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Everything posted by Petchski

  1. Run Forest Run. I wouldn't risk being butchered by a clinic you know nothing about.
  2. What the reason for deleting the Armani law suit thread? Does it have anything to do with the court case?
  3. Thanks Raph, Feeling a lot better about things. I have now re-evaluated and I don't have any shock loss at all. There still is time, but hopefully i'll sneak out the back door and avoid it. p.s buba, hats suck. I've stopped wearing mine despite having what looks like a really bad haircut. Started to like the look of bafflement on people's faces when they look up.
  4. I've used it it mixed with water, no problems. TTO is known to help inflammation.
  5. I remember seeing that years ago. Think it was part of the twilight zone was it not?
  6. Good. The hospital group is such an odious, unsavoury, and greedy company, but they have been here before, they will simply change their name and carry on ripping people off and disfiguring them. How, sleep, night....no idea.
  7. I reckon only the very best Docs will have waiting times, and even they would have reduced by a few months. H/T industry may not have suffered the recession much, but people save for these procedures, but the longer this recession goes on, the more the H/T industry will feel its effects. IMO.
  8. Very nice. Nothing quite like regaining something you thought was lost forever
  9. Cheers GTDL, Eman, agreed. I think it's some of the disreputable doctors that lead people to believe they can go back to work the next day looking fine. Mr GQ - no more gas from the MSM, must have been a one off. my nails are growing faster, not sure about hair.
  10. You have fast growing hair Eman. Looking good, very noticeable improvement from last month. Your friends and family will be astounded by the time you hit month 8!
  11. Flutimide is some pretty heavy stuff, and can be dangerous for the liver. I'm seen photos of people having success with Fluridill, by that I mean maintenance, not regrowth. Personally i'd be more interested in proxiphen or Spiro.
  12. Thanx guys, still early days, but thought I wound put month by month photos up for any newbies so they know what to expect in terms of healing and growth times.
  13. Very nice work, first double crown i've seen restored to her former glory.
  14. Or send an email to spex at spexhair@aol.com Tel: 07849274570 He can get your photos to Dr Feller and he is his UK rep.
  15. Sorry to hear that Tincup. Do you have any pics? It may not be as bad as you think? Also name the clinic you went to, it can help others who may be considering them.
  16. Damn, some fast growers on this site! How was you month 2? no pics from then, but by month 3 you had some coverage back from your native hair....and your latest pics are very pleasing to see. Lovely hair line shape.
  17. Cheers Eman, still not 100% sure on shock loss near the donor, but I think there is. Updated with my 1 month photos on my blog...not much to see, my hair looks bad, take 3+ plus to get back to baseline I think, shock loss/down time are definitely the worst part of the H/T process, not to mention irrational fears, although i'm doing quite well staying away from mirrors. Going to start using dermatch or nanogen on the scar to help conceal it. Bring on month 2, i'm hoping i'm an early grower!
  18. I'm finding it hard to tell if I have shock loss in the recipient as mine was shaved as well and looks bald-ish...could just be the shortness though... Pimples, mmm I think I have had one and that's it, but it seemed to go on its own. Going to post my 1 month photo tomorrow. Probably only have a bout 10% of the grafts left. p.s your more likely to have pimples I feel cos you had a higher graft count, and Rahal really knows how to pack them! I hear hot flannels work well.
  19. http://hair-restoration-info.c...=669109251#669109251 For anyone researching this doc see this thread for more info
  20. http://hair-restoration-info.c...6060861/m/3801092563 see this thread for more info of Dr Kiely
  21. Not to mention the other thread with clearly photo shopped before and after results. I'd say this guy is a joke, but there is nothing funny about ripping people off and leaving them in a worse situation than they were before they had the misfortune to fall prey to odious greedy morale less scum bag. I bet the guy shilling in this thread, Coolpix or whatever was Dr Kiely. BUYER BEWARE!
  22. Next stop, staple removal! The redness should fade quickly, by week 3 you will probably have lost most of the grafts. At this point the initial elation has evaporated and you realise you strapped in for a long flight to a destination you can't wait to reach. That's my story anyway, but we are all different. congrats of your procedure.
  23. Hey GTDL - check HH's blog -> My Hair Loss Weblog that didn't work...it's on page 1 in his sig. he went to Dr True, but no pics after 3 months
  24. Any updates from Irish homer? eift2add - found it http://hair-restoration-info.c...861049373#3861049373
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