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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. Great outcome.....crown looks much better after Fin treatment. His hairline looks great!
  2. 6....man that is a lot! I think this recent one is going to add a lot for you......heal and grow well.
  3. Looks great Aaron.......I agree with others that anyone's hair (with or without a HT) is going to look more see through in very harsh lighting. The bottom line is you have quite a full head of hair which looks incredibly natural.....the result anyone who gets a HT is looking for. I can understand why you feel great about it.
  4. Looking good. It is great that you are seeing early growth!! Mine started growing about the same time. It does come in uneven which should not be a concern for you. It will even out over time.....just have to be patient. Now the fun begins as you watch it grow in.
  5. I agree with chrisdav.....there is no "best". Also, the list of clinics in your post are all outstanding.
  6. I would definitely go and see Dr. Konior and Dr. Keller in Chicago. You can get 3 different opinions from surgeons who consistently produce solid results. You have a couple of great clinics nearby. That said, I agree with others that I would not let travel stand in the way.
  7. I agree. I think the fact that everyone has different characteristics is sometimes lost in comparing results, available grafts, etc. There are just so many factors that go into what can and can't be done for any given individual.
  8. I read an article about that. Apparently about five years ago the doctor behind this research said the same thing.......It is nice to hope, but this is probably just wishful thinking.
  9. Your hair looked great before this one......can't wait to see the results!!
  10. I think it is a really big improvement for the number of grafts that you had.....looks nice!
  11. Seeing some really great FUE results from several of the top clinics. It seems logical that the more skilled surgeons that gain experience with it, the results will get better and better. I had a strip procedure with a virtually undetectable scar for which I am very grateful.....combination of great surgeon, following the aftercare exactly and a bit of luck. Because of that, I am planning some additional work to fill in my corners and have decided to go with FUE. I decided against it the first time around, but am more comfortable with the yield and results just a year later. (My second procedure will only be about half the grafts of my first one). This debate will go on forever, but at the end of the day you have to do your research and ultimately trust your surgeon's advice.
  12. Looks great......so natural. It is funny how you finally hit the point where you don't think about it nearly as much day to day.......I have gotten to that point as well. You have a fantastic result!
  13. No personal experience, but they are one of the top HT clinics..........one of a handful that I would go to myself.
  14. I think it is very true that people on here are hypersensitive about any scalp showing through. Most people who have never done any research on HT would have no idea that a person has had a HT if done by a top clinic. The reality is that it is not uncommon to see men with what most of us would consider a nice full head of hair.......but, if you looked under the same bright lights mentioned on this post, you would see through to the scalp some. Also, many men with full heads of hair use gel to separate the hair for styling which allows you to see the scalp. At the end of the day, the most important thing about a HT is that it looks natural as if no work has been done......if you get that, it really does not matter how dense it is packed or if you can see a little scalp under the right light. While some people are lucky and may have 8 - 10K grafts available, most do not. Most clinics say the average is between 4 & 8K. So the thing to do is use them wisely as they have to stand the test of time as we continue to lose hair.....especially for those in their 20s & 30s. who still have decades to worry about their hair loss. Even with meds, most people will continue to thin over the years......it is just a question of when.....for some the meds may stop or slow it for a decade or more......others, it only works for a few years. So personally, I like the conservative approach that gives a nice natural look and keeps plenty of donor for any future needs.
  15. Fantastic result.....looks like a new man with a relatively small number of grafts.
  16. Spanker, I think Aaron summed it up best. When you look at some of the over the top results, there is almost always a lot of dense native hair there and then with dense packing into what looks like fairly minor receding, the result looks really thick. The more thinning you have or the greater the bald area, there is more real estate to cover and you can't get that super dense look always, but what you can get is a very natural looking hairline and coverage. My HT blends right in and as I said previously, I am confident no one could tell I have a HT unless I told them. I have to say at 9 months I am thrilled I had this done. In fact, I am working on scheduling an FUE session to fill in my corners which will enhance the results I already have. The second HT is a choice for more......my first one is a definite stand alone result. I know that the process of deciding what to do can be nerve wracking......I went through it myself. I could not be happier that I did it. Good luck as you work through your decision making process.
  17. Glad to hear it is going well for you.....that is great to hear!
  18. You went to one of the top surgeons in the business, so I am confident that you will be fine. Don't be discouraged at all. You will get through this tough phase and then the hairs will start growing. Hang in there.
  19. It won't look like a full dense head of hair before hair loss......just like slightly thinning hair in bright light. However, you get a huge improvement. I would venture to say that no one would ever know I had a HT if I did not tell them. It is all about the patient having realistic expectations. No doubt however that while photos are great they can't be a substitute for seeing the result in all conditions.....styled, not styled, wet, etc. however, the can give a good idea of what the result looks like.
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