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Everything posted by Petchski

  1. I also don't see why Lisa Martin didn't just create her own thread, instead of tagging her photos on to this thread? - which is a negative thread towards the HG Group, "Oh I know, I'll put my post op pics from said HG group on a thread where everyone is saying they are butchers" Strange line of thought...
  2. This guys a hack, I heard him on a radio debate about lasers, he was clearly being paid to promote the lasers, and I knew just from listening to him using all sorts of diversionary tactics to avoid answering any important questions about proof of the lasercombe working that he was a slippery inveterate liar, skilled in the arts of ***, as opposed to hair transplantation. What a ***
  3. Yes Bill, hair is looking very good indeed, especially when clicking on the 'before any work' pic and the latest 10 month pic. Hairline is looking thick, crown has improved thickness noticeably, but a little less thick than the rest, but not surprising as your head as biggest at the back, as opposed to my own which is broad at the front.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I'll be around here and there, good to see familiar names. Someone on my blog asked for hair back shot, and a wet one, so i'll add those in a couple of days
  5. VIP treatment... there's Armani further lamenting his reputation for being all about the money. Flash, cash, and cobblestones
  6. I think it's a mixture of ignorance and desperation. Wanting to take of the problem as soon as possible, it's the male mind..problem solvers. Not to mention the greed and sociopathic lying from some of these hair mills. It's all about profit, and not caring about the people.
  7. Your 3 and a half month photos look promising, be interested to see a few up to date ones when you get your cam back.
  8. Not all of them fall out, not in my case anyway...maybe about 15% stayed in and grew, but most will fall.
  9. Hi Chaps, Anyone that didn't notice, I have updated my blog with month 12+. Very happy with the results from Dr Feller, would definitely go back to him when I need another surgery. Feels weird looking through my blog, the anxiety, uncertainty and sheer patience of it, but worth it in the end. I don't feel any different, i'm still the same person....just with better hair, and that suits me just fine. Big props to Dr F, Spex, Bill and all you good good people that make up the HTN community. Peace, and cheese sandwiches
  10. Respect to you Balboa for not backing down and being threatened by Armani's bully boy tactics. You can bet Armani has a firm on a retainer. Pats205 has no class. Telling him that he has the morals of a dodgy used car salesman would be an insult to dodgy used car salesmen.
  11. Before my h/t I wore nanogen often, and was out in bright sunlight, at BBq's etc, and no one ever said anything, hair looked good on pictures. One time I did notice on one pic with the sun brightly shining on my head my hair looked a bit chalky, or dusty...but I never got spotted, and I think that time I put too much on.
  12. Hair looks great and a very honest blog, thank you.
  13. Busted. Never heard of Dr Shitahaystack, but if he worked for Norton clinic then he's about as honest as Bernie madoff
  14. Yeah cheers Maxxy, i'll probably do the same.
  15. Does anyone have a link of where to buy ketomousse? All I could find was some Italian site that I couldn't navigate and I wouldn't mind giving it a try..
  16. Excellent result, really suits you. How short is the hair at the back? What grade is it? a 2? or a 3?
  17. Thana is the obvious fave since he's had a H/T, is smart, diplomatic, and he's a regular poster with a good history of helping people. May as well make some money doing it if you can chap.
  18. lol, I'd prefer her to think I had a transplant than wore a piece I succeeded in keeping my H/T a secret, but it's hard work in the first couple of months, wearing a hat etc..
  19. I doubt they will notice. You look a lot better post op than I did at 2 1/2 months. Nobody directly mentioned my much improved hair from my post op condition, and the hairs grow in so steady that it's hard for anyone to notice exactly what looks different about you.
  20. Problem with LMS is that all of his posts are negative, there is no balance in his posts...He seems to want to bash every doctor over the head with a club, and that normally ends up being good Dr's like Dr A and Dr Feller. He's angry at hair transplant doctors in general because he got butchered, twice. I can sympathise with that, hell I got conned by Advanced hair studio out of 3 grand for sitting under a laser for 40 mins and 12 months worth of minoxidil, of which I only received 7 months worth!!! Bastards got me at my lowest ebb. Nobody is letting Dr A "off the hook" Get some perspective man instead of s*** stirring.
  21. WEll I never, I remember seeing him play one year with great hair, then the next year he was bald, I was thought that was odd, but now the mystery has been solved, poor bastard though, he must of lost very young, and I know how devastating that is. Selah
  22. Bauman is a corporate pimp. I wouldn't even use him as target practice... He reminds me of a pencil with a rubber at the end.
  23. I would like to see John's 7 month pics before commenting fully, but i'm very happy with my ht from Feller, at 10 months now and still got new hair maturing in the hairline. I've had a look over some of your post history john and some photos, and you do seem to be overly fixating on your hair, I think you are your own worst critic, and it is easy to lose perspective when your staring at your noggin day after day...I don't know if you do that, but many do, and it really doesn't help. I drove myself nuts to begin with looking at my head all the time, surprised I didn't go boss eyed! But, as others have said, 7 months repair patient, it takes longer, i've seen it time and time again, probably similar to Spex... who by the way is a life saver in the UK, hell, he should be made a saint if you saw what the clinics in the UK do to people, you'd be doing somersaults if you went to one of them! You strike me as a worrier, paranoid, hard to switch off the brain? I can emphasise with that and your first HT, which you didn;t really need, was poor, still, a lot of cue bald guys would happily swap what you have for their NW4/5/6/7
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