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Everything posted by Curious25

  1. I think people would be naive to suggest a medication that alters your natural hormone profile wouldn't affect people, in equal measure to it being naive to suggest that the same medication would absolutely negatively affect people - we are all unique entities, and each and every one of us will be somewhat differently affected by different things. A single peanut can kill some people, whereas the majority of the world can eat bag after bag, and not offer it a second thought. It is a personal decision, and no one should criticise people's decisions either way. With regards to the 'official data', that shows figures of 5% of users being adversely affected, whether or not you want to believe this data as being absolute or not, that 5% is still enough to put some people off from even wanting to try it, and that is absolutely fine. For others, it may be minimal enough to happily pursue it. I do believe PFS is a thing, because the consultant I visited last year told me that he has had first hand experience working with some of these unfortunate guys, so I don't think people should be mocked for bringing this into conversation either. At the end of the day, we are lucky to have options available to us that don't involve medication - and we are lucky to have these available medication options. Imagine balding in the 70's and 80's? To be honest, I imagine the social scrutiny of image potentially being a lot less so back then, outside the ages of social media etc. However given so many combover hair styles being sported, it clearly still greatly affected men.
  2. Hi Mirko, do you carry out long haired SMP for added density, and if so do you have any examples you could share please? Do you need the recipient area to be shaved down for this, and are the needle strokes/dots any different to that used for the buzz cut affect? Thanks
  3. It will ultimately depend on your scalp laxity, however I would imagine after 3x FUT’s , you’d probably be better served with FUE’ing remaining scalp grafts, and BHT.
  4. Look at @TorontoMan ‘s thread - not too dissimilar to you and be looks great now - thanks to Dr Rahal. I also think De Freitas would be an obvious choice for a case kind this - look at @BjornBorg thread and another user on here had a good one, I think his screen name was Adam something ? Anyway - you’re an easy case for a top surgeon to give you a nice densely packed hairline!
  5. Have you spoke to the doctor in the lab where you got your results, as to why he thinks such a big drop could have happened ?
  6. Yes Yes - but I can't imagine any ethical doctors taking you on. Finasteride will hopefully help you to get back to where you were, but in terms of your hair currently - you could ask some surgeons to measure your density per cm2 - I imagine it will be pretty high still, so they will explain to you how hair transplant surgery is essentially designed to replicate original density, by using half of, if not less most of the time, at clever angles and positioning of the grafts. That will hopefully allow you to understand that, despite it definitely being possible to do, your wish isn't really in line with what ethical hair restoration is about. This can change given the circumstances - for instance, if you were in your late 40's, 50's with this predicament, then surgeons may be more willing to go out and appease you . . however I'm guessing you're under 30, and that being so, it wouldn't be wise to execute what you are wanting to do.
  7. Your lateral humps look nice and dense to extract from.
  8. SMP your donor, Look into docs who are willing to extract more scalp grafts , and prioritise these for strengthening your forelock and hairline areas. Beard grafts can be used to strengthen your midscalp and vertex area (mixed in with some scalp grafts, and potentially SMP also) . . or to help strengthen your donor. I would aim for 600-1000 more scalp grafts, 1500-2000 BHT grafts. This may of course be unachievable, but from the little I can make of your pics, I have seen cases similar from photos, that have been able to do something similar.
  9. Can you post pics of your donor please, and provide more info around your history of Ht’s
  10. Love it. Restored perfectly for the patients age - he has a really timeless classic looking head of hair now for a man going into his 50’s.
  11. Looking good - your native hair seems really strong, so I am surprised that such a large graft count was decided upon for what was pretty minor loss. Either way, I'm sure you have plenty of donor in the bank, and at the end of the 9-12 month mark, you will be looking denser than a hedgehog.
  12. Will never get bored of your journey my man. Are you still planning on documenting your journey of the recipient site transplants you have had?
  13. Which country are you in for gyms to have closed 2 months ago?
  14. I don’t know the conversion maths of what 0.2ml amounts to, but if it is 10mg - 10mg daily is a pretty high dosage.
  15. Well you’ve unfortunately just got unlucky with some pretty crappy, and by the sounds of it, quite unprofessional boxing trainers then I’m afraid - because that certainly wasn’t the case for me, the urological consultant I went to see, had first had experiencing of dealing with PFS patients.
  16. They do - but also conversely, one could argue that they could theoretically make more money from their patients, if they don't commit them to finasteride, and continue to lose hair at a quicker rate than if they were to use some form of DHT blocker, and essentially they'll become life long patients, requiring top up sessions. Anyway, I have my own personal stance on finasteride, and try to keep it as diplomatic as possible on here, because I know its a pretty emotional debate for both parties, regardless of what side of the fence you are on . . . my advice to anyone and everyone, will always be - consult with a doctor who works in the relevant field of medicine, such as a urologist, or endocrinologist. Then make up your mind. My weathered analogy - if you want to improve your boxing - do you speak to John Kavanagh, (Conor McGregors coach), because there are some elements of boxing in his training and sport, or do you give Freddie Roach a call, a specialist boxing trainer, who has dedicated his whole life to the sport?
  17. Ultimately you're going to have to go in for an in person evaluation, so they can accurately determine how many grafts you have remaining. Remember, this number will vary between surgeon to surgeon, as some are more conservative by nature, others more aggressive - some with higher capability, others with potentially less. Don't feel too hard up about that response from De Freitas - it was only from a photo, and if you explained your back story over email, as was mentioned by Egy, he might just not fancy the hassle.
  18. This is a predicament that I can very much empathise with. Hair loss is my biggest insecurity , and has played a major role over the years affecting my dating life with women, largely because I have always kept it as my ‘dirty little secret’ , out of a toxic alpha-male pride trait, that is unwilling to let anyone into a self perceived physical flaw that I have . . combine that with the types of women I usually like, and it has tragically always been one of the fundamental reasons I have failed to pursue anything to a more serious level. Ultimately, what I have came to realise, is that if you don’t feel comfortable being able to share something like that with your partner, out of fear of her/his reaction, then it’s not, and never will be a relationship worth pursuing.
  19. Thanks! Interesting as Umar has always been one of the pioneers for utilising body hair, so his advice on this matter is potentially going to be more reliable, one would have thought. I have always thought that logically, a drug that is designed to reduce DHT levels in the body, would be counter productive when using hair follicles for restoration, that are reliant on that very hormone - however there was a thread last year from @Portugal25 where Dr Pekiner had advised him to continue on finasteride, despite the majority of his recipient consisting of beard grafts, which made me assume perhaps otherwise.
  20. Im guessing because of what he’s just posted from immediately post op after surgery number 2 . . Looks incredibly good full coverage for 10,000 grafts . . The guys going to have an amazing outcome with all that up top now! Unbelievable! Would equally be keen to see pics of donor and extraction pattern!
  21. Looks great, well done - you have great hair calibre also. Dutasteride for 10 years ! Hows that been ?
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