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Future Hair Doc

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Everything posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. You have no idea how many men ask me about this. The "ideal" proportions for a face are 1/3 from bottom of the chin to the bottom of the nose, 1/3 from the bottom of the nose to the eyebrows, and 1/3 from the eyebrows to the hairline. There are so many people who want their hairline to be lowered whereby it would violate these proportions and it DOES not look good.
  2. I second what @Melvin-Moderator said. Dr. Panine is a board certified dermatologist and is a great guy. I would get in touch with him ASAP. In addition, seeing another dermatologist will take a LONG time since you'd have to go through your PCP to get the referral for insurance approval. You'll be in good hands with @Dr. Vladimir Panine
  3. Dr. Panine is great. He's highly recommended on here and is very ethical. He's got a lot of great results posted on here as well.
  4. I don't think you need a hair transplant either. You've got a GREAT head of hair. If anything, get on finasteride and minoxidil. If you're worried about side effects from the finasteride, use the topical solution. Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to PM me.
  5. TBH, I'm not sure. Topical finasteride isn't as readily available for some reason. I've only seen it in topical form within the past 3 years. Good question.
  6. That's a dramatic decrease in such a short amount of time. Any trauma or significant stressors? I would hop on finasteride and minoxidil ASAP and see a doctor.
  7. Topical finasteride is just as effective as oral given an appropriate concentration in the topical solution. I use Morr F 5 and have gotten great results and it's affordable. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
  8. Hi everyone, I'll be meeting Dr. Vladimir Panine in about 1 week and will be interviewing him. If you have any questions for him, please let me know and I will ask him your questions. I will put out a transcript and maybe a video after our meeting. This is a great opportunity to ask an extremely well regarded Elite Coalition physician any questions that you may have. Also, please feel free to PM me as well if you prefer.
  9. I would have told my younger self to hop on finasteride and minoxidil ASAP and wish I had known about this forum so I could have made a better informed decision on which surgeon to go to.
  10. I recommend getting on meds like finasteride and minoxidil ASAP and waiting until 30 at the earliest to get a good sense of what will be required in the future.
  11. 1mg daily. I don't use it orally so I can't say anything about side effects. Biggest side effect would be hypotension
  12. I suggest using a combo minoxidil/finasteride solution/foam ASAP (you won't get systemic side effects from this). Monitor your progress on this. It's been found to be as equally as efficacious as the oral form. Please feel free to PM me as well. Hang in there buddy
  13. First, see a physician and get started on finasteride and minoxidil. It sounds like you might be depressed as well. Do you have a good social support network? Please feel free to PM. Hang in there buddy
  14. Topical is as effective as oral. See this study: http://www.bioline.org.br/pdf?dv09011 This is the only study I've found comparing the efficacy between the two. I'm surprised at the lack of studies on this tbh
  15. This is what I use and it works well. Just get it from a reputable seller. Lots of knock offs out there.
  16. Sure, basically it stops hair loss and lowers DHT levels and has virtually no systemic side effects.
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