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Everything posted by JayLDD

  1. "them many bad results documented on here," Care to send me one or just like to fling mud?
  2. "The UK and US have very strict regulations and are governed by numerous medical authorities before they are allowed to open clinic and operate on patients, where as turkey isn't its turnt a blind eye to generate income for the economy." Regulation doesn't equate to good results, although it may decrease the number of bad ones. Regulation can't magically create better or more ethical surgeons. How naive can one get. Do you honestly believe we don't see total disasters still coming out of American clinics? "Now with that being said if you wish to talk about economic inflation I won't be trading off against a 22 year old hair transplant victim" I'm not talking about inflation you economically illiterate idiot, and you're talking to someone with a finance degree so try not to use random financial terminology to make yourself sound credible when clearly you are not. I And again you haven't even bothered to look at the work of Oztan, Keser or Erdogan and still suggest they are of a lower standard. The sheep herder comment was clearly racist, but for a laugh send the example of a surgeon being a sheep herder if that is true.
  3. Stupid and ignorant comment. Look at the results of Oztan, Erdogan and Keser and tell me honestly that they are below the work of any North American doctor. You haven't looked because you're too busy using racist insults like "sheep herder" and making stupid comments. It is cheaper because their currency is worth less,while rent and wages are lower, this is basic economics, not that you'd be smart enough to understand it seems.
  4. There isn't a single FUE surgeon in North America the level of Oztan, Erdogan or Keser. Some like Konior are close, but there is much less of their work readily available to view online and the cases are always much smaller, typically 1500-2500 rather than the 5000 graft megassessions from Erdogan. For smaller work I don't think any North American comes close to Keser. For FUE Turkey, Spain and Belgium are the only places to take seriously in my opinion, and they have the output and track record to back that up. Obviously there are more bad and unethical doctors in Turkey than those other places though.
  5. Solid progress, should be looking good at the 5 month mark. I'm on 0.25mg of finasteride and maintaining just fine, like Rawker said you shouldn't have any problems.
  6. Had a good lol at "Are these the first signs of Male Pattern Hair Loss." Mate you are close to halfway gone, a thinning norwood 3 with a decimated forelock approaching norwood 4. Avoid the Belgravia Centre products and go for generics. I wouldn't personally bother with minoxidil as it is a major hassle, but finasteride is your number 1 priority for maintaining your hair. Definitely don't opt for the comb, save the money you may have spent on that for a transplant down the track if you want more hair. You're lucky your crown and midscalp are still quite strong, it is unlikely you will get a significant improvement on finasteride or minoxidil in the hairline area (but possible), but you should be able to maintain the rest on finasteride. Also worth using nizoral 2% shampoo 1-2 times a week as it is a mild anti-androgen with various studies showing efficacy for DHT related baldness.
  7. As per usual my harsh judgement is justified. What a pathetic person you are, unfortunate you seem too delusional to see you are the one at fault as well. Spend the transplant money on a therapist.
  8. This is just my opinion, I think the statistic is probably a lie to help convince you to get on finasteride, as Bhatti is aware that if you start finasteride with the transplant you are likely to get some thickening and regrowth along with maintenance in the long term, so the overall result in 12 months will look better across your entire scalp as well as the recipient. Also he doesn't have to worry about doing a hairline on you, then you losing behind the hairline and then blaming him. Seen it all too often. Many doctors suggest shockloss near the recipient is also reduced by finasteride. Getting on finasteride would be a win/win for both of you, so lying to convince you to try it isn't harming anyone.
  9. I didn't call you an idiot, I just said that you should stay off fin and go to cheap Turkish clinic which is what you advocate, and then you will know whether or not you are an idiot. I could name 10 FUE surgeons I think are better than Dr. Bhatti and a few in that same price range so I'm not shilling for him, but in this case he clearly has proved to be an ethical doctor and was only trying to do the best for you. Your lack of rational thinking applied to hair transplant surgery can only end badly. You are a very naive person too unfortunately which foreshadows the worst.
  10. Go to a cheap Turkish clinic and don't take fin then. You'll realise pretty quickly who the idiot was and which doctor was being ethical.
  11. Makes sense, but I've seen people claim DHT levels higher than average on dutasteride, with minor sides and hair stabilisation, and others with DHT levels way below average with no sides and they're still losing hair. It's definitely much more complicated than a few raw numbers. I haven't seen any specific studies dealing with the issue so I don't think its right for a doctor to make any hard claims.
  12. Agree with this, Keser in particular does immaculate work and some of the best in FUE I feel, but because of his heavy involvement and trying to minimise error and fatigue he only does 500-750 grafts a day which like you say is a problem if you need a large amount of grafts.
  13. Yes he does the live consultation and uses a tool to measure donor density, hair/graft ratio and hair caliber across the area, and then other staff analyse this further digitally and deduce donor and recipient needs with a coverage value system along with Erodgan. Each of the teams is using a manual punch and the KEEP.
  14. If you consider Turkey part of Europe, I'd look at Cinik and Erdogan. In Belgium Feriduni, Lupanzula and Bisanga although they are on the more expensive end.
  15. Compare Yaman's average result to Erdogan's and then compare how many poor results Yaman has compared to Erdogan. Erdogan also has hundreds more results on the International forum. Yaman doesn't come close to Erdogan's average result and has 10 times more poor results. Looking at this logically, do you want a surgeon working 10 hours a day doing all parts of the surgery, or the doctor doing 4 hours of incisions across multiple patients, and then specific teams doing extractions and implantations day in and day out? In terms of fatigue, it makes no sense to have the doctor involved in all aspects of the surgery. Saying that the doctor was involved in all aspects is nothing impressive, top notch results are what is impressive. Erdogan also spends around 30 minutes with the day prior discussing your goals, creating a desired hairline, and discussing other factors like medication. They then discuss the approach together as a team. As an aside why do people complain of the lack of supervision from Erdogan when no one mentions that Lorenzo has the same approach of not being involved in extractions? People just like to attack those who pay less and get more. There is a lot more to running an efficient and consistent clinic than just the doctor. What is important is the success of the doctor to implement standards and develop a team that can do this successfully. If you are obsessed with the idea of a doctor who does all aspects of the procedure (despite this not being logical), I'd look at Keser, Lupanzula and Konior.
  16. I think Bhatti was probably lying about that statistic because he knew that you'd probably get some thickening, regrowth and maintenance on finasteride that would make the overall result look better, but ultimately he was trying to help you. I didn't insult you either, I literally just reiterated what you had already said; that you had wasted two deposits for irrational reasons, didn't get on finasteride which would greatly benefit you and then blamed the doctor. People get sides, but the major studies show it is in the range of 2-5%. The claim of your GP that he could tell you were more likely to get sides based on a blood test has no evidence to back it up either. Look into it yourself and you'll find the same conclusion. Anyone who has seen my posts before knows I roast doctors all the time. I'm just being honest that in this case the doctor did nothing wrong, and the fact he refunded your first deposit when he didn't have to shows he was being ethical.
  17. Nope, just a realist. You're the one smart enough to lose two deposits on the same doctor, and avoid finasteride because of illegitimate data you couldn't be bothered to just Google search. This isn't a support group for your bad decisions mate.
  18. Use a Google search. Your doctor is a bullshit artist who makes doesn't care about legitimate data or facts. There is no non-anecdotal medical data that allows a blood test to indicate chance of finasteride sides with accuracy. I can guarantee that Bhatti is making twice the income of your idiot GP, even being a surgeon in India. Secondly, why in the world would a GP know more about hairloss medication than a hair transplant surgeon? Again, Bhatti is lucky that he didn't have to deal with you as a patient, you are not a rational person.
  19. There is no way the London GP could know from a blood test whether you were more likely to get sides. The fact that Bhatti refunded your deposit over your silly complaint of shock loss when he had no real reason to shows he is ethical, certainly I would not when dealing with a patient as fickle as you are. I don't agree with the regrowth statistics he gave, but ultimately you would be far better off on finasteride than not on it. He doesn't want to be responsible for a case where a patient has a transplanted hairline and loses the hair behind it because they were scared of finasteride, then runs to the forums complaining about the doctor. You seem like the type of person to do this judging by your first cancellation, so his caution is justified when dealing with an irrational patient. Objective point of view; you are being silly and Dr. Bhatti did nothing wrong. Also your GP is an idiot and makes shit up because a blood test cannot tell you the chance of getting sides.
  20. Look into Gabel, Feller and Bloxham, Wesley and Konior for some good US surgeons. Stick with those if you're in the states, and 100% avoid the ARTAS. Poor results and 1000 grafts is not enough even for a thin frontal hairline procedure, so I doubt you need that few.
  21. Not trying to be hostile to the doctor as I would say this in any case of a poor yield and every doctor has examples of this, if it does not improve substantially by the 12 month mark I would ask for a refund and avoid a touch up with the same surgeon.
  22. How much improvement do you think you got from months 7-12?
  23. I'm a 22 year old who got a transplant 5 months ago so I know the struggle, but not being on finasteride with that level of loss and at that age is a blatantly stupid idea, unless you're rich enough to blast it with another transplant every few years and add SMP for the illusion of more density if need be. If you care about being rational and the scientific research, 2-5/100 get any sides at all. I'm on 0.25mg which has halted losses, grown back a small amount of loss and no sides. Low risk, high reward. Either way, like many if you don't get on fin now you'll end up losing a few centimetres behind the transplant and end up on finasteride anyway, regretting how stupid it was to wait so long. Work looks amazing, should be a massive improvement. Be sensible though and back it up with medication.
  24. Yeah I'll do some square at the hairline at 5.5 months with the good camera
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