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Everything posted by Petchski

  1. Fin has higher side effects than Merck lead you to believe. For many the side effects are short lasting and tantamount to adjusting your body to the drug, but for some the side effects can be quite damaging. If you look online you will find people that suffered from androgen sensitivity, but it is rare. You have to bear in mind that some people do overplay the side effects as well and blame fin for everything. We are all different and our bodies react differently to the same stimuli. For the majority of people who get side effects that don't go away when taking the drug, ceasing to take the drug will bring you back to normal. I've been on fin for 7 years and everything is fine, you just have to suck it and see. I got minor side effects when I first took it such as nut ache and watery jizz, but after 3 weeks I was back to normal.
  2. A good policy is that if there is no photographic proof to back up claims of butchery then it should be ignored. Crap clinics are unable to up their game, so they slander against the superior competition instead. Shameful
  3. Hey asasas, The thread you're looking for is probably by a poster called unfortunateht. You're asking the same kind of questions I was asking before going ahead with my transplant, and Dr F said 2/3 patients of his a year will get low growth. I believe he does one patient a day for strip, and maybe one small FUE session a day. I could be wrong on this but I think the main reason for low growth is vascular problems, which is rare. Statistics are on your side.
  4. I 28 years old, NW3V - had transplant about 4 months ago!
  5. Lookin good CB, the hairline has really taken shape
  6. Not heard of your doc before, but the work looks very neat. Should give a good result and maybe one more procedure afterwards will give you a great result.
  7. Yep, ingrown follicle, grew straight in to his brain.... poor sod
  8. I agree, don't see the point messing around with it. I worry about taking propecia, never mind avodart. I've seen people switch on other forums and shed lots of hair, not always gaining it back either. Like Bill says, if you still thinking of going ahead, do more research before making up your mind.
  9. I'm watching this PRP treatment with interest. I would be interested, but would like to see some documented evidence before going ahead with it. Aside from androgens, I think inflammation is a big part of the MPB process, so it sounds good and I may take you up on PRP treatment in the future, and look forward to your documenting of PRP as a possible worthy development in the fight against MPB.
  10. What's the success rate of FUE in to scar tissue, i've heard it's 50/50 whether they will grow...
  11. Awesome hair. Wash and go aye. Head and Shoulders mate.
  12. It looks to me to be a shit advertisement for a crap hair clinic, avoid.
  13. See here dude, all these used this surgeon http://www.hairtransplantnetwo..._doctor.asp?DrID=502
  14. Really looks like a system to me too, unless he's just let his transplant grow and gone for the feathering look, illusion of density and all that... Still think it's a system, no grey or anything, and he's no spring chicken.
  15. At 3 months now, some early growth, I feel things are improving every week now. The photos make it look balder than it looks when I look in the mirror, but improved from month 2 and can't wait until month 4. I need to cut it to match the length of my non worked on areas, not sure how short I can go on the back without the donor scar showing, my hair is pretty fine... Photos on blog.
  16. I like H+W estimates. Remember you have to live with this hairline forever, and you won't be 34 your whole life. Conservative is always best imo
  17. Further evidence that NHI suck! Sorry you got taken for one by these crooks, but if you have not lost all trust and enthusiasm for getting some hair, there are good options available to you to.
  18. I see some improvement! lookin good! Be joining you on month 3 on Monday, A relief to see things getting better huh?
  19. I noticed new growth at 2 months, so yes I believe it possible! Some of the transplanted hair grows in dark and think, but most of it is very fine. Hopefully this means we are early growers and ahead of the curve, hope your redness has settled down some abe.
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