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Everything posted by Louisjams

  1. I am not saying he cannot have HT, but he needs to be very careful. The NW7 case you posted, while impressive, is not something that most people could undergo or afford.
  2. Just my two cents, but I think this does not look as bad as you think it does. You are no doubt somewhat overharvested, but you have good color and coarseness to your remaining donor hair and if you grew your hair a bit longer this would be even harder to detect. You may wind up with shock loss in the donor site after donor to donor transplant, and some of that hair may be permanently lost. I fear you are chasing a result that you may never get and you may always be dissatisfied. For the readers of the forum, this shows that 3K grafts by FUE can sometimes result in overharvesting. I see a lot of guys here getting huge transplants via FUE and you can tell from the surgical pics they will wind up overharvested. Those people do not always repost in a year to show their donor. For a lot of guys 3K is more than they can move, especially in one setting. Be careful everybody.
  3. You could probably find surgeons to do a limited HT on you (most likely FUT) and/or BHT, but the real question is would the risk be too high? Most people's donor looks thinner when it is cut short as yours is, but no doubt your high norwood status makes things challenging. A limited HT might frame your face a bit and restore some of the top and the front, but the danger is you have a poor outcome and end up looking artificial. Sorry you are dealing with this.
  4. Most FUT scars are very good. A small amount are wide or prominent, but most are very hard to see. A number 3 or 4 should fully cover it.
  5. Some here might disagree, but maybe start off with less than 3k, see how it goes, and make a decision about a 2nd procedure after.
  6. Single operator studies have low reproducibility and are of lesser value.
  7. Although these boards tend to focus on very large HTs, your donor may not support it. 3k is a decent amount of grafts and if you fill in the front and top you may have a good result and walk away a winner. Do not overharvest your donor-that will lead to ruin.
  8. When you look at surgeon websites, and you should look at a lot of them, look for people with significant experience in women who have similar hair loss to you. That is your best bet.
  9. I think ARTAS results look good. I think that ARTAS donor areas look very good after surgery, which might be more important.
  10. This post is good in that it shows the extreme feelings hair loss generates in people. To the OP, what you are interested in is not a good idea and a doctor would be very unlikely to accede to such a request.
  11. SMP might be tough for you as your hair is fair and you are very light skinned. Perhaps grow your hair a bit longer so you can style it a bit and cover your FUT scar, which in and of itself is not that bad looking.
  12. Hey congratulations. This looks to me like a very nice result. Well done!
  13. I frequent this board, as well as other hair loss/hair transplant boards. I feel like, across websites, I am seeing a significant rise in the incidence of overharvesting in FUE. Granted, this has always been an issue, but now that FUE is being practiced extensively and that we are seeing a lot more patients undergoing larger FUE sessions, including megasessions, this seems to be happening more and more. I, for one, find this very alarming, especially when I see it happen to a young person who will have to deal with this problem for decades. Are other people noticing this trend as well and becoming concerned about this?
  14. Hey man sorry you are dealing with this. A few thoughts: 1) I agree with you that you got overharvested. 2) IMHO, it really does not look that bad compared to a lot of similar cases. From the back it is not really cosmetically significant to my eyes (i.e. yes you can see that you were overharvested, but most uninitiated people on the street would NEVER know it). 3) Your surrounding hair is dark and coarse, which helps you a lot. If you either grew your hair out a bit, used fibers, had SMP, or some combination thereof you could probably get good camouflage to this area. 4) Even if you did nothing, many people would not even notice.
  15. Agree, within the realm of normal. Some people just scab/crust more than others.
  16. First, do not panic from some of the negative comments. 1000 grafts for an FUT is not a lot in 2020 but for many years that was not an unusual number of grafts so you are within the realm of reason. Better too few than too many, IMHO. 2nd it does not look bad and you just have to wait and see how it turns out.
  17. First I am sorry you are dealing with this at such a young age. I started losing my hair very young and very fast and know how painful this is. Second, you can certainly try meds-even a modest gain would probably make you feel a lot better. Third, depending on your donor you might be able to have a HT done to restore the top and front of your scalp. Again, even a modest improvement might do wonders for your state of mind. More pics would help. Hang in there bro. You are not alone.
  18. Keep us posted. I worry a bit about your donor as that was a big surgery for you but looks like you are on track to a good outcome.
  19. You are getting good advice here. 20 is far too young. The odds of you regretting surgery if you do it now are very high.
  20. Bro I hate to say this but if you are really looking at NW 7 so young in life a HT may give you a lot of heartache and grief. Please be exceptionally careful.
  21. FUT v FUE... the ultimate question. Honestly, you could do both. FUE is definitely more in fashion and FUT is often derided on these boards, but IMHO most FUT scars are very hard to detect and your donor looks good for either.
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