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Everything posted by Petchski

  1. Cheers for the comments, at 5 and a half months now and I can still see new hairs coming through in my magnified mirror. My current pics do look similar to pre op because all the transplanted hair was put in to my current hairline, rather than push it down, and I buzzed my head to a grade 4 before taking the pics, although, looking straight on my hairline already has more shape and definition than pre op. Months 6, 7, 8 will be decisive and i'm sure they will fly by, as i'm not paying much attention to my hair. On month 6 I will post all photos outside
  2. Definite improvement Pearson, you sorted the follculitus problem out then?
  3. Hi Joel, Congrats on choosing a good doc, I had my transplant with Dr F at the end of January, 5 and a had months now and everything going well. The worst part of a transplant is the waiting for it to grow, the procedure itself is a piece of cake. Good luck and definitely post photos when you can
  4. Cheers guys, Taking photos is really quite frustrating, trying to get the level of light right so it's not too bright or too dark. With my hair being so short I don't any feathering effect, but it looks better in person than I captured on these month 5 photographs. I'll add some more pre op photos that are with shorter hair. I have been on propecia for ages but it works and I don't want to try Avodart. EDIT: pre pre ops added
  5. Probably a silly question but is this guy definitely not taking any other hair loss medication?....If not, then hair has definitely thickend up some and is very encouraging....for young guys with early loss at the least. Thanks for posting these pics.
  6. Unfortunate looks like he will bald to a NW6 level and I don't think he's taking anything to prevent further loss, Weighted transplants are nothing new, normally carried out on patients who are very bald or older, i'm sure there are examples also on Dr Feller's website. This is the best way for Unfortunate to get good coverage, especially in light of his poor yield, possible vascular issues.
  7. Your camera sucks balls, hard to tell...looks like you have plenty left, but if you're not on propecia get on that for 12 months first
  8. Any more info dude, doc, pics? We are information and pic junkies here and it helps give more accurate advice... I'd book a consult with Feller, shipiro etc as both do FUE, but strip could be best, all depends but I feel these two surgeons will give you honest advice.
  9. Howdy there my hair loss brethren, Month 5 has descended upon me and is already shooting by to month 6, first three months are slow as hell, the rest flies by, that's how it's been for me so far. Anyway I've updated my blog with current pictures, i'm happy with how things are progressing, yet to be seen where my result will fit on Petchski's rating of hair transplants, here's an introduction inspired by all participants on HTN. Butchered! - Self explanatory Low growth result - Either down to poor work or bad physiology Poor result - poor planning and placement by docs/techs, ridging, patchy growth etc Average result - Growth okay. Good result - good growth and improvement to appearance Awesome result - Great growth and massive improvement, probably great hair characteristics. By going to a top doc you weigh the probabilities in your favour and leave the rest to your physiology. I'll be happy with a 'good' result, but will wait until month 9 or 12 before judging the final result. Very happy with Dr Feller and Spex, they have both responded to all my queries. My top 3 docs are in no particular order, Dr Feller Dr Ron Shipiro Hasson + Wong Would also consider Dr Devroye Dr Cooley Dr Alexander My favourite colour is black and i'm wearing yellow underwear, for the ladies.... questions?
  10. Man, your in good condition despite all earlier not so great sessions. Looks great.
  11. I'd do more research, hoping for the best is a sign you've not researched enough.
  12. I have seen worse, but that's far from optimal. The line swerves on the left side. How was the recipient, any info and pics?
  13. The biggest risk with a 4000K+ session is the scar stretching, the results from the top clinics that are able to do mega sessions are consistently good. The reason some do them and some don't is down to staff size. H+W and Feller etc have a big staff to call on that do shifts of planting the grafts on a patient, they also have more techs cutting the strip and preparing the grafts, so it stands to reason that they can plant more grafts in a day then clinics with a smaller set up. Some Docs may say they don't think it's safe to plant more than 2500, but imo it's more a case of them not being able to plant more than that in a day.
  14. Dermmatch is good, but Nanogen is worth a try also imo, they also work well together...
  15. Looks good to me mate, I'm approaching 5 months and have an area on my right side that looks a tad barren, par for the course, it'll fill in fine, enjoy the shape of that hairline you have going for you there and don't focus on the negative, before you know it that area behind the hairline will fill in.
  16. I agree, early stage of growth is at hand. That beginning of a hairline you see will get thicker and thicker. The first 3 months went slowly for me, but since then it's flew by and already have more hair now at 28 than I had at 20! Feels goood! And still plenty of time left for more. Right side for me is slower than left.
  17. I don't, especially if a guy is making a negative post. Personally, I want to see for myself and make my own mind up, some people see things that no one else does and think they have poor work done, then you see the photos and it's an awesome transplant that most guys would cut their right bollock of for, so I disagree...if the photos are already online especially, what's the problem exactly? If no photos posted online then I agree.
  18. I'd say any of the top rated docs are good with scars, feller, shipiro, H+W etc along with the rest, seen some horrible looking scars from Epstein, but essentially the best rated docs all pretty much use the same closing technique, a patients physiology dictates the overall appearance of the scar.
  19. 10 years ago it was meant to be ready, the same people saying 10 years, 10 years ago are still saying 10 years, then it will be another 10 years etc...
  20. Do you have a pre op picture to compare? Rogaine could help the back, works well along side propecia, which you would be wise to take to keep the rest of your hair.
  21. The transplant must of been a breeze compared to Noble, there's an Orwellian turn, nothing Noble about the Noble clinic, shit yes, Noble, no. Although you came out better off than some other ex patients of the Noble clinic that I've seen. I hope Brain hammered home the 'Research' part in his book when choosing a doc. Regards LC, you'll look great a few months
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