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  1. I had my consultation with Dr. Nadimi yesterday. For the most part it went really well. She gave me realistic expectations on what I should expect out of the transplant. Since I’m a lot younger she recommnded a higher hairline. I would need around 1500 grafts FUE. I am going to schedule my transplant for May next year. Another thing that came up during the consultation was my side effects with Fin. She recommended I get off the drug and try Oral Min. Stating it’s more effective than topical and she has seen success in lots of her patients. The problem is Dr.Nadimi isn’t my regular physician I can’t see her whenever I want. She won’t be there to monitor my health and so forth. I am going to stop taking the fin and start taking oral min. I’ve accepted my faith, I know I will eventually go bald and can’t keep takin fin side effects are too prevalent. I will try to maintain what I can for now. My questions are do any of you have success stories with oral min or know anyone who has. Also should I monitor my health with my regular physician, I don’t really have one for now. But I feel like they won’t understand why I’m taking Oral min and psych me out more about the sides. I’m taking 1.25 mg daily. The main side effect I am also worried about is face edema, I heard I can take diuretic to counter those sides. Can anyone confirm this. I am only 23 years old and am overall a healthy individual. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. I wanted to give a quick update. I have scheduled a consultation with dr. Nadimi in September. I will get back to you guys and let u know what she tells me.
  3. I’m actually going to do a consultation with her sometime next week. Is she as good as Raymond konior? Also I plan on taking propecia as long as possible. I think I’m ready for a hair transplant. She told me I’d need around 1500-2000 grafts but she would need to see in person. Any other doctors I should consult with? Who did you get your transplant from ? Thanks for the advice
  4. Hey thanks for your help. I’ll consider going in for consultations.
  5. So you think my loss is extensive? I’m hoping the fin lets me hold what I have for the long term. So from where I’m at you think it would take multiple surgeries to get to where I’m at. Or are you talking about lifetime thing ?
  6. Now you’re scaring me. Be honest how bad is my thinning. Do you think I’ll need lots of grafts ?
  7. Can you link them by chance? Where are you seeing the diffuse cases ?
  8. Thank you. I will do that. I’m willing to fly anywhere in the states. Not worried about that.
  9. Some of the images are of my hair when it’s wet. Let me know what you guys think. Also here is a link to pictures back in December. I really see no difference in my hair. I added donate ride to my regimen in February. Can you let me know if you see any type of improvement of difference. These pictures are about two months before starting finasteride.
  10. Also my crown area is pretty much safe for now. I’ve had mild thinning. Nothing to the point where I am worried about it yet.
  11. I’m 24 now. I’m going to continue the medication for another 6 months. I would like to have a doctor lined up so I could go in for surgery in case the native hairs don’t fully recover. If you have an idea of who I can see in the United States that would be great. Thank you for any and all advice!
  12. Hi, thank you for this through response. I really appreciate it. Right now I am only thinning in the front of my head. My temples have receded a bit. I have not met with any doctors because I don’t know who I would go to talk to about hair loss. I went once and they weren’t any help. My dad is completely bald so is my grandfather. Neither of them did anything to protect their hair. I’m not sure if it was because they didn’t care or there was not many resources open as there are now. I also try to add minoxidil to the mix. It gets difficult to keep up with it. I try to atleast apply once a day. My hair loss has stopped from what I’ve noticed and I’m only taking .25 mg Ed. I can’t go over that since I do have some mild side effects even on this dose. If you can guide me to a doctor who would be able to look at my diffuse thinning and give me an idea if there is level of recovery or if he can perform surgery on it. I don’t plan on going for surgery for atleast another 6 months. I just want to start looking so I have something lined up. I really would like to enjoy my 20s to the full extent.
  13. Hi, I have been taking .25 mg of Finasteride for 6 months now. My hair loss has completely stabilized for the most part. I haven’t experienced any further hair loss since starting. I know I am young but I’m looking to go in for a hair transplant. I’m a diffuse thinner. I was wondering who would be the best doctor to operate on a diffuse thinner. I can post some pictures if needed. I know I’m young but I’d much rather have my hair now then later I think. If finasteride continues to work like it has now I think I’ll be okay in the future. I just need some advice here and I know many people are going to be like you’re way too young don’t do it. I understand all that. I think it’s time for me live stress free atleast in my 20s. I want that confidence I had when I had the full head of hair back.
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