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Everything posted by Petchski

  1. You sound like you're in a good place, I suggest buzzing it for a while and then see how you feel, no need to rush. Look in to propecia too as the docs will recommend this if you do go ahead with a H/T.
  2. Some of them do, that's why you have to take time to find one.
  3. Never knew Dr Alexander had gotten a H/T, and that's testament enough. And yes, the first pic is funny, looks like he's just been admitted to the funny farm,
  4. It would be nice of Dr A to offer you a discounted rate, but he's under no obligation to do so. But saying you have 80% growth is nonsense, more like 30/40% by my reckoning. If not, save up and go to another doc, you have a scar at the back now so if it's economically feasible in the future then get another one and if the same thing happens again then at least you know something about your physiology is not playing ball....maybe a small test case FUE to save yourself the cost and hassle. As already mentioned some hairs in the front look a little wiry still and you could be a super slow responder, and I think you will improve a little more over the next two months, but I doubt it will meet expectations.
  5. BadhairUk, good to see ya about, works looks excellent, and well covered up. I'd say you'll be the finished article for sure when that grows in. You could be a Feller model even before the latest work....And congrats on the woman, we could all do with one in our lives, if only to give the tricep a rest.
  6. Hey I remember this, Dr Feller sorted him out well. He had the same number of grafts as me, looks great!
  7. Unless he wants to get in to a pointless argument with a guy throwing stuff at him, then I doubt he will bother. Strangely, Dr Feller seems to take more stick from people on this board, who just appear to pop up out of nowhere, than any other doctor here, including the butchers and rip off merchants.... Seems every time I come back on this board to update my story someone is taking a pop at Feller, making unsubstantiated claims of this or that etc......yawn etc....
  8. Just after month 9 now, very happy with result from Dr Feller, check my blog for updated photos. Hope everyone is well
  9. It should do, mine took at least 7 months before the other side caught up. Hair looks much improved A-Dogg
  10. I didn't start to relax until after month 5, slow as hell, but plain sailing now. Keep the faith dude
  11. I've seen worse. Chances are it will grow back, the cases i've seen that were worse than your all did.
  12. Hey jont, I had a 1800 graft transplant and wanted it to be real subtle. Most of that was put in zone 1 and 2, and the effect has worked great giving me an improvement without people stopping and asking me what my secret is. Bear in mind hair characteristics too though, as some people's hair is thicker etc.
  13. Spoken like a true troll. Cause havoc, then scarper like a coward and revel in the bad publicity created against your target, while providing no back up information and washing your hands of it all. I know a troll when I see one.
  14. Hairloss is mainly genetic, but there are certain foods which causes insulin to surge and DHT to be released. Things such as bread, pasta, grains, refined carbs etc. Mostly the western style diet, which is shit, any processed food also, including junk food. Whey protein seems fine, but grass fed animals are better than grain fed animals, but mostly grain fed in the west because it's more economical. I've found some guys shed when lifting weights and drinking protein shakes, one way round it is to buy Spiro cream and apply to the scalp before working out, i've read that this works, although I don't shed from exercise or drinking protein shakes, so no need to try it out. I think there is a question over whether its the protein shake making you shed or the testosterone spike from an intense work out. My money is on the testosterone spike. Could be wrong, this is my opinion.
  15. Everything looks good to me Yankee. I've got hair growing through my scar now, and i'm about two months ahead of you. It was not until I hit month 5 that I started to really relax about the H/T. Every month will be an improvement, then one day you'll catch yourself in the mirror and think hang on, this is looking fuller etc.. All the best.
  16. Very impressive. I like how Rahal blended your front nicely with your existing non transplanted hair at the mid and back point. Wouldn't a 2nd transplant there make it thicker than the rest? Great result though, thanks for coming back and posting.
  17. Added month 6 to my blog. Happy with my H/T so far, hope you are all well. Visiting the forum less and less, must be a good sign, although I will come back to update every month Petchski
  18. Very encouraging photos Dr F, clear improvement in my eyes.
  19. Dr R? It looks fine from the photos, which are not very conclusive...looks a bit wild but otherwise looks good. Some of my transplanted hairs are standing straight up, just takes time is all.
  20. Some people find that proscar initially gives them a testosterone surge, hence the increased libido. It will normalise, your socks are safe.
  21. I'm a bit confused on that one too, his crown work looks excellent though, the front looks great, but is this a result of propecia?
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