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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Also, how does one modify their signatures with this new forum layout?
  2. What an amazing repair. Repairing is a challenge and Dr Bisanga nailed it. Also, some folks need to understand there are plenty of touch up cases and repairs out there. Not everyone knows how to do a proper repair and not every patient in this situation can speak out about it. Dr Bisanga, again did a fantastic job here.
  3. Sorry to read this Exio. Hopefully, your scalp tissue was not damaged or compromised with the density cm2 you noted in your recipient zone. Definitely reach out to the doctor and see what they recommend. It is a terrible feeling to go through. Your doctor should have your back. Definetly consider posting photos as it helps folks understand the situation and see the disparity between what was done and what was the actual result. It is the worst feeling but hopefully your situation is repairable sooner than later. Some folks have been waiting for quite some time to get their life back.
  4. Milo, I can see your concerns. I hope you can get it resolved “safely”. Hopefully, at your followup, the doctor works with you and can get you repaired via touchup or can reimburse so you can get repaired. Depending on the level of damage on scalp, the repair cost may be more than the original cost of the transplant. Very unfortunate situation, but there are quite a few cases like this with similar pattern of concern or worse. It is a terrible feeling for sure that you end up wasting time trying to maneuver hairs and possibly using concealer to get by when you go out. Even photos are a pain because you just don’t want them anymore. Obviously, looking at the situation in the mirror is understandablely upsetting. I really hope, you are not left hanging and this is resolved at the end of the day. Best of luck man.
  5. Payam, wishing you the best. Let’s see how things are at the 8-12 month range. Hoping you get more density so that it blends with your native hairs without any issue. Definitely know the feeling. For some folks they are still struggling. You are at six months and i hope next two months prosper in growth for you. Wishing you the best bud!
  6. Man, what some docs fail to mention is that each time you are creating new scar tissue and ridging and cobblestoning can occur in same zone where previous area (recipient) was. The more incisions, the more scar tissue. Dr Col mentioned it is like soil, your impacting it again and growth can be hindered. This is what docs that need to do a repair fail to inform and mention. You can have so much ridging and cobblestoning in an area that some docs may mention the need to excise the entire tissue like a scalp reduction or face lift because they will fail to have enough grafts grow in heavily impacted and scalp compromised areas. Some docs fail to inform their patients of this and then there are genuine patients struggling to be repaired and being fuken bounced around like a rag doll with no god dam solution but immense long term suffering. For some folks it is quite unbearable and all a person wants is to have some peace of mind.
  7. Impressive, i like how she broke up the surgery in two days and kept it small with manual fue. Definitely seems safe for extracted graft health. You hair is looking great. Definitely on a good track. Can’t wait to see future updates.
  8. Thanks for sharing that study on PRP. It is a study on 20 folks. Here is another one. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/760709/ I am trying to locate longterm studies with followups, but have not found any. If you do, please share. The only thing that makes me a little weary is scar tissue or extra epidermis skin formations over the scalp where either prp or smp is done. Not sure to the extent of how much occurs. Not sure if it will be detrimental to future graft growth/yield placement in that area. This is as needles impact tissue or skin in those zones. Aside from using it as a graft storage solution, Should prp be done prior to transplants, in between, or after when ALL lifetime hair transplants are completed? When it comes to smp, does its appearance last 5 years for most folks? Most of us use rogain in the crown, does rogaine limit the effects for 5 year coverage? If the crown is minor loss, toppik or couvre can probably help conceal it. But no doubt smp may help with the hassle of constant applications of these and other products. Crown is the black hole it seems, but results vary and some folks have gotten great whorls with minimal grafts. It can depend on the texture of your hairs too i guess. It is good to wait out crown hair restoration to see the amount of loss that you are headed towards. After all, if you have weak native hairs they can die in the process of graft placement and cause shockloss. Definitely think these are great questions and points, it may help to get feedback across multiple online venues and forums. Even call up radio shows to see what other industry folks may think. It is good to learn/help understand and see what the best course of action may be for your particular goals. Not saying neither prp or smp is bad or good, just need more info overall to see the what the best course of action/decisions could be. In the end, we all want a smooth journey and no setbacks or issues. Best wishes.
  9. Absolutely, if any doctor knows a patient smokes and IF smoking is actually detrimental, then that doctor should turn that patient down immediately instead of taking his or her money. By working on that patient, the doctor better not say oh you smoked thats why my result is like that like 12 months later. Because you become medically complicit if that is the case. Or your surgical forms should say dont smoke for up to a year before surgery and after surgery or something to make it very clear if there is a comcern. There was a guy that had heavy necrosis on forums. A doctor did work on that guy, but when i asked about that particular guy and what happened, the dr unethically said it was due to his heavy smoking which got me offguard. But it is just funny how the blame can get shifted. Even if you dont smoke, example: lets see you took a shit with lots of pressure one day and informed doctor and the result came out bad, doctor would remain quite and praise you everything Up till 12 month timeline saying everything seems on track and then the result starts looking minimal. He will say wait another 18 to 24 months. And then when you still say yield is poor at say after all that time wasteage, that same doctor would say that oh its cause of what you did that dislodged my grafts out of nowhere even though the probability is rare since when you took that pressured shit, you were actually 30 days out of your surgery and grafts were anchored. Again this is a hypothetical scenario. Unethical docs change and shift excuses and blames throughout the growth timelines. You can catch them on multiple (100s of technicalities) across the process if you are a great documenter.
  10. By your timeframe, you should be good to go. This happened 8 weeks post op. Dr Bernstein has an article on graft anchoring that may help understand: https://www.bernsteinmedical.com/research/graft-anchoring-in-hair-transplantation/ I think after 1 1/2 to 2 weeks, the graft should be set. So, in your case, nothing to worry about. Happy growing!
  11. Sorry to hear this. Was the SMP just in the hairline? Or was it across the scalp? who was the person that did the work? Have you reached out to them? Whether or not you lose hair depends probably on how deep they went in. The more repeat steps with lasers in any area, the greater the risk. I read that somewhere. Here is an article that may help with your question: http://www.smpdebate.com/how-to-reverse-a-scalp-micropigmentation-treatment-by-laser/
  12. The one thing about it is, i need to see an actual researched study for any claim made. I have yet to see it. Ive read studies for sports injuries and in conjunction with prp. Does prp thicken scalp tissue or cause any scalp tissue to form?
  13. Right now, from the prp results posted— it is soooo subtle. Sometimes you don’t know if prp grew that hair or meds or a dietary change. But it is very minimal that right now, it seems unlikely that a standalone prp injections can give you a full head of hair. As far as graft preservation goes, that’s pretty interesting.
  14. You never know with meds. I read these articles on various drugs. Some drugs were fine for 20-30 years then an article gets published. So and so linked to cancer. In the world of medicine, there is no definite safety it seems. It is a risk you choose to take. Don’t do it based on what another person says—base it on your gut feeling. Some guys do the all natural route- vitamins and blood checkups continuously vs some that rely on a variety of drugs that have not had more than 20-30 years of large scale fully documented research. By taking meds that alter your bodies natural progression , You can be ok or you can go through a mutation later, maybe grow an extra testicle— no one really knows the actual answer.
  15. Jjstrader, yup the price is in CAD but not sure if anything changed for some surgeons. There were some posts in between where some patients said they were told USD when loonie was falling. I am not sure with which docs. I know at the time for me it was CAD and exchange rates were not in my favor at all. Today, they are in favor of US patients. But a doc from the country they serve in should accept the currency of that country, especially, if they do the same from their local population. Just my opinion.
  16. Pattern of loss is harder to guage when hair is short. It’s crazy how genetics is. You just don’t know how you can lose hair when some of your family hasn’t. You seem to have frontal loss and some density loss behind midscalp—based on those photos . I would hold off till after 30 and take pics to see if anything changes. If you are still holding on, then maybe you can consider surgery to remedy. Definitely wouldn’t jump in just yet. Surgery is very risky, who knows if we have better ways to do it by then. Last thing is to have something damage scalp more. Have you tried to grow your hair longer?
  17. Wow. Dr Bhatti did a great job. Looks good. You definitely must be thrilled and enjoying that amazing head of hair. Dr. Bhatti, this is great. Acha kama.
  18. Oh yaar kam kafee saaf lagra hay. Looks good.. Just follow surgeons post op instructions. Hopefully, your goals are answered in the next few months. It takes about a year. Happy growing!
  19. Ethnicity and hair type and caliber is a big variable when settling on FUE or FUT procedure. One type of hair type via FUT may be higher yielding vs that same hair type via FUE. Some hairtypes may be able to withstand both types of procedures almost equally. Then you come down to the tools used. The you come down to how long the grafts is out of body and solution mixtures. Then you come down to the doctor skill and involvement. Each procedure can be a success or fail if there is somethig wrong with the above. Goes for both FUT or FUE. But, ethnicity, hair caliber, texture plays a big role on graft survival during the extraction process. I am hoping a doctor chimes in on this point somewhere during these discussions.
  20. I feel the more Free Speech exists, the better it is for forums, and, business entities in general. Public Domain = Public Posting. If anything is private, then some forums may become less active and no one wants that. The more open ground and pound free speech- the more userbase on that forum. If any forum conceals or deletes posts, threads or etc, then that does serious damage overall. That’s why some users are active across most forums, then you see that same user less active on another forum if any hint of lack of transparency is noted. Then you see users with 0 posts pop up to stimulate activity. Not saying it happens here but some folks may see users that post once and disappear across the web. It is all about being transparent. Also, some forums may lie or stretch the truth for a doc and discount the patients concerns. Sometimes, continuous monetary support makes things happen. It probably happens in some places. That situation is also bad and disheartens real users. Everyone needs to make a buck, but doing it ethically is the right way forward. Transparency and Free Speech is key. Taking no sides is key too if the docs and their patients want to duke it out. If the doc knows who it is, then let it take its course. If it is a fake competitor or user, then obviously it can be stopped. If it is a real patient, sometimes there are things in the background that no one is fully aware of. It would be a catastrophic mistake to choose a side if that’s the case. I know some folks in those situations across the web. There are agencies that take note and protect such folks and have. Free Speech=Transparency
  21. I feel if they are giving their local patients prices in Lira, then they should do the same for others. Otherwise, you are just trying to profit of folks unethically from out of country. One patient scalp is the same as another scalp. If you want to play the game of no you are different you need to pay me more well then patients can look elsewhere for medical tourism. Take Canada for instance- 1USD for 1.30 CAD and the doctors there still take Canadian. (Unless there is something I don’t know that is going on) I had to exchange USD for Canadian and at a greater loss at the time as Canadian was worth more then the USD at the time. More than $3000 loss due to currency exchange issues . That is not just the loss with surgery payment, but with added travel costs, fuel, hotel, and etc.
  22. You are doing a very smart thing by reaching out and researching. I see you are from NY. Get multiple consults with doctors that can provide you meaningful portfolios of real patients and preferably with your Hair Type/background. Trust me that is important. Have you looked into DR Feller & Bloxham? As well as Dr Wesley? Is the hair behind your hairline greater density? Thick caliber hair or medium or thinner? Lots of variables may impact this. If you are doing it in a complete bald recipient area or in between existing hairs in your hairline. Best wishes.
  23. Technician extraction for the most part is illegal in North America due to medical regulations, where it is allowed in Turkey (some surgeons who do multiple surgeries a day utilize techs to extract). It is up to the patient to have a “surgical” part of surgery done by the doctor or by a technician. You are paying for a service and it is up to you to decide if you are paying for a doctor and his/her name or a tech to do anythig considered surgery (scoring of flesh). The laws of the land will allow it or wont. Techs come and go, doctor and his/her name on business remains until their clinic remains.
  24. Did you ever find out how to? Any update?
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