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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. Sean, I do use American Crew Fiber some. The trick is to use very little of the product. Just a little too much and it doesn't work well. I use it on dry hair. Recently I started using Aveeda Grooming Clay which I like even better. Use it the same way.......a tiny amount goes a long way.
  2. You chose one of the best! Congratulations.
  3. No doubt that Dave is one of the best contributors to this forum!
  4. Sean, things are good. I hit 9 months this week.....will post some photos this weekend....sporting a new style.....nice to have options I didn't have before!
  5. I agree.....I had a consult with him and was very impressed. He posts regularly in here and consistently produces strong results.
  6. Congratulations on your HT......no doubt Dr. Feller is one of the best!
  7. Makes sense Matt......seems like someone sees a great result with a certain number of grafts on on person and wants the same result. In reality it could take a lot more grafts to achieve the same result on the second person due to head size differences, hair characteristics, etc. Also, the second person may not have the same level of donor available. Difficult to make apples to apples comparisons.
  8. That is just a jaw dropping result......definitely one of the best I have seen!
  9. I agree Bill. H&W are regulars on this forum and they have a right to know about threads like this so they can respond if they choose to do so. I don't think that is anything negative about the comments by everyone, which have all been respectful.
  10. H&W is one of the top HT clinics. I would not hesitate to have surgery with them.
  11. Light jogging is fine for you at this point. Definitely not ab exercises for a while yet.
  12. It is hard not to look in the mirror......I like Spex's advice to get rid of them . You will be good to go in no time....the waiting game does suck for sure.
  13. Looks fantastic. Another example of how a great result can be achieved using a conservative approach!
  14. Looking great already with a lot more to come!
  15. Hairline is looking good. I would not do anything on your mid scalp......looks fine without anything and if you want to use nanogen, looks very natural and super dense.
  16. Looks great! The result is so natural and I like the complete set of great photos H & W always has in the presentations.
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