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Future Hair Doc

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Everything posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. General consensus is ~10 days post op: https://www.bernsteinmedical.com/hair-transplant-video/grafts-fall-out/ "We did a study to see at what point transplanted grafts become so securely anchored into the scalp that they cannot be dislodged. We found that after 10 days, grafts become so permanently part of the body that no amount of scrubbing or combing can dislodge them. To prevent accidental dislodging, in post-op care, the day after the surgery, we tell patients to shampoo their hair, but they should not rub the area as this can dislodge the grafts. Instead, they should gently tap the transplanted area to get it as clean as possible. After 10 days, however, patients can shampoo and wash their scalp normally."
  2. Thanks for confirming about Dr. Bernstein @Melvin-Moderator I should not have speculated about this in the first place. My apologies for this inadvertent mistake.
  3. Here is Dr. Bloxham's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--zjdaJBprxvp9qO3HQbog
  4. @Dr Blake Bloxhamhas a Youtube channel where he puts out a TON of results videos and great videos. I highly recommend Dr. Bloxham. His work is outstanding and the scars from his FUT procedures are non-existent.
  5. I've met Dr. Wesley personally and have seen a lot of his results and can vouch for him. He's VERY skilled, methodical, and is an upstanding guy. He went to Princeton and Yale, so he's intelligent. You've got some good choices in the NYC area. Dr. Blake Bloxham is very good too and I can vouch for him as well as I've personally met him and seen a lot of his cases. Feel free to PM if you have specific questions. Please keep us posted on your progress and happy growing.
  6. Here's a great review article on what you're talking about. There have been RARE instances of finasteride associated NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) with a transient increase in liver functions tests such as AST and ALT. Again, finasteride associated NALD is VERY rare and I haven't come across a patient with this issue on finasteride. About 5% of my patients develop side effects (usually issues with "foggy mind", libido, and watery semen) from finasteride, which is right around the national average. I hope this helps and please feel free to ask me any questions. I highly recommend patients use a topical solution of finasteride/minoxidil if they're having side effects from the finasteride because you'll still get the benefits of the finasteride locally without the systemic side effects. I can personally vouch for the topical solution and have recommended it to patients, friends, and family. https://wjmh.org/Synapse/Data/PDFData/2074WJMH/wjmh-38-e17.pdf
  7. I personally use Morr F, which is a combo minoxidil and finasteride solution. I am not aware of a stand alone finasteride product. I can personally vouch for the efficacy of Morr F.
  8. Looks very refined. Please keep updating the community. Happy growing!
  9. Thanks for sharing and happy growing! Have you considered topical finasteride? You won't get systemic side effects from it and it's still effective.
  10. Yes, they can look natural depending on the skill of the surgeon and his team. The ones that don't look natural are usually where the hairline is lowered beyond a mature hairline and it throws the whole proportions off.
  11. Yes, it's as effective as oral finasteride depending on the concentration of the solution. Branding doesn't matter. I personally use MorrF 10% which is a combo finasteride/minoxidil solution and it has definitely stabilized my hair loss and has made my hair thicker and healthier looking.
  12. Have you tried topical finasteride? It's effective and doesn't have systemic side effects.
  13. I agree with @Egy Your donor area is sparse and the recipient area is too large. Have you considered body hair transplant?
  14. Do they have a preference in using sutures versus staples for closing wounds? What are their thoughts on topical finasteride?
  15. The chances of side effects with finasteride are 5% (so 1/20 men) and people are MUCH more likely to complain online. People who are happy with their results whether it be hair transplant surgery or medication profile don't usually post about it online.
  16. Your hair looks great buddy. No need to worry
  17. Hair follicles in the "safe zone" lack DHT receptors so they're not susceptible to the DHT unlike hair follicles that have DHT receptors and are thus less susceptible to the negative impact of DHT.
  18. I haven't seen this happen. In my experience, only the native hair that was susceptible to DHT in the first place would miniaturize or shed. That's why it's important to stay on meds like finasteride and minoxidil.
  19. First, welcome to the community Belinda. I definitely would want to rule out other issues that may be contributing to your thinning hair (such as your thyroid hormone level, any vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalances). As @Melvin-Moderator suggested, you should certainly consult with the recommended surgeons here.
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