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Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Pete-from-Farjo

  1. Good to hear. All the best with it and look forward to your write-up.
  2. This patient initially had surgery elsewhere. He was happier than originally but slightly disappointed with the overall density achieved. We used a two prong approach of additional treatment and hair medications. He now feels that he is where he wants to be and no longer worries about his hair. We transferred 2,550 grafts by FUT with a hair count of just under 6,000 hairs.
  3. You're approaching four months now so this is where things should really start to take off. Hang in there, the next couple of months should see significant improvement.
  4. Clearly a significant improvement there. Very natural looking. At 8.5 months, you're probably seeing pretty much your final result, with just perhaps some maturing/thickening to come. Congrats.
  5. Your donor looks good judging by the pics. You're in very safe hands with Dr. K and I'm sure his 'plan of attack' will be a sensible one. All the best with it.
  6. It does look like you may have limited donor but pics can only say so much. I'd strongly advise that you get an in person consultation with a reputable ht surgeon to accurately evaluate your donor supply.
  7. All looks well. You've made it through the tricky first couple of months. Should be all good from here.
  8. That's one killer head of hair! Most of us on here would sell our own grandmothers for hair like that:D
  9. Latest pics look good Petchski and glad to hear you've made it through the difficult first couple of months. Look forward to your next update.
  10. I would suggest a max of 2000 grafts would be sufficient. That should blend nicely with your native frontal hair. You're at a good age for your first transplant and your donor appears good. Best of luck with it.
  11. That looks excellent. You must be delighted. Congrats.
  12. He's certainly had an impressive result. I couldn't believe the transformation when I first noticed it last season. Not sure who performed it but it looks like really good work. He's still very young though so hopefully he's not used up too many precious grafts which may well be needed further down the line.
  13. Beautiful natural hairline! Be good to see graft placement pics if possible. Well done.
  14. This patient came to us around 18 months ago. He is in his mid 50's, has fine hair and was not overly concerned with his loss but simply wanted in his own terms to "freshen things up a bit" We did a relatively small session of 1600 grafts via FUE and it seems to have done the trick for him. He does not want any further treatment and is happy that no-one has picked up on his change. Except for comments from his friends that he seems to be looking better but they cant seem to realise why.
  15. If you spend plenty of time researching and checking out other's results on here, you'll begin to get an idea of the surgeons who are consistently producing good fue results. If you choose a reputable clinic you shouldn't need to have any concerns about being 'left in a mess' as you put it. Of course, you'll look a bit beat up for a few days but by two weeks you'll be pretty much healed with very little evidence of having had anything done. You owe it to yourself to take your time and not rush into any quick decisions based on any old clinic's promises. Have you considered trying finasteride? A lot of people have real success with it in halting their hairloss and if you could stabilise things it would make it much easier re planning an ht. It's worth you emailing a few clinics some pics of your hair and also visiting some in person to get an accurate idea of what can be done for you. Finasteride/minoxidil would also be discussed as an option. It sounds like you've had a pretty rough time of it. Having comments shouted at you like that in public is awful. Try to reminder though, we can't affect what others do and say, only how we choose to let it affect us. It's clear that it's that drunk bloke who's got the problem - not you. And he's just one idiot individual. You'll have seen hundreds of other people that night who wouldn't even have noticed your hair, let alone choose to insult you about it. Try to stay positive. There's help out there for you.
  16. Hi. If you are able to take a couple of weeks off work you should be quite well healed by the time you return. You may still have noticeable signs of redness though. Also it's worth shaving your hair a few weeks before hand so your work colleagues get used to seeing you like that and it will not be a novelty when you return. All the best with it.
  17. That is going to be one killer hairline! Look forward to your updates.
  18. Those extraction and graft placement pics look excellent. Hopefully we'll get to see that case develop also. Nice work Dr. Harris.
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