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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. I came across this from a study: The solid grey is the mean, and the stick the Standard Deviation (+ and - from the mean) https://www.jle.com/fr/revues/ejd/e-docs/diversity_in_human_hair_growth_diameter_colour_and_shape._an_in_vivo_study_on_young_adults_from_24_different_ethnic_groups_observed_in_the_five_continents_306744/article.phtml
  2. Did he take a lot of hair from your nape area? Just a theory but I believe hair grows slower in this area, for men at least.
  3. Shock loss in the donor will probably have recovered too, so the doctor can have a full picture of what is left. Also, it is good to see the first HT is successful before proceeding with another
  4. Did you even read the thread? From the outset it was explained that this is a conserative HT. He has very fine hair according to the doctor, and about another 4000 grafts left after this. Only about 1/4 of his scalp was covered so the rest must be reserved for the middle and crown. Not everyone has super thick spanish high density donor hair and cannot expect similar results.
  5. I think 9 months is possible, but only if you have significant growth, say 90%, from the first HT.
  6. 1. Seems ok. My suggestion below. 2. Hard to tell but it looks minimal. Either ask a doctor to look or buy a USB microscope... 3. Fin slows the rot, but doesn't stop it. It works on all DHT prone hair, for most people. The thing is though, if you're going to thin in the hairline first then even with fin, you will still thin there first - just slower than you would have naturally. I've not read the details but the clinical trials for fin probably took hair measurements in the crown, so the manufacturer can only claim it works in the crown. 4. Not the best but you appear to have a lot of donor hair. 5. Maybe dutasteride if you really wanted to go full force against 5 alpha reductase. Tricky finding a doctor willing to prescribe.
  7. I think it comes with the Instagram marketing and cheap $2000 surgeries on offer. People are duped into thinking it's routine like getting a dental implant or something.
  8. I think you're probably good to go. I would choose Bisanga, for his hairlines, and Ferdiuni second. I'm thinking 2500-3000 grafts. You don't want to be dropping the hairline at all. Better to go conservative and have a good hairline with a natural looking recession which works with existing hair.
  9. 1/4 tablet, monday, wednesday and Friday. Try for a month No sides, try 1/2 a mg No sides, try 1mg
  10. It may be too late but it looked real close to the top of your eyebrows. Maybe you can still work the fluid up and to the sides using your first two ✌️ fingers, but it will take time. I did use ice packs. I had a klingon head for about 5 days but avoided the puffy eyes.
  11. Just saw your latest video. I would be massaging that swelling and trying to work the fluid down the sides of your face instead of your eyelids. I had a tough time doing that on my first surgery but it did work, but you've gotta keep on it all the time.
  12. Probably not visible from those angles. It's invisible at grade 4. Just about at grade 3 unless someone was searching for it. Slightly better on the left than right.
  13. Night and day. Essentially it looks like a full head of hair. At 12 months I'll do more varied photos.
  14. Just realised today is 9 months. I've gotten fairly adept at cutting my own hair and tend to keep the crown quite short. If it were longer I'm sure there would be more coverage but it doesn't bother me at all. Favourable versus bathroom lights:
  15. He's a guy that has been around since the plug days of the 70s and 80s. No idea if he's any good to be honest. I would suggest Konior (1 year waiting list) or his protege Nadimi (6 month waiting list?), in Oakbrook Terrace. Also worth checking Panine who is also rercommended on this site.
  16. It's purely guess work. Did your bro have similar hair to you when he was 17, and lost it gradually? You probably have to consider that as the worst case.
  17. Maybe. 1500 grafts maximum in that area, but I wouldnt expect miracles. The existing hair may just get shocked out and replaced by the new hair and you're back to square one. Also, if the doctor is a clown he may overharvest your donor, leaving insuffcient hair to cover the front.
  18. Maybe a bit of thinning which most juveniles experience when moving into adulthood. I recall going from NW1 into NW2 around 15-16 years old, staying NW2-2.5 until early 20s. Probably best to consider how older male family members hair has changed over the years, and consider finasteride in a couple of years.
  19. Donor hair looks normal to me, maybe on the lower density end of the scale. I think you have DPA not DUPA on the top of your head. Diffused Patterned, i.e. crown loss. Finasteride and fibres is your best bet until the area gets really thin, after which a transplant may be worthwhile. The front still looks quite solid apart from perhaps an uneven hairline.
  20. I've been taking it since 2012. On and off for the second half of that year, then various small doses from 2013 to now. No noticable regrowth but far less head hair shedding, which I would caveat by saying I had already lost a lot in a NW4A to NW5A pattern. I don't feel like I get any sides anymore (brain fog). No noticeable progression of hairloss in 7 years.
  21. Apparenlty Wong uses DHI / Implanters for FUE but Hasson doesn't.
  22. There's a poster on here who's aiming to do this and had 1 or 2 HTs already. I can't remember his name though.
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