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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. Good times are right around the corner for you......the reality is that the normal growth time starts in the 3 - 4 month time. You do see a lot of posts with early growth, but I would imagine the norm across all patients, even with the top clinics is about the same. I was one of the lucky ones with early growth, but at the end of the day it really has no impact on the result.....just lets you get excited sooner. I am sure you will start popping out all over soon and I am looking forward to seeing your growth!
  2. There are several top clinics here that consistently produce incredibly natural results. Do a lot of research and you will settle on one that you are comfortable with. I was very concerned about the same thing, since your hairline is such a prominent part of how you look. I could not be happier with the end result.
  3. Congrats! Sounds like a great decision to get that done.....heal well!
  4. I was skeptical about this myself, but having just hit the 10.5 month time frame, I can say that I have seen a noticeable difference in my hair over the last month.....it just looks fuller and more dense. I was an early grower and didn't really notice much difference between 8 and 9 months, but after 9 months I started noticing more change.
  5. You have gotten some great replies which I agree with. The first one to two months after a HT are the worst.........way to early to even begin to assess. It is a long road and I hope that in a year you will be a happy guy with your results. Patience is hard, but with this surgery you have to be patient........
  6. What a big difference.....looking great already and at only 6 months you will get more density.
  7. Congrats......you chose a great clinic! The work looks great. You are finished with the hardest part of the HT process. Now you just have to be patient and watch it grow.
  8. I think some surgeons/clinics just have bigger "fan clubs" than others on the forums. There are a lot of really great surgeons here that for whatever reason don't get as much "press" on the forum even though their work and results are equally good. I love this forum and it was really a big help for me when I was doing my research. One downside though is that new people looking potentially miss out on researching some great docs who just happen to have less posters than whoever might be more popular at the time the research is done. I really don' intend that as a criticism.......it is just the nature af a forum like this......it can feel like a popularity contest at times.
  9. I think the hairs get their full normal look in the 8 -12 month range. That is a bit of a guess, but by then the hairs have been in for a while and have a chance to mature, which should address the wispy look. Also, I am not sure on the hair diameter thing, but it does make sense if each hair is twice as wide, overall, it should have a denser look. I think that is why you see improvements in the later stages, since at that point you really aren't growing new hairs. I agree that Dr. Keller did an awesome job on your HT.....just a fantastic result.
  10. Glad that things are going well for you Bonkers.......everything looks great.....look forward to following your growth!
  11. If you live in Toronto, you are virtually next door to Dr. Rahal, so if you want to stay local that is a no brainer. He is one of the top surgeons (among several you can find on this site).
  12. Looking great Dutch.....good write up......looking forward to seeing your follow ups over the next few months.
  13. Agree.......H&W know what they are doing.........although everyone has an opinion, the real experts here are the top surgeons.......I think that point is frequently lost in the forums.
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