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Everything posted by CosmoKramer

  1. I recently saw this video from Dr Lorenzo of a almost completely grey/white haired patient that had a small bald patch filled in and the new hair grew back as if he was 25 years old, I really think it’s due to the new creation of blood vessels and blood supply that reinvigorates the graft, but for how long is anyone’s guess, mine is still dark
  2. Your 6th month progress looks great Lennny, especially post haircut, what a nice change from your pre-op state photos! Your attitude and expectations along this process has been really good and in the end if you are happy that is the only opinion that matters. Ps. Regarding the crown, yeah maybe start adding minoxidil there as well but if it still doesn’t do much it looks like you have much more donor in reserves for a top up down the road if needed.
  3. Best of luck to you on both procedure! Im the type that believes in the saying “No Risk No Reward”...but calculated risk of course, anyway hope it works out well for you and would be cool to see your progress after.
  4. Yeah, some very nice improvement from 3.5 months to 4th month.
  5. Nice. Another little tip that may help if interested is that several months ago I purchased and added to the oils with each scalp massage was NOW brand 100% Peppermint oil and added some drops to the oils to better increase scalp circulation/blood flow.
  6. I agree. Have you added anything to spur the growth a bit faster? I.e. MSM/Biotin/B-complex/Minoxidil?
  7. For 11 months this is very disappointing, I’m sorry about your situation. Have you spoken with your asmed coordinator or Dr Erdogan for an explanation and recourse?
  8. Nice improvement, you will likely see further density improvement from here on out either from thickening of the already growing hairs or from another sprout burst or both.
  9. Looking great for 4th month and good hair cut too!
  10. Hi Maybe check out Joe Tillman’s YouTube channel as I recently watched his vlog of his latest HT with Dr Wong, although, I’m not sure how biased Tillman is re: Dr Wong and if is a paid/sponsored rep for him.
  11. Sure. Yes, I’m aware the it can be pricey in the UK, you should have done more research on result expectations and more cost/graft effective clinics, but what’s done is done no point in stressing over it and like I stated it does look like the 1,700 grafts took and grew but the area definitely needed at lest 3,000 grafts for your expectation of reasonable density. I agree with @pkipling try and post a recent photo with your hair styled same as your before photo.
  12. Rat or human nose hair?? ... because even my nose hair is nicer than that.😂
  13. Then maybe it’s time for you to Name & Shame them on here.
  14. Poor guy, that mouse should try derma rolling his back, he’d get better results! 😂
  15. Hi Looking at your photos and in all honesty, the density is not good, that said, and if your graft count in your title is accurate then realistically 1,700 for that coverage area is what it would look like. You probably needed 3k grafts instead for that area, but maybe post a photo of your hair before any procedure for a proper comparison.
  16. Hi Your progress is looking really good. In my opinion and based on my experience as well as an informative post on here from Dr Bloxham, yes, you may have more new hairs sprout even after 6-months post-op, and at 6 months is really just 50% of growth and around 33% of its maturity.
  17. I look at it this way: If a baldness cure was a reality in the future, and Time Travel was possible ... wouldn’t a Time Traveler have brought it back here and now and become a Billionaire or Trillionaire maybe?? Im not gassing up my DeLorean anytime soon.
  18. Hi I had serious concerns prior to my solo trip there last year and everything went well, I was there for a little over 2-weeks for my HT & recovery. Police were everywhere, hotels have metal detector security, I felt safe, and even did a bunch of touristy stuff while there and mostly everyone there was pretty friendly to visitors.
  19. I’ve read about this and seen the photo, i would love it to be a realty but I’m not holding my breath, just because they were able to grow a couple of strange-looking weed-like hair clumps from stem cells on the backs of mice/rats doesn’t mean it will work in humans.
  20. Hi Youve been given some really good advice here, I would heed it, especially what @Lennney just commented on doing 2 type procedures. To me getting 2 surgical procedures where you may bleed a lot in close proximity to each without proper time to heal and rushing it during a holiday of just 7-8 days is a pretty dangerous risk especially in a foreign country. I took 2-weeks to rest, heal and recover properly before I returned home just for my HT and I’m glad I did. Think carefully and good luck.
  21. You’re welcome. Yes, it’s definitely recommended to clean/sterilize your scalp before any microneedling. I make sure I don’t have any hair styling products in my hair and use a saline mist spray all over then just use an alcohol pad to wipe the areas I microneedle. You can buy a box of alcohol pads/swabs they’re inexpensive for a lot of a hundred or so, and after microneedling I use the same spray my scalp with saline spray and wipe with alcohol pad, I wait til dry an hour or so then apply minoxidil but that is now and for me in not noticing side effects at this stage so I still recommend waiting 12-24 hours after microneedling to apply minoxidil if sensitive to it. I don’t apply any cream or moisturizer, the saline spray naturally moisturizes my scalp. for #7, I use a pen and stamp all over and return to the same area a couple times, for a roller yes you go in different directions each area from what I’ve read. Good Luck
  22. @BeHappy Yeah, im a little surprised it’s actually working and growing some new hair this early, I think the key it to be consistent with it. @jonyny Thanks! Yes, I’m microneedling 1x every 7-10 days at 1.5-2mm needles and 1x each night I apply Kirkland Minoxidil 5%, although I have just started also gently microneedling 1x every 3-4days with 1mm gently to see if that helps grow the new hair follicles better and faster.
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