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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. Looking good......my right side came in stronger than my left, but it evened out over time.
  2. Thanks Sean. It has been a fun journey and I am looking forward to round 2. Looking forward to seeing your next updates.
  3. I have always been very impressed with Dr. Konior's work. Enjoyed your write up and if you decide to go for it, I am sure you will be very happy with your choice.
  4. I am working on scheduling it now. I might be able to get worked in in June due to a cancellation, otherwise it will be July. I am hoping to confirm this week.
  5. The side by side photos are great.....just a fantastic result.....I can definitely see why you do feel so good with the outcome.
  6. Well, I am just a week short of 10 months since my surgery. Thrilled with the results. My scar is almost undetectable. I can't even find it, but Dr. Ron was able to locate it after looking around when I went to see him in Feb. for a check up. I have buzzed my hair down really short (equal to a 2) and not any sign of having a HT. I get a lot of compliments on my hair and people ask what I am doing to look so young for my age. I took a few photos this morning and have posted them here. You can see my complete photo documentation from the beginning by clicking on my link below the photos. I am planning on going back for more (yes, hair greed has set in). I am planning an FUE of 1500 grafts to fill in the corners some and thicken up one or two spots. Not necessary for sure, but something I want to do because round one was such a success. I am going FUE because I have an undetectable scar, so why risk it? I have been very impressed with the FUE work coming out of SMG. I will either have the second surgery in June or July depending on Dr. Ron's schedule.
  7. orlhair1

    10 Month Update

    These photos are taken just shy of 10 months since my surgery.
  8. orlhair1

    From the album: 10 Month Update

  9. orlhair1

    From the album: 10 Month Update

  10. orlhair1

    From the album: 10 Month Update

  11. orlhair1

    From the album: 10 Month Update

  12. orlhair1

    From the album: 10 Month Update

  13. Looks great......very nice improvement. Congrats!
  14. Your hair looks great Hariri.....I am sure you are pleased!
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