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Everything posted by CosmoKramer

  1. I use a pen and only use the sterile needle cartridges once and throw them away after, it’s much easier than with a roller. The pain is okay and bearable for me but yeah the crown area I do press more firmly to get a better response.
  2. I’ve used minoxidil years ago and with not much of a success , I also tried derma rolling with not much of a result, both at separate time spans, but this combination does seem to be producing something, but I understand it’s not a cure-all. So, I took a couple of photos yesterday of the receded area of my right temple just above the peak (triangle) after experimenting with microneedling and minoxidil for close to 7-weeks now and I’m seeing some new growth and some growth newly sprouted. Interestingly the new hairs are full of melanin just like my native hair color. I am going to continue to see if these develope into longer stronger terminal hairs. I posted these elsewhere where I’ve been following others’ progress. Any thoughts are welcome.. I just want want to be clear, the new growth i circled in green, the much longer dark hairs elsewhere are either my native or transplanted hairs.
  3. Thank You! Im not ruling out a 2nd ht to fill in my crown/vertex area down the road, but for now I’m looking to see if the thickening process continues for more months. I’ve also recently started microneedling and added minoxidil to see if it will benefit those areas and it seems to be helping, Ive been testing it also on my corner temples that receded long ago to see if any results and I do see some, I’ll add a photo or to in a separate post.
  4. Maybe try an online wire transfer service such as TransferWise.
  5. It definitely is! And it’s funny when I think back 5-7 years ago when I was loosing a lot of hair and doing all the other methods, that I would think to my self that I would never go the hair transplant route because of fear of the procedure/pain/would it look natural/cost to much etc haha Yeah, it’s pretty liberating, I blame a lot of my early-hair-greying on the stress and worry of having lost hair haha Is there something stopping you from going for an HT? Or are you just taking your time doing your research for one down the road?
  6. You’re welcome! Thanks! Yeah your progress looks on track and plenty of time ahead, I’m even seeing slight thickening improvement even at almost 13 months post-op. Always benefitial to keep heathy and a good routine.
  7. Thanks man! Much appreciated! Yeah, it has, it’s been a great confidence booster and it’s great not having to stress and panic about all the little thing that affected me before the procedure i.e. Constantly wearing hats to cover up, wind, rain, beach, formal events etc. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
  8. Looks really good thus far! And thanks, I appreciate the compliment!
  9. Very nice progress for your 4th month, I really like the V-shape hairline that Dr Erdogan did for you it fits your appearance and it’s not too high nor too low. Good times ahead! 👍🏻
  10. Thanks man! in regards to your question, I did shed probably close to a dozen hair with my daily shampooing but honestly I wasn’t sure if it was just my native hairs or any of the transplanted hairs but it was likely native hairs as I don’t think at such a new growth stage that the new graft hairs would shed at 6-months unless there was some underlying condition, so I think that’s normal. The new hair if growing to maturity should be permanent. Now I will say I do think I may have accidentally tugged out a short fine graft hair here and there early on when combing but I’ve noticed they’ve grown back, so I definitely recommend not stressing the new hairs with too much combing/styling/styling products even at 6-months, just let them grow and gain strength otherwise you’ll have to wait another month or so for a new hair to take its place and the whole time you’ll be stressing that the hairs are gone for good.
  11. Almost at my 13th month post FUE procedure and I thought I’d take some photos of my progress from having started microneedling/minoxidil/Nizoral around 6-weeks ago to see if I could improve my midscalp and crown coverage/density. Photos are of angles I don’t think I’ve posted before and with bright direct close up camera flash and without flash in normal lighting (lit hallway). Note that my scalp is slightly pinkish as a result of having gently microneedled earlier in the day and applied Minoxidil an hour or so after. Overall I’m really happy with the progress and will continue to see if any more improvement in my stubborn areas and areas were not enough grafts were implanted.
  12. Work looks nicely done and you’re healing very well! Looking forward to your progress, happy growing!
  13. Congrats buddy! It looks great! What an improvement from even your 10th month photos! Yeah, I agree, the progress can possibly continue at 12 months or even more as I am noticing slight improvement in thickening and in close to 2-weeks as well, It’ll be my lucky number 13th month. 🍀😀
  14. That microneedling link you linked is info for microneedling on the face not scalp so information is slightly different. But in short: Dermaroll 1 time a week using a 1-1.5mm roller/stamp/pen Wait 24/hours to apply minoxidil. Take photos to monitor your progress.
  15. I would not purchase the one you linked, I would purchase a derma stamp or pen instead. Go on the Tressless Reddit page any you’ll find your answers to your specific questions. Good luck.
  16. Here are some links you might want to check out if you haven’t already: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4812284/ https://www.hairguard.com/sebum-buildup/ https://www.hairguard.com/amazing-benefits-of-emu-oil-for-hair-growth/
  17. I believe it’s from the natural acids and nutrients in the oils that help give follicles some nutrition to gain strength and grow. There was a study long ago how pure Emu oil helped with hair loss/growth down to the follicle root level and if I’m correct it’s the only oil that’s able to penetrate to deeper layers of the skin, I use it also for cuts or burns/sun burns and it has healed my skin faster, the Aboriginal in Australia have used it for hundreds of years or more and I’ve never seen a bald Aboriginal haha. Edit: i also theorize that using a good clean pure Coconut/Emu/Jojoba oil a few nights a week in scalp massages helps prevent the newly implanted grafts from being suffocated by sebum, since the new growing follicles need to gain strength from the newly created nerves that the body producing too much sebum due to graft/follicle/scalp dryness, could be detrimental in those early stages of growth and having clogged suffocated grafts which has been shown to block growth and that utilizing oils that penetrate deep enough tells the body not to produce as much sebum as there is oil there already (not really “inhibiting” sebum but competing with), also, that these oils viscosity don’t get to the point of hardening as sebum tends to, also sebum can harbor DHT that at such an early stage could also be detrimental even if the grafts are “genetically” resistant. But this is just my Bro-scientific theory.
  18. Oh I see. If you’re not doing so, I do recommend using organic virgin coconut oil or pure 100% emu oil as a nightly scalp massage , i alternated between both from after my 1st month post up even up until now but just a couple or a few nights now and I really feel it helped me.
  19. Ahh I see, well then this is great! I think you’re doing a good job covering all your bases in gaining some success, are you using Nizoral shampoo as well?
  20. To me it looks like your midscalp towards your crown has thickened up which if that’s the case that’s fantastic. It seems reasonable to assume that you’ve shedded some native or new hairs from switching Minoxidil types but I see shedding as a positive in that new stronger hairs will replace them, sort of miniaturizing in reverse.
  21. Hi man, from the looks of you 4th month photos your progress looks good, but the growth process has just started for you so more to look forward to. The photo you took that’s not in such bright direct light/sunlight makes the “illusion” of thickness look better. Also, nice data compilation by @LordBaldwin! 👍🏻
  22. Looks like some improvement and donor looks good. I’m not so sure I agree with the rely you got back from the clinic that all your grafts have “popped” out at 6.5 months, I saw some new sprouted grafts even in months 7-9 and some in my hairline at month 10, and the info graphs on HT timelines that I’ve seen show 30-40% possibly more new growth.
  23. The first 2 screenshots are from my side donor area like I stated it’s tricky to capture more detail in areas with still lots of hair and it’s still early for me but even if new hair doesn’t grow due to the scar tissue i don’t see why new growth couldn’t be stimulated in the spaces in between the scars giving some density, it’s not going to happen overnight, but get a Derma Pen and be consistent and use minoxidil 24-hours on the area.
  24. Here is another angle, please note this is from my receded temple area.
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