6 months. Everyone grows at different rates and hopefully you will continue to see improvements. Take some pictures now and post them, then take same angles with similar lighting in 3 months and lets look at the growth rate. I'm pulling for you....hang in there.
  11. Do your homework and chose the Doctor you're most comfortable with. With the high cost of surgery, don't limit yourself to one geographic area. It may be worth the cost of an airline ticket to get the doctor who will do the best job for you. I flew from Kentucky to S. Carolina and it was well worth the cost of the plane ticket. Plus I had a nice little vacation in Charleston South Carolina.
  12. Your most likely going to have to be patient with the redness. It will fade with time. I'm a fair skinned and blonde hair guy and the redness lingered quite a while. Be patient. You can visit my before/afters from back in 2012 to see when the redness dissipated on me. Visit MyFUEhairtransplant.com Keep us posted on this website forum with updates.
  13. Good luck with your second surgery... Croatia. I had my 1st surgery (5,125) in 2012 and had another 2,000 grafts done in 2015. I was glad I had the second. Your 1,800 more will serve you well with Dr. Alexander's expertise. You can view results of both of my surgeries at my website... MyFUEhairtransplant.com Best of luck to you.
  14. You had so many shots of anesthesia, probably Litocaine that you most likely would not feel it. That recipient area is so numb and will be for quite a few weeks or months. As a matter of fact, if you bump your head down the road a bit, you probably won't feel anything, but you should check to see if you hurt yourself. You cannot damage the grafts at that point, however. Once again, trust me....you will look just fine without the 3 grafts you may have dislodged in your sleep. Rest easy, and look forward to your new hairline in about 3-4 months.
  15. My second procedure in the same area was much slower to grow. I had good growth after my first procedure after 2-3 months. My second procedure started popping through about 4 months later. Stay patient and you will be fine.
  16. On the night of my second surgery I dislodged 8-10 grafts the first night which created quite a bloody mess. I had about 2,000 grafts done so the dozen or so I lost will not affect the look at all....down the road. You have nothing to worry about if you lost a few.
  17. Looks like you're recovering nicely. Follow doctors orders and go easy on those showers. You'll start developing pimples along the way which is perfectly normal. You should start to see new hair growth in a few short months. You should be looking good by Spring time. Best of luck and happy growing.
  18. I copied this from my website regarding the tiny dots/scarring. With FUE you have NO discernible scarring to speak of. Dr. Vories used a tiny 0.8mm punch to remove the grafts. The micro-scarring is so small it's literally unnoticeable from 3 feet away. This picture shows the left side of my head just prior to my second surgery. I had over 5,000 grafts removed in 2012. So...I would expect that 1,750 or more came from this area.
  19. Follow doctors orders, take pain meds as prescribed. Don't be a tough guy, you will need the meds for a few days. Protect those grafts the first 72 hours at least. Be patient and happy growing.
  20. Managing Publisher Bill is spot-on. Stay patient, you have a lot to look forward to in the next few months. You will have a "Symphony" of hair by the Spring. Best of luck.
  21. When I had my first surgery in 2012 I felt very little pain in the beginning. Dr. Vories prescribed me pain meds. I didn't take them as directed because I thought I was a "tough" guy. On the final night after my multiple day surgery the pain started and I didn't stay out in front of it with the pain meds. Make sure you take the meds as directed and you will be fine. After about 5 days I switched to Ibuprofen and was fine. Regarding what to expect.... I've chronicled my journey with pictures and a written description of each of the first 30 days after surgery and beyond through my second surgery in 2015. Check out the archive section of my website and it will show you what to expect. Go to.... MyFUEhairtransplant.com . Hope you're able to post photos on this website for all of us to see. Best of luck, you have a lot to look forward to.
  22. That's very curious. Maybe one of the doctors will chime in with a better explanation.
  23. The shedding process is quite normal at three weeks as the others have stated. The redness will continue to fade as well. You may develop some pimples which is also quite normal. You should see new growth in 3-4 months. Good luck and send us some pictures down the road. You had a lot to look forward to.
  24. Looks great TechBoy. Dr. Bhatti does good work. Follow those post-op procedures and take those pain meds as prescribed. Don't be a hero and think you don't need them. Best of luck and continue to post your results on this Forum. If you want to see my pictures taken on each of the first 30 days and beyond to three years, go to MyFUEhairtransplant.com Best of luck and be patient, you will see great results in just a few months.
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