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Everything posted by Petchski

  1. Assess the evidence, go on other forums and ask questions about AHS, this company is as corrupt as they come. There are negative posts all over the internet about AHS, how many ex employees do you have?, and why are they all so disaffected? Oh, that's right, because you're using it as an excuse for all the bad press you get from ripping people off and selling poor merchandise. FACT. The wigs you sell are poor quality and very expensive, better wigs can be purchased from other companies for a quarter of the price that you charge. I used AHS for the laser therapy with minoxidil, lasers are an unproven treatment for hairloss. I was charged ??3000 for 12 sessions plus minoxidil which can be purchased for $12/??10 on the internet. My bad, I was desperate and therefore ripped off by the AHS salesman who used every sales trick in the book and is used to preying on desperate people.
  2. Thanks man, at 7 weeks today, some minor regrowth...I'll post pics a week today for my 2 months pics.
  3. A or B, Though if you give him another chance he'll probably carry on as before since every single one of his posts have been insulting Dr Feller's work, and patients who are all happy with their results.
  4. 1981 - I've got more hair on my right side at the moment, and i've read numerous posts about this happening, so i'm not concerned as it evens itself out in the end in all the cases of seen.
  5. Armani clinic is best in world, we never lie, and certainly don't threaten to sue or gag unhappy patients with low growth from posting their photos online!
  6. Some do, some don't, but it does make it easier and quicker to place the grafts, probably reduces likelihood of shock loss.
  7. Good post, it is hidden pretty well. I have some nanogen, may shave my head after all if I can get away with it too. I also have some dermatch.... I may play with both and report back here to see which is best.
  8. I'd be happy with the NW3 with vertex thinning look which is pretty much what I have now.
  9. True Ammars, you should chill for a bit, you're starting to sound like his puppy dog. I'm glad you're happy with the work, and from the photos it looks very good. No offence meant, just another opinion.
  10. In the UK the only clinic with proven results is Farjo clinic, but now you have the choice of Europe, Bisinga, Devroye etc.
  11. Maybe it's best for NW7's to do that, depending on their goals, but if propecia can hold out and stop you progressing to NW7 then maybe not. Problem is knowing if you will progress to a NW7.
  12. Treatment wise nothing much has changed. And yes, Dr Alexander has produced some excellent results from the photos on here, and has happy patients from this site.
  13. I noticed recently after my HT that there is no universal time to restart rogaine. I started after 10 days, and I echo Dr Charles about making sure your scalp is ready for it, and will not add to any irritation already present. Also, I noticed after restarting rogaine after 10 days off and a HT, that it made my scalp quite dry. I used Emu oil, which really helped my scalp get back in to top condition.
  14. I don't know, there is not much regrowth as yet, but there is more hair there than month 3. It's certainly coming...
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new...nessman-suicide.html I'm so sick of hearing about people being butchered by this clinic in London, the greed of these people makes me want to burn those responsible. Instead I can only post this on a few forums and hope I help people avoid them and cost them business. This clinic, like bad H/T hair docs, rely and take advantage of ignorance and peoples desperation. If there's a hell, these people will be in it.
  16. Thanks for the post Dr Simmons. It sounds more realistic to me, also means i'm due to be a norwood 6 in later life, glad I went conservative with my H/T. Long live propecia, or hopefully something better in the future.
  17. You'll be in good hands with Dr Feller. You booked a date yet? decided on an amount of grafts?
  18. Advanced hair studio is such a slimy company, I got conned proper by them in my most desperate hour. The place was a joke, paid a ridiculous price for rogaine, stupid sessions under a laser. Sometimes I didn't even get the rogaine as they said they were waiting for delivery, that happened three times! 3k to sit under a laser and get rogaine that I can buy on the net for ??10, what a con! They even joined this forum and replied to this thread accusing everyone one as competitors or ex employees lol That's the kind of company AHS is, Con men laughing all the way to the bank. BUYER BEWARE! Run, their 'hairloss consultants' are just salesman that know nothing about hairloss, they are there to close the sale and then laugh as they con another sucker out of his life savings.
  19. From what I can tell, it does work, but only because it's absorbed in the bloodstream, which means you may as well just pop the pill, as it's easier.
  20. Hard to tell, your photos are too dark. Looks like it could be thicker, but could just be the darkness. Did you get any shock loss at all?
  21. Nice result! Wish I could fast forward to month 4/5, sad really, being young and wishing period of my life away. Good result Dr A, your reputation must be improving every year
  22. Hey Eman, just been looking on your blog again. It rules, but no month 5 photos on it. I've come across guys on propecia and rogaine for 12+ years with no loss from when they started, and had pictures to back up what they said. Also, I believe I've read a stat, can't remember where, that states only 8% of the population ever become a Norwood 7, it quite rare. Nevertheless, still worth thinking about and i'm sure we can hold out 30+ years with treatments and transplants.
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