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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Whey protein is unusual topic. It depends on what type of formulation since not all whey is the same. Some has additives that can be detrimental as in Testosterone increasing elements. High amounts of L-Arginine / Ornithine , Zinc etc and anything that can stimulate the balls can be an issue. Also, some proteins even have creatine and so forth. A very knowledgeable person informed me that US sold protein is derived from cattle that may be treated with antibiotics (and hormones). Canadian and New Zealand sold protein has strict regulations (it makes such actions illegal) so it does not have such issues.
  2. Dr. Wong is really good and seems to be an ethical surgeon, based on what folks have told me. Dr Lindsey is also pretty ethical.
  3. I would look into to Dr Wong as well. Dr Feller and Dr Bloxham are good. You may want to reach out to Dr Cooley as well. He probably can evaluate your skin condition too and see what is the safest way to proceed. He is a derm and a really good repair doc I heard. Very ethical too. I would not use body hair or beard hair or nape hair right now as it may cause more damage to your grafts and scalp tissue. That is a last resort thing, trust me on that one. Nai karna
  4. Only time could tell. Give it few months to see if you regain areas of shockloss. You should never go do a procedure with minimal hairloss like that, in fact most surgeons may turn patients down or tell them to wait. All your native hairs and new grafts can compete for blood supply. What matters now is you have “better” growth in the end as the doctor said to you. You should look better than you did going in. What type of tool was used for extraction? With minimal crown losses like that, rogaine and finasteride can usually help. Or folks can use concealer. Surgery is definitely something to consider as last resort. It can make you or break you. Only time can tell. Best of luck. Just gauge it again at 6 month mark and then at 12 month mark. By that time, you should have a clear signal on how things are and will be.
  5. Doctors with a very refined lateral slit technique. This can be tough as not all recommended or ISHRS docs are good at hairlines vs crowns vs beards vs eyebrows vs repairs vs etc. Some just do not seem to have more artistic attention to detail vs others, but may be good with other things. I would get at least 10 consults with at least docs that you can review multiple hairline cases from. See what each recommends as in terms of number of grafts. Some docs can use minimal grafts and create great work while some estimate a lot more to try to attempt the same. You will see the disparities in the grafts counts when you do these consults. Just to start this list off and others can add who they think is good, in no particular order: Baaubaac Cooley Feller Bloxham Konior You got Hasson & Wong, but that’s in Canada. This is just at the top of my head and I may have forgotten some. Im sure this list may grow for US docs.
  6. Norwood 7’s graft coverage varies based on surface area. Some folks have small heads, some big. Aside from that, density in donor matters, how many 1s, 2s, 3’s etc. Aside from that, texture of hair matters, thick, thin, wavy, course, medium etc (varies by ethnicity). aside from that, the caliber of the hair matters, how many microns? Aside from that, skin contrast and color could matter too. I’d say 30,000 grafts average, could be less based on factors above. You may have to use “other” parts of body if you do not gave enough grafts as ammo. Probably, the safer option on a slick bald norwood 7 head is a high end hair system. That way there is no destruction to your donor and you can blend your donor to that hair system which nowadays look way more matural then a see through transplant. A transplant in which folks will know you had one and still possibly think you are going bald. So, definitely check some hair systems first before even thinking about surgery if you are slick bald norwood 7. It may save you a lot of headache. If your transplant fails and you are a norwood 7 then you really have almost no point of return. Best of luck.
  7. Jake, I am hoping your doctor has responded to you and you voiced your concerns about the scalp situation. I guess upon evaluation of the situation, the dermatologist you went to recommended a certain medication. My concern is also piece of skin, but if there is a growth issue, your doctor should remedy. I hope you get better and things heal well. Your health is extremely important. Best of luck.
  8. Yaar Asim, I would definitely contact the doctor that worked on you as each doctor has their own methods. You are not even one year out, which is the normal full growth timeframe. Baby shampoo isn’t that harsh but another shampoo with other ingredients and SLS may be harsh. Id stick to safer shampoos and not use anything harsh. You do not want to use anything that may hinder your growth. Some docs recommend using baby shampoo for a while while some may say it is ok to use regular shampoo after few months. Some doctors say not to use nizoral until a year after surgery. Some docs say nioxin is ok to use. Some say pert plus is ok. Etc i’d definitely email the doctor to see possible recommendations. Best of luck.
  9. Bill, is there a way for a patients to tag along for the hosting event? I am guessing there are tons of folks there that can provide valuable advice? Where are these events usually located? In the US or outside? How many patients are shown? From each doc or a few here and there? I really hope you guys consider podcasts and other elements. Manpower may be needed, but it may be a good tool where some members can call in and talk. Im thinking most folks are free on weekends so, that might be a good day to do it. The Weekend Podcast at Hair Restoration Network. I do not think it is done anywhere on weekends, but that name is all you if you want to get in on it. Just throwing some suggestions. Your forum has gotten a lot user friendly. I am liking the feel and haven’t really encountered any errors yet. I noticed that previous signatures just started showing up. I guess you guys are still tweaking previous elements to work with this new format.
  10. Jake, where you able to get in touch with a doctor to review? Hope all is well.
  11. I agree, removal could be a double edged sword. You can risk more scar tissue and further damage to recipient zone (Increases risk of Ridging, Pitting, shockloss, and even cobblestoning). More 1’s can help it blend to make it more natural. Some docs do recommend electrolysis but that can be risky too. Were these grafts placed in lateral slit format? Or are you using any product in your hair to have them shift in different angles? Before pics would help seeing how much yield you got with these 1600 grafts via FUT. But a graft breakdown with how many 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s can also help illustrate if it is efficient yield. You seem to have thicker hair then most folks. Best of luck with everything.
  12. I hope it softens up and blends better for you as the months go by. Hairline does not look completely natural but possibly softer grafts should be in between to create a natural and full transition. There is some gaps in between hairs but that may be due to the grafts used as stated above. Hopefully as time goes on i hope it matures and looks better. He blames the triples on one new technician? This is exactly why it is hard to guage a work of a clinic. New techs come and you got issues. Bottom line is, i hope you get it sorted without any stress or issue with anybody. Best of luck man.
  13. It looks like he may have. I can see somewhat of a fue Halo/density loss. But his overall pattern looks more spread out and not confined to an overused rectangle in the donor. Esp if you research his other pics, you can tell.
  14. Shockloss is unpredictable and depends on how much native hair you have in that zone. If you are planting grafts in zones that already have scar tissue, they may not yield well or grow well. Best is to try to have grafts in a close to bald area. That way you can actually guage your graft yield. If there is hair there then it is a risk as both native hair and transplanted hairs could die if done improperly. Best of luck.
  15. That is a great question. I’d like to know too as clobetasol is some pretty potent stuff.
  16. Impressive. Looks quite natural. Looks like a normal head of hair which is the ultimate goal of any hair restoration patient. Patient must be really happy.
  17. Pretty hard to guage without pics, but generally if you have no growth or growth based on the number of grafts inserted by month 8, then the procedure may have failed. You should see growth soon though at least something esp in month 4 & 5.
  18. Who was your surgeon? Contact them immediately and email the concerns and cc yourself and have them reply. You may need to get prescribed meds for necrosis to prevent the pus or necrotizing issue that may be forming. Seriously do this now like asap. Time is seriously if the essence or your whole scalp can get screwed. You cant waste any time in this. If your surgeon does not prescribe after you tell them of the complaint then they can be held highly responsible. Call their office now or their personnel cellphone. This is very important as time is of the essence.
  19. I think it is legit for you to wait it out 18-24 months as you’d like too. Sometimes it is good to wait to see how the area looks and by that time at 24 month mark, you are usually healed that if another surgery is required, it is not in an area that is still healing. There are mixed views about this. Some doctors here and on other forums do not believe in new growth at 18-24 month marks, but rather possible maturation of the hairs themselves. If Spex says new growth at 18 months then, definitely try to guage it again in 18-24 months with the same length haircut. The length of hair may become the tricky part as you want to try to get a consistent shot to see if there is a “distinct” change in growth by then. I applaud you for being able to take photos and wait it out. It is definitely not easy. I think based on some posters have written, it is based on how most results pan out. Regardless, things are now documented and folks are hoping and wishing you well. Most obviously want anyone going through this situation to have the best outcome. Best wishes.
  20. Fred, did you get any update from the surgeon? Hope things are progressing for you. Best of luck.
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