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Future Hair Doc

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Everything posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. I don’t recall exactly, but I think it was 1,500 and 2,000 grafts. My donor area is great... knock on wood. I think I’ve got about 6-7k grafts left which will be used in the mid scalp and crown and probably about 1k in the front. My scar is not noticeable at all. I’ve got wavy hair which helps a lot.
  2. I’ve had 2 FUT procedures, 10 and 7 years ago and am still going strong. I’m probably going to get 1-2 more transplants. I’ve recently started using a topical solution of finasteride and minoxidil.
  3. FUE scars (they're obviously much smaller than an FUE scar, it's just that there are a lot more of them) can still be strained so I advise patients to wait 2 weeks before resuming strenuous physical activity.
  4. There's a risk of stretching FUT scars depending on what type of exercise you're doing and I've seen this happen, especially with heavy lifting. I would hold off on such activity for about 3-4 weeks.
  5. In Chicago, I can personally give my highest recommendation to @Dr. Vladimir Panine. He's highly recommended over here and has a ton of results posted. You can PM him as well and he'll get back to you quickly. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
  6. Yes, you should be on finasteride/minoxidil and should have been on it long ago. If you're getting side effects from oral finasteride, use the topical solution. I use Morr F which is a topical combo of finasteride and minoxidil and there are multiple studies proving its efficacy (see my prior posts). For you, I would try oral finasteride and topical minoxidil. If you're getting side effects from oral finasteride, switch to topical finasteride. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions. All the best
  7. I use the Morr f 5% (it's a minoxidil/finasteride combo) and will be increasing to 10% in a few months. It's stabilized my hair loss and has revitalized my existing hair follicles. I highly recommend it. You have to be patient and be on it for at least 3 months. Keep us posted.
  8. Amazing results. Thanks for sharing Doron. The patient must be ecstatic with his new head of hair.
  9. Because the effects of the topical solution are localized to the area where you apply the solution (there's no systemic absorption). The oral form is systemic so it goes through the vascular system and can cause side effects.
  10. @Dr Blake Bloxhamis exceptionally good. You made a great choice. Please keep us posted
  11. One of the best results I've ever seen. Especially for so few grafts and the large area needed for the grafts. The patient must be over the moon.
  12. Here you go: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jdv.15171 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6609098/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4314881/
  13. I have definitely noticed that it's stopped my hair loss and stopped miniaturization. My hair is thicker and looks much healthier.
  14. Yes, I buy off of eBay. I most recently used devishi.gems. Shipping took a while due to COVID but luckily I bought a lot of it to mitigate for future disruptions
  15. I use it regularly and it's stabilized my hair loss. Obviously the topical solution won't be as potent as the oral formulation. However, there are virtually no side effects from the topical solution.
  16. Here is Dr. Bloxham's Youtube channel and it has a LOT of videos with patient results and great info on hair restoration: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--zjdaJBprxvp9qO3HQbog
  17. @Dr Blake Bloxhamand @Dr. Vladimir Panineare both amazing
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