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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. Diep does not seem to offer good value based on the cost and the fact he has 2 surgeries going on at the same time. The incisions he makes seem in a highly linear fashion designed to save time. He should really work to refine his technique and use smaller FUE punches. On the West coast I'd rather opt for H&W, Gabel or Mohebi. Carman is a solid doctor too but not that well followed or flashy compared to other doctors - probably more conservative as well - but nevertheless ethical.
  2. I did do 0.5mg MWF originally when I was able to buy Propecia brand name at a reasonable price. However, prices went up so I switched to proscar: more difficult to split into roughly 0.625mg. I can only judge my results on minimal head hair shedding, which has stayed low for a long time. I shed way more leg hair tbh in comparison. (body hair shedding said to be a fin side effect). You have to just go by feel in my opinion and I think you're on the right track. I think to get near optimal you need 3 times a week, ideally, at 0.25mg or above. Whatever you can tolerate. Twice a week at 0.5-1.25mg could work also. In both cases you must be consistent over many weeks, months and years. The guy who runs the Bald Truth (SK) used to say he took 5mg once a week. No idea if he still does but he still has hair.
  3. I've taken Fin since 2012. 1mg a day didn't work for me (brain fog). I did one 1mg a week for a few years, then started experimenting with 0.25mg EOD, 0.5mg twice a week, 1.25mg twice a week. Eventually I settled on 1.25mg MWF for about 18 months. I take it last thing before bed to sleep through any sides. There is the chart that shows it takes 7 days for DHT blood levels to return to normal after a single dose. Based on that, I think 3 times a week is enough, maybe even twice, if you take it consistently.
  4. Low 1000 grafts for sure, but is the risk worth it? Would it change your life significantly?
  5. You can pick and choose the grafts you want with FUE, hence more density can be achieved graft for graft. (The doctor can selectively target follicles with 3 or 4 hairs.) As others mentioned, this comes at additional cost.
  6. I'm on enforced working from home, probably until next year, so not a lot from co-workers. A few friends who know have said it's 'practically a full head of hair'. It's still a bit wiry as you can see in the photo, so looking forward to it maturing in the next year.
  7. I wouldnt change a thing if I had to start this over again. I guess I like the artistry and what a dramatic difference a HT can do to someones appearance, which is why I stick around.
  8. 7 months. Only subtle changes since last month. I'll probably wait another 5 before another update.
  9. When it's all said and done I suspect this may eventually look a bit thin in the hairline area. You needed more density there to create a bit of barrier, and a less see-through hairline. From what I understand, Bosley tend to charge a lot and rarely do sessions over 2000 grafts. That way, the client always comes back for more. They run 4-5 surgerys simultaneously so cannot do large sessions.
  10. With travel, I think I paid around £27,500 in total, adjusting for the varying exchange rates. The exchange rate for the first one was best, but what you really need is the good old days of the mid 2000s when £1 got you $2.05.
  11. Dr Konior, although he may suggest FUE into scar instead, perhaps with beard hair. Dr Gabel another good choice, and Dr Lindsey. These guys started as board certified in head/neck surgery so more proficient in scar work.
  12. When it comes to the day of the surgery, if Dr K found any issues with your donor he would refund your money and send you on your way. He's that type of doctor, without a doubt. Maybe you have always been losing ground but only now is it getting to a %age where it is noticeable. At 30 you need to be prepared to go back in the next 5-10 years for a top up. Perhaps you could try adding in DUT. Those Doctors at the Knudsen clinic might be able to do Skype consultations and be able to remotely issue you a script. From watching them on youtube they seem willing to put people on it, if fin is losing effectiveness. I believe you are in lock down but they can do you a microscopic examination once that's lifted.
  13. Yes, if you can stop the rot or at least slow it down. MWF or even MF may work for you.
  14. I have seen good results on reduced dosages such as this: Decent results with MWF 0.25mg:
  15. Different lighting but it looks like success to me. With DUT and FIN I would not bother with anything else: these are the gold standard. Maybe you could go to a hairdoc to see which areas are (/were) thinning, just to get a feel for what your NW pattern might have been.
  16. You need to do some research, starting off with supply and demand. Before he was bald he probably had 50,000+ hairs that were lost. 1 large hair transplant might provide 7500 hairs in one sitting, the second 5,000 and a 3rd, lets say 2,500. That's 15,000 hairs trying to replace over 3 times as many... ..So they have to be strategically placed and styled to give the best cosmetic effect. Thin areas have to be accepted as you cannot recreate good coverage everywhere. ..and hair transplants take at least 12 months to grow as hair is shocked out about 2 weeks after surgery.
  17. I did after 14 days but only went about 50% on 1 rep maxes. Go for reps instead of lifiting heavy for the first 2 weeks.
  18. Nothing to worry about. I had some asymmetry myself around 5-7 months and it evened out eventually.
  19. A theory is that minoxidil keeps hair in the growth phase for longer. If you stop using it you might experience say a 15% loss of density as some of those hairs may decide to shed. If it is in an area that regrew hair significantly when you started using it, then unfortunately the results will likely reverse after a couple of months. I think my doctor's instructions were to stop min a day or two prior, but it can be restarted to non-transplanted areas after about 7 days. It could be applied to grafted areas about 3-4 weeks afterwards. Don't quote me, but that is my vague recollection.
  20. Hairline lowering surgery has the advantage of 'instant results' aside from the scar in the hairline which needs to heal. Not many doctors perform this but I know Dr Konior and his protege Dr Nadimi can do it. FUT and FUE you have to wait 6-12months to see results. For FUT you could also look at Dr Bloxham in New York. He has a lot of youtube videos. FUT in the UK is only two options: Dr Farjo and Dr Ball (the Maitland Clinic in Portsmouth area I think). There is also Hair Restoration Blackrock in Dublin too.
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