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Everything posted by Curious25

  1. Yea this is a very weird case as it goes against the grain of quite a few hair restoration norms that we have become accustomed to - eg your transplanted density, and considerable temple growth at only 3 months. Very impressive really. You’re going to get a great result anyway, I’m sure - I imagine by the 6 month mark, you will be making us all very enviable on here. Who was your surgeon ?
  2. This looks great and a sign of a very magical next 3-6 months for you! Did you get a quote on how many grafts your eyebrows could provide you, should the need ever be there? Incredible set of brows, is that from oral Minox?
  3. You do have a good donor, and you’re right , it would be a huge shame to ruin it. In the right hands, you will be able to achieve a stellar result. My advice - hold off from booking a surgery until you have spent more time researching. During this time researching you can also set goals to set aside more money, and hopefully have a bit more of a budget when you come to make your decision. Don’t rush and don’t buy cheap.
  4. Agreed. No growth is an issue at 5 months. Can you post pics and give a summary of the clinic ?
  5. You’re just stating what 100% of hair transplant patients should already know, and that is that hair loss is progressive. This is where it is the responsibility of the surgeon to educate patients about the likelihood they will continue to require surgeries later on in life, and why donor management and smart planning is imperative. Pretty much no one who goes under the knife will be done and dusted in one surgery - therefore your belief that this patient should have spent the next 8-13 years of his life with a receded hairline, just on the assumption that he may continue to lose more in that time is counter intuitive as to what the primary goal of hair restoration is about - and that is improving ones self confidence and image. If he is to lose more within this time frame, why can’t he have another small procedure, and continue to do so as and when? This approach isn’t suited for everyone , and is dependant on hair loss progression and donor strengths - but as I have previously mentioned, the patient looks to be in great shape, and is on medication. You should read the boards more and keep up to date with how far hair restoration has came in the last 5 years. With the advances in extraction patterns, and also successfully utilising beard grafts, your conservative approach is fast becoming a prehistoric industry consensus.
  6. That is seriously impressive considering such a small amount of grafts used to cover not such a small area ! Did you start on any medication post surgery? Congrats on a life changing result !
  7. Totally disagree - he has a good donor and seemingly strong beard, no signs of miniaturisation elsewhere, and is taking medication. Considering it was relatively speaking a small amount of grafts used, yet able to have such an impact in visually improving the patients frontal appearance, at what can be considered a pivotal age in life, the rewards far outweigh whatever ‘waiting it out’ would achieve. Nice result.
  8. I think it’s good to always keep at least 2000 scalp grafts in reserve , if you are younger than 50. I would go with Lorenzo’s judgement though as he is excellent - you can ask him his thoughts, however I imagine he will be comfortable because you still have 1500, potentially more, remaining from your scalp. Have you made a thread ? Post up some pics, it will be good to see.
  9. Nice - I’m really considering a density SMP procedure myself for the crown/vertex area, I’m just struggling to research clinics in Europe and find multiple patient testimonials, so I’ll be keen to see how you get on . . When are you going for it ?
  10. Not heard of either, but fang doesn’t necessarily mean they’re no good. A good starting point for you would be to check out the recommended clinics on here, and then read through patient testimonials for the clinics/surgeons you shortlist.
  11. You’re heading to NW6 at least - so if you are reluctant to take any DHT inhibiting meds, consult with a few good surgeons about what your scalp donor and BHT capacities are, what could be achieved with your hair type and available grafts, and discuss your goals - if they align, and it is possible, perhaps with some SMP and chest hair also thrown in the works, you will be ok if you are able to commit to continual surgeries throughout the course of your lifetime. Your donor and beard looks pretty good from your pics.
  12. Donor looks to have recovered well now. Hopefully a case of those hairs now thickening over the coming months, should turn out ok! 🙏🏻
  13. Go to a reputable hair surgeon rather than a dermatologist - derm’s are too hit or miss when it comes to hair loss. Some won’t even be aware of what DUPA is.
  14. 1) NW6 with pretty substantial retrograde alopecia - *potentially* DUPA. 2) Finasteride will always be recommended if it is possible to be taken by the patient. 3) It depends on what you define as relatively decent density - however your retrograde alopecia certainly impacts on the amount of grafts available that you will have. Your occipital looks ok, and beard looks ‘ok’ , not the strongest, but certainly graftable. You will be a hard case for whoever takes you on, and may need to combine body hair as well as beard and scalp hair - along with SMP. 4)Consult with surgeons who perform both types of procedures and gather their senses of direction, and take on board the pro’s and con’s for what each suggests. 5) Eugenix would be the obvious clinic for you to consult with as they tend to do very well with these types of cases - however I would ensure it would be with with either Dr Bansal or Dr Sethi. Good Luck
  15. The first picture shows the initial weeks post HT, with a scabby appearance in the hairline. The second two pictures show post shedding phase, and a vague red outline of his new hairline. If you compare pictures of his hairline from a few years ago, to the second side profile picture, you can clearly identify it has been reinforced - look closely at how his temple peaks are now very juvenile, and the lowering of the frontal line.
  16. What can you determine as being so far so good at 2.5 months other than the recovery of your donor ?
  17. I am truly sorry to read this. You have taken pics in the worst possible conditions, how it is very unfortunately clear that you have experienced little to any growth at all, I’m afraid to say. The good - is that you still seem to have sufficient donor left over for further surgery, and that the clinic are being cooperative. If it was me, I would book in for a scalp biopsy and request a refund from the clinic, and NOT another surgery for free. I would use the refund to get surgery with a more renowned clinic or surgeon. Not all is lost, so please don’t lose hope.
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