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Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Pete-from-Farjo

  1. 'Affordable' is a relative term depending on each persons financial situation, but to most people the cost of a transplant is a significant amount. If it is performed by a reputable clinic then it absolutely will look natural. Do lots of research, check out lots of results on here and take your time before making any decisions.
  2. We hope to share more fue cases over the coming weeks and months. I'm awaiting confirmation on pricing and will let you know asap. Pete
  3. Hi wibbles, The techs place the grafts as is the case in most clinics. They have all been meticulously trained by Dr. Farjo and some of them also by Dr. Lorenzo during his year with us. The extractions and creation of recipient sites are always performed by the doctor. I believe consultations would be limited to week days only but I will get back to you on this.
  4. No harm in emailing again just in case it's slipped through the net.
  5. You seem to be healing really well. You and the doc have done all you can to ensure a good result, just got to let nature take its course now:)
  6. Nice video. Hopefully we'll get to see how this progresses. (The food looked delicious!)
  7. My guess would be temporary shedding. You should know for sure over the next few months. Best of luck with it.
  8. I was surprised at Berbatov's transformation. Didn't know he'd had work done. I feel he would really benefit from having temple work though.
  9. I agree. Your not half way yet. I've seen cases where the real growth has kicked in after seven, eight, even nine months so plenty of time for yours to thicken up.
  10. It sounds like you chose a good ethical clinic for your consultation. One that wasn't just interested in how much cash they could extract from you. Recommending finasteride first is usually a good idea (unless the patient is very bald already). You should have an idea after six months or so as to whether it's working for you, and also to see if your body tolerates it without any side-effects. All the best.
  11. Thanks David. As you say, fue is certainly increasing in popularity so it's good to have all bases covered.
  12. David, I asked Dr Farjo for his thoughts. They are as follows: Pete. We have almost every tool there is to have Manual Titanium punches Manual cole punches Cole vortex machine Ertip machine Harris SAFE system and HEX punches And of course the ARTAS Robot Following the year we had with Dr Lorenzo here in Manchester we picked on his excellent manual technique and continued to use it after he left. It is time consuming however for me so we took on young Dr Rachael Kay who spent almost a year with us training almost exclusively in this manual technique and now she is producing excellent manual harvesting results up to 1500 per day and has been a Farjo surgeon since June 2015 The ARTAS robot has also continued to develop in efficiency and adaptability to the various patient characteristics since we first had it in 2013. It is now an excellent tool to have in our armoury. In general we use what we need to keep transection rates low, hairs per graft high and reasonable tissue around the graft. For me personally, if the graft numbers are above say 1200 then I will use the ARTAS first. I'm very confident now with my skill and experience with it. If all is well with regards to the above criteria then everyone's happy. If not, I will switch over to manual or mechanised sharp punches. I'm always happy to try new ideas and tools as I come across them
  13. This patient is in his mid 30's and was interested in boosting the front and top. The procedure was carried out 15 months ago and he is pleased with the outcome. He began using Finasteride 3 months prior to treatment. He received 2270 grafts by FUE with an average hair per graft count of 2.4.
  14. Very much depends on how much native hair you have. If transplanting into a totally bald area, it's going to take a lot of grafts and surgeon skill to make it look dense.
  15. It can seem a long, tedious waiting game, you've just got to try not to fixate too much on it, and just remind yourself that as each day goes by, you're a day nearer to where you want to be.
  16. On the shave issue, something you could consider is to shave your head (or cut very short) a few weeks before your procedure. That way, family, friends, work colleagues etc will get used to your new look and not be so suspicious or questioning when you get your ht done. Edited to say I've just seen that you've already had a procedure before so shaving is probably not a viable option. You could still try cutting your hair as short as possible though, while still hiding your scar.
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