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Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Pete-from-Farjo

  1. Yep looks ok to me. If you're unsure though I'd suggest taking photos at regular intervals in identical lighting to compare over time.
  2. It's certainly quite bizarre. Just like the man himself.
  3. Congratulations. The work looks good as usual from Dr. Bisanga. Now the long wait begins!
  4. This patient is in his late 50's and had a procedure just under 6 months ago. Lots more to come but for now the fun has begun. He has very fine hair quality, and received 3450 follicular units with an average hair count of under 1.8 per unit.
  5. Welcome back! Looks excellent and certainly holding up well.
  6. Huge improvement! He must be so happy with this. Looks so much more natural now. Congrats.
  7. Finasteride is certainly a long term commitment. As Matt says, you could try it for six months to see if your body tolerates it ok. If you can stabilise or even improve your situation then it makes things easier to plan moving forward.
  8. You may well be right Ernie, guess he'll never know. Glad it's been so effective for you.
  9. All the best with this Mikey. Seems you've had it tough with shock loss so fingers crossed this works out for you.
  10. Good point Spanker. He is currently taking them. Will update this soon.
  11. Hi Shampoo, I replied without noticing the size of FUE procedure you were referring to. 2700 grafts by fue is a big procedure and would certainly require a lengthy amount of 'face down' time. To give you an idea, I myself underwent a 2000 graft fue procedure with Dr. Lorenzo when he worked alongside us in 2013. The extraction time was probably around five hours and I was face down for around half of that time. Pete
  12. You can probably expect to be in that position for an hour or two but you may be allowed a brief rest occasionally as well. Also don't forget they'll be taking grafts from the sides as well so you won't always be facing down.
  13. This is an interesting case in that the patient first came to see us nearly 20 years ago when he was in his early 20’s as he had very minor thinning. At that time he did not want to consider any form of medical therapy. We dissuaded him from the surgical path and reviewed his situation every couple of years. He then went to work away and we saw him a few years later and suggested a period of stabilisation with meds, which he agreed to. Finally last September we did a procedure of 3560 grafts via FUT. He will be coming in to visit in the next few weeks and we will add the full set of post-operative pictures at 10 months post op.
  14. Interesting and informative video. Hope you can update us on this case as it progresses. Nice work.
  15. You do appear to have quite a wide area of slight thinning in your crown unfortunately. As others have said though, you may well be able to arrest this with medication. All the best and keep us posted.
  16. Congratulations. Look forward to following your progress.
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