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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. With you type of loss, whic appears to be hairline and temples this pics are worthless. We Need to see the porportions (1/3 rule) from front and side to estimated the required amount of grafts. Of course a transplant is just an Illusion, but it can be a good one. Just look at the top cases in here.
  2. Best is you contact the clinic. I read in here some members claimed 1 year wait for consultation, 1-2 for surgery and 9-10 Dollar per FUE graft.
  3. Clooney has just great hair and no transplant. It just appears that way, cause he shaved his hairline in ER (Simliar to V. Karheiser in Mad Men). Therefore, you will never reach his status even with the best clinic. If you have minmal loss, only looking for the hairline and you have great hair/skin characteristics you can get a great, natural result. You should go to a clinic with specializes on that and dr. doing most of the work) My favorits for such cases: - Konoir (he is above the others for such a case and would be my choice but waiting list and prices are insane) - Couto - Keser - HLC - Kaan (reltively unkown as he is not long independent but much cheaper than the rest) - Lupanzula From the clinics with a more technician based approach, who still do great hairline work I like: - Rahal - Feriduni The latter one would be on top of my list also for bigger cases. For Rahal I would prefer FUT in case of bigger areas.
  4. A lot of grafts for just the front. But also an amzing natural result. The haircut also shows the great work at the donor.
  5. Nice result, but also a proof that the crown eats up a lot of grafts. Maybe amplified as this is rel. low #of multis and average diameter. How someone can call this "see through" is beyond me.
  6. Any updates. YOu should be close to a final result by now taking your progress into account.
  7. This is not 2400 grafts. It is 1270 FU and 1610 Mircografts which contains much more hair, but can look very unnatural. (besides the bad math).
  8. You came a Long way. Congrats. I agree one temple is behind and it is doubtfull (not impossible) that it will fill in. Personally I belive, you can add a non-shaven touch-up of approx. 250 grafts and you will have an absolute amazing result. Without doing anything you still look good and age approbriate without anything to worry. From this distance I also do not see the micro scaring and doubles as I did before. Whatever you do: Enjoy your hair.
  9. Dr. Feller ?hh Dr. Lindsey, this is not (!) a good case to promote FUT vs. FUE. This is just a case of a repair from a butcher clinic. To give the impression that this is a FUE "Problem" you sell yourself cheap. Sorry, I like your work, but this needs to be said.
  10. I think it would be very interesting. Bisanga was on my list as well. But he was the only top surgeon with 1-2 cases of mistakes in craftmanship (unfortunately every clinic has bad growth results).
  11. Intersting, especially the part about the shedding. As shedding is uncommon with FIN, I thought the same about DUT. Keep us updated...not too many Long time reports with DUT.
  12. This looks early but normal. The issue is your plan to go to a wedding 20 days post surgery. Buzzing or shaving is not recommended yet and even concealers are not recommended by many clinics at this early stage (even though this maybe is due to them beeing overly cautious).
  13. Yes, everything ok so far. But scabs should fall off within the next 7 says or so.
  14. These are scabs, I have seen them very often, I did not have them at least not in a similiar manner. I gues it also depends on the protocol of your clinic.
  15. Jean, looking great. You are clearly a controversial figure in this Forum, due to your age (and the amount of grafts) and your outspoken personality, but without you this Forum would be lesser in many ways. Very brave to adress you personal goals and I wish you the best that you can achieve what you are looking for. Personally I would not have lowered the hairline further. But I am also older which maybe changes the perspective. Grow well and thank you for your support.
  16. You are right, same for me. He took a lot of time with the design even though we just built a small part of the hairline in my case. Grow well!
  17. Wow, a lot of grafts and really a new Person. What a difference hair makes...
  18. I 2nd this opinion. H&W and Rahal are in my top listed FUT clinics. Even though I have seen nice FUE results they are not (yet) in my top at FUE. I have never heard about your third option, but Konior is great so this clinic might be great too. I just wonder why the original is not on your list? Anyway: I would go with H&W or Rahal but with FUT in your case. That would make sure that you have left enough donor for the future in case sth goes wrong and you could get a great result in one pass if it is going nice.
  19. I really like your work. Clean, with and eye to the details and very natural. You really stand out to even the best clinics I have seen in this and other forums. In non of your work I would have guessed that the patient had a hair transplant (and with dark hair this is even more difficult). I think this is the most important, even more than density.
  20. Looks very clean and the donor appears almost untouched after just a couple of days. Great that you did not lower the hairline much at the Peak. With this big temple rebuilt you are a very difficult case and I wish you the very best.
  21. Unfortunately this is not a very good result. You should discuss with the clinic what happend. Even you stronger side is not really great as it is too sparse and a Little pluggy. Also 2000 FU seems low for the area to cover from the start. Before you waste further grafts you should get more info about what happend. DO you have pricture of the donor and the recipient with the graft Placement? Good luck.
  22. Dr. Konior showed in one of his last posts that there hair diameter of the same regions can be very different. I really assume that smaller caliber hair was selected for the hairline. Interestingly we have a lot of People complaining about a hard "unnatural" hairline recently...and you have a perfect soft hairline and think about shaving. It is really also a matter of taste. Personally I think it will mature just a little more, and your hairline will be perfect.
  23. Actually I like it with that Baby hair in front. Looks very natural. I assume smaller Diameter hair was chosen for the hairline which needs longer to mature.
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