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Everything posted by Curious25

  1. Hopefully they can just take from underneath your chin and neck area. I too, wouldn't wish to have any extractions taken place from my facial beard area, despite it being above average density.
  2. Incredible. Just oral minoxidil, or are you taking finasteride/dutasteride as well?
  3. Maybe just take the fade down a tad lower - The overall style though, I think is a winner for you.
  4. In your video you mentioned that you won't be shaving your hair this short on the back and sides in future because you feel the style doesn't suit you - IMO this is the best look you have had out of all the times I have seen you in vids and pics. You're rocking it
  5. Yea there’ll be scars visible on a skin fade, but unless you are prone to keloid scarring . . they will be unnoticeable to 99.9% of the public.
  6. Yes shaving down to a 1 guard will be fine. Ideally you’d have the 3500 graft procedure spread out over 2 days; I would recommend bolstering your frontal 1/3 with all of these grafts - and then rescheduling a procedure to address the vertex and crown at a later date - this strategy works very well (the great Spanish surgeons have countless displays of doing this in 2-3 step strategy’s) and usually after the first surgery, patients are thrilled to have a dense hairline and frontal third, which when styled backwards, can disguise the weaker areas towards the crown. Good luck, and keep us all updated!
  7. Anyone have any experience with this, and know of any possible links between the stimulation of Melanin and hair growth/loss?
  8. He looks good. Strong eyebrows and good facial hair really helps enhance the buzz cut look.
  9. You don't look like a hair loss sufferer to me. Maybe the barbers clipped too short in that area, or you just have an area of thinner density there - I grew up with a guy in school who had a random bald spot in a very similar area ever since we were kids. He's still a very dense NW1 now in our mid 30's.
  10. If you have the capacity , then yes. I would seriously consider surgeons who have proven track records of utilising BHT and scalp. Dr Bicer and Dr Taleb have impressed me, however I’ve not seen patient posted cases from either showcasing BHT and limited donor work. That’s not to say there aren’t any - but they aren’t names that would stand out to me given your case.
  11. Forget the price difference. Bicer’s approach is a lot more ethical, without even seeing your pics, and she has clearly reviewed your case and pictures appropriately, because her rep has factored in your age and explained the importance of focusing on preserving your donor.
  12. Oh right ok, I must have missed that part. I wasn’t aware that he gave out figures for the topical dutasteride - thats more promising for sure, especially if it is a once a week application.
  13. Why aren’t Mwamba or Eugenix on your shortlist?
  14. I’m not sure if I misheard in the interview, but i thought Hasson said serum DHT levels were reduced by 30%?
  15. Good for you. But that means absolutely nothing as to how someone else will react, because your body is the same to no other man’s, and your anecdotal experience certainly doesn’t qualify as being a valid reason to over ride another users personal decision on their own risk:reward ratio. People shouldn’t be made to feel like hypochondriacs for being uncertain about committing to a life long medication that alters their hormone profile - and they certainly shouldn’t be vilified for deciding in the end to prioritise their hormone profile ahead of their hair loss. Just because we are on a hair loss forum, doesn’t mean it is the be all and end all for every user. I do agree, people shouldn’t jump into surgery blindly, and if they feel comfortable, the optimum strategy would always be to start a medical regime beforehand, and see how this goes. However, this doesn’t suit everybody - and that is where rationally looking at patients on an individual case by case basis, is fundamental to determine whether pursuing a transplant journey without using medication is feasible or not, because, some are more likely to get away with this, than others - considering factors such as age, age of onset, miniaturisation across scalp, donor capacity, family history, goals of surgery, beard source, hair calibre, hair coverage value, hair groupings etc. In this instance, going off the pics that OP has provided, I would lean towards suggesting he is in a more favourable position to pursue a non medicated journey, than others. Comprendes?
  16. It's subjective to how risk averse you are to the different risks that each pose. Personally, I don't think theres any catastrophic risks involved in hair restoration surgery with a renowned clinic or surgeon. However living with PFS would be catastrophic for me. I'm not insinuating either way whether this is a possible risk of finasteride or not, it's just my risk profiling of the two scenarios you posed.
  17. This is in Granada - where pretty much every bar serves you a tapa per drink you order. There are other bars across Spain that also adopt this, however few and far between, whereas in Granada, its pretty much every bar in the city. How come you're staying in Spain for 2 months? Just to get some good RnR in after your surgery, and work remotely? Sounds a great plan
  18. You look to have a dream donor, so assuming there are no NW7's in your family, and NW6 would be the highest level you will reach in later life, with careful and strategic planning, in GOOD doctors hands - I think you'd qualify as one of the luckier hair loss sufferers, who could probably get away with not taking any DHT inhibiting medication. That said, you need to have realistic expectations, learn what your limitations will be, and make sure that your future surgeon/s are aware of you not taking preventative medication. Whilst not really being too visible from your photos, your beard density looks 'average -> above average', so you should be able to squeeze a further 1500-2000 from there also.
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