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Hi all dear forum members,

I have a question for all of you which will probably be followed up later

Did anybody here have had treatment by them? what were your results? if you can write- share that would be great

Did anybody have any interactions with the team, your experience , opinion overall , regarding h. transplant  just to be clear

I'm very new here , so this question is for the experienced ,veterans and for everybody actually, the more knowledge the better


thank you very much


hope to hear from you all


have a great day




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Lots of results here from Eugenix, most of them tend to be excellent.

Off the top of my head, check out threads from @Zoomster @paddyirishman @juanjs84 @Looking for HT @harin @BlackPanther @rishibostonian @MNIK @rubberduck@Wandererind @Jarvis@forest

Really, the best thing to do is search 'Eugenix' and just scroll through each post to see the progression of each of the forum members' journey.

If you indicate where you are on the Norwood scale, we might be able to point you to cases that have a similar hair loss pattern.

Hope this helps!

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40 minutes ago, SLA said:

Lots of results here from Eugenix, most of them tend to be excellent.

Off the top of my head, check out threads from @Zoomster @paddyirishman @juanjs84 @Looking for HT @harin @BlackPanther @rishibostonian @MNIK @rubberduck@Wandererind @Jarvis@forest

Really, the best thing to do is search 'Eugenix' and just scroll through each post to see the progression of each of the forum members' journey.

If you indicate where you are on the Norwood scale, we might be able to point you to cases that have a similar hair loss pattern.

Hope this helps!


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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Everybody,

Thank you all for responding so far,and sorry for my late reply.

Someone asked here where at on I'm on the Norwood scale as it might help the members to help me out better. To be honest I never compared my case with the Norwood scale, maybe because when I looked at that scale-(the black and white diagram) I did  not quite fit exactly to any particular category, no clinic or Dr that I contacted ever referred to to the Norwood scale, just told me how many grafts I needed, - the one " representative"  responded with the Norwood scale was someone from Eugenix and he wrote I'm a Norwood 5 with his first response, I don't know if that's accurate but that's what he wrote. If that information can assist all the better.

 Also to share with you guys since we are still during covid and there are flight restrictions , I might not be able to get a visa to India, even if I chose to go, I'm looking into getting the visa but  practically I will have to look for other options in other locations. 

I will follow up


Hope to hear from you







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International travel, in general, is still challenging. Each country, including India, has restrictions particularly if you aren't vaccinated.

I am scheduled at Eugenix next month. Flying from Toronto to Heathrow to Delhi. I have to have a neg PCR test before I leave Toronto to get into the UK and India and another negative PCR test prior to leaving India. In London, both inbound and outbound, I have to pay for an antigen test at the airport and, upon arrival in India, I have to test again. It's adding about another $500 US to my expenses. Not to mention there are more declaration forms to complete, more docs to upload. Yeah -  travelling sucks right now. 



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Hey Kirkland

Thanks for responding, yes , you are quite right about the international travel.

 I am happy for you that you got the approval and respect that you are going through the hustle, yes more expenses to consider like the 500 D you mentioned and maybe more, not to you specifically but because of the flight , arrangements, the visa application itself from my country cost money, 

I would be curious to know how you went about it and  what plan you chose with them, I had a bit of difficulty communicating with them so far to be honest, and it just might be a particular chance

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I applied for a medical visa from Canada. Eugenix forwarded a letter of confirmation of the surgery for my visa application. 

I asked for Dr. Bansal to be involved in the surgery. The cost is about 400,000 rupees. About $7k CDN. 



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Also to share with you guys since we are still during covid and there are flight restrictions , I might not be able to get a visa to India, even if I chose to go, I'm looking into getting the visa but  practically I will have to look for other options in other locations.

@Muddy if you really feel that Eugenix is the clinic that is best suited for your needs then do not be discouraged by Covid interfering with your surgery. It is far better to wait this out than choose surgery with someone based on proximity to you. I have been waiting for well over 18 months now and due to Australia's overseas travel ban still in place I will wait until I get the green light to travel. My hair and scalp are with me until the day I die. The temporary travel ban is not. Wishing you all the best!

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On 7/27/2021 at 2:46 AM, Muddy said:

Hi all dear forum members,

I have a question for all of you which will probably be followed up later

Did anybody here have had treatment by them? what were your results? if you can write- share that would be great

Did anybody have any interactions with the team, your experience , opinion overall , regarding h. transplant  just to be clear

I'm very new here , so this question is for the experienced ,veterans and for everybody actually, the more knowledge the better


thank you very much


hope to hear from you all


have a great day




It's a good question. I have had it here too. Do go through my profile to see rhe results.

We can give you more references if you require. 

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Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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@Muddyone thing I generally say in my replies to potential hair transplant patients who are looking for the surgeon is this. Aside from the results, the most important factor in finding a surgeon who is a match for your hair needs is communication. I have just logged back onto this forum after once again speaking with Dr Pradeep from Eugenix only two minutes ago on WhatsApp. I have been waiting for surgery with Eugenix for over 18 months. This does not include the many, many years prior to this in researching (and also hoping and wishing) in finding which doctor would be able to meet my specific hair loss needs. I live in Australia and still to this day, the best our government can state is that around April 2022 is when I will be able to get to India for surgery. Has this deterred me from having surgery by my chosen clinic and going to someone that I can have surgery with today? Not in the least! In fact, it has only bolstered the reasons for who I have chosen in the first place and made me more patient and to add to that I'm 54, not 24. There's an old saying that if you make a mistake once then it's a mistake. If you make a mistake twice then it's a choice. When it comes to life altering surgery until the day you die then making a mistake is a mistake! Make the choice of knowing that to win the long game that getting it right the first time around will not only save you thousands of dollars but YEARS of regret and further years of repair. I use the time while I wait for my day of repair to continue to inform and educate myself even more about the hair transplant industry and to hopefully prevent others from making mistakes that I once did. All the best!

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3 hours ago, Gabreille Nelson Mukhia said:

It's a good question. I have had it here too. Do go through my profile to see rhe results.

We can give you more references if you require. 

Hey Gabrielle

thanks for replying, 

i did try to look at your profile but didnt see anything besides a link to a youtube account.

for sure, more references would be great, thank you 



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