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Everything posted by JayLDD

  1. You are a terrible transplant candidate right now, but a perfect candidate for medication. If you get on finasteride and nizoral, there's a good chance you will get something close to a full head of hair. The chance of sides on fin is 3%. If you aren't prepared to take fin despite the evidence for its efficacy and low rate of side effects, you aren't mentally mature enough to get a hair transplant, beyond the fact that it could have long term consequences and is unlikely to be successful without multiple procedures over a decade of chasing loses, and potentially running out of donor. On top of that, no ethical doctor would do a transplant on you. You have two options, finasteride and possible transplants down the track but you would be unlikely to need one, or go bald, and potentially disfigure yourself if you opted for the transplant route and can't afford more surgery, which is likely as it sounds like your financial situation isn't great. Think it through properly and look at the facts.
  2. Holy shit this is nuts. This is why you should always do your research people and not stinge out on a cheap doctor.
  3. Looks amazing. Now only another 4-5 months of suffering to go until you get to reap the benefits.
  4. Marketing nonsense probably just referring to implanter pens, avoid. You already had one bad procedure, if you go with Turkey strongly recommend you go with Erdogan who is the best at the kind of megasession you require.
  5. You had visible donor miniturization, retrograde alopecia and poor quality hairs in general in the donor. I have a feeling your graft quality would have been very low contributing to the poor yield and you are almost the worst FUE candidate imaginable. Looks like about 10% of the grafts having sprouted. Add to that quite a low hairline on a norwood 5 with terrible donor, and have to question Diep's thought process here.
  6. You're going to need a few days off regardless of where you get it done unless you want to go into work with your head full of scabs looking unprofessional as all hell. Looking at Europe or Turkey like I did for example you could probably leave on a Wednesday night, get there on a Thursday for consultation, have the surgery on a Friday, then leave on Saturday and be back before Monday. And no there are no options in Australia unless you're not interested in getting a good result but rather just doing it for fun, which of course is unlikely.
  7. There are plenty of doctors who have guarantees, a history of following through on them and ethical post-op actions with free touch ups and refunds in more serious cases. No reason to go to a doctor who doesn't offer some sort of guarantee such as a 90% graft growth rate level, why go to a doctor who treats patients as if they are buying into a lottery? Any clinic that has a reasonable success rate will be happy to offer one as unless they are achieving unacceptable results very often as it will not be a serious financial hit to their business, and typically surgeons who do offer compensation for poor results will be received online as more ethical and patient friendly which is in itself good marketing. US law in this regard is complicated and very much determined state by state, but typically the patient is likely to be protected for compensation in cases of negligence, results creating external complications that need to be fixed and require more money to do so, and those where the results were not outlined in the risks suggested by the doctor.
  8. Avoid Australia at all costs (and truthfully you'll only save on them).
  9. Hi could an admin please change my name to JeanLDD for privacy reasons? PMd various forum associates and no response.
  10. I don't know any 50 year olds with hair as good as yours but can certainly see how a little extra density (25-30%) would make a huge difference. I tend to think that as long as its not a money issue you should get the touch up to get your hair issues off the mind and focus on more fulfilling pursuits.
  11. Hi, could a moderator please change my name to JeanLDD for privacy reasons? Thanks.
  12. Mfue is a nonsensical and poor procedure. Sounds like it was recommended more so they could add a black patient with curly hair type to their mFUE portfolio to show off (or experiment to see if it was effective for), and it didn't go as planned. Guarantee you wouldn't have had the same issue with FUE.
  13. Can't judge without proper photos and from the top and the donor. Those two aren't good enough to show anything.
  14. 6 months Very happy with everything at this stage. Already a massive difference, hoping for some density improvements and thickening but I've got what I set out to achieve at this point. No longer have to worry when going out about being thought of as a "balding" person or looking at myself in my phone to see if my hair looks ok. Reference pic at 3 months.
  15. No matter who the doctor is I'd opt for this approach. I've seen a dodgy Rahal case recently where he has suggested they go to another surgeon and refunded them, as every doctor has different protocol and it is questionable to do the same thing if it didn't work the first time. I don't know the law in the US or your state, but I suspect that if you are provided a service and it doesn't achieve a reasonable expectation of what the service was they propose they offer you would be entitled to compensation. Not that I think Harris has done anything wrong at this point but you likely have a wide range of compensation options beyond just medical negligence. To quote Einstein, doing the same thing over and over again really is insanity. Move on and ask for a refund, otherwise I would make a fuss. Bad results happen with all doctors at times and there is no shame in that, but any ethical doctor with a blatantly bad result should be happy to offer a refund.
  16. I think 99% of hair transplant patients realise that what you're getting from 1 procedure is largely an illusion of density and redesign of hairline shape etc. Clearly a massive improvement already, but there are a lot of good examples where an extra 25-30% density to an already solid result makes a huge difference. Was pretty much set on this 2nd transplant approach from the beginning, but like yourself after one transplant its amazing to not have to worry about your hair wherever you go anymore, so not in a rush. Also nice that with a second procedure you have a proper hairline to frame your face after having to buzz it down, would make the ugly duckling far less stressful.
  17. Watching it is the silliest thing you can do. Get on finasteride or you'll be in a far worse position, you don't want to be playing catch up in 2-3 years where you're trying to just get back to what you are at today.
  18. Your case is a worthwhile cautionary tale, but the lesson is to research heavily and choose a reliable surgeon. The various major finasteride studies show an efficacy of 80% maintaining their current hair for up to a decade, that is more than enough time to save for future transplants and live your life in your 20s how you should. Telling someone to live like they look 35 in their early 20s is as stupid and irresponsible as telling them to go to Bosley. If you had chosen to go to Hasson and Wong instead of Bosley I guarantee you'd be singing praises of hair transplants through the rooftops to this day. Fact is that this guy is going to be better off with propecia and a transplant, but most definitely propecia is the most important long term factor. And to act like women in their 20s don't care if a guy has less hair than their 50 year old father? Get real.
  19. Always get a refund subsequent to a poor result, and reject another free transplant which could further botch your donor area and achieve poor results. Even if it is a top surgeon, which I am almost sure this isn't.
  20. Don't waste your time or put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. The doctors you mentioned are nobodies and have no industry credibility. More often than not the work I see coming out of this country is bordering on medical malpractice, and when it isn't it is mediocre and extremely overpriced. Saying to anyone "You'll regret this" may seem a little extreme or blunt, but if you go to an Australian surgeon chances are it will be a big mistake, and you'll figure it out pretty quickly. Like others have said, Erdogan in Turkey or a range of Belgian Surgeons such as Bisanga, Lupanzula and Feriduni are far better considerations.
  21. "Forget turkey it's the fue factory of the industry, your not getting your car washed your getting a life changing procedure wouldn't you want it done by the very best? You only get one shot at it don't let some goat hurder or sheep shearer near your head, turkey clinics are not regulated and they are not properly trained staff," You're right I don't need to call you those things when your posts reveal it so eloquently to begin with. I understand the basis of what you are saying that people shouldn't go to a random pop up clinic for a surgery as cheap as possible, but your broad brush argument lacks nuance.
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