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Everything posted by BLE123

  1. The scarring is barely noticeable, honestly I doubt anyone sees the back of your head and thinks anything of it. I'm not just saying that to be nice, if it was bad I wouldn't have said anything. The redness is a bit more evident, by no means terrible but as above maybe some topical treatment could help ... or some foundation haha.
  2. I think he's an excellent doctor and if money is no object and you insist on staying in the UK then he is the obvious choice. I don't like how he charges by the hair though, do any other doctors do that? There's no more work involved in harvesting/transplanting a 4 hair graft than a single hair graft as far as I'm aware so seems a bit cheeky to price it that way imo.
  3. Something like this? Probably 1500-1800 grafts, depending on density and how far into your native hair they go.
  4. That just shows he's an ethical doctor. A lot of these hair mills would tell Voldemort he's a good candidate if it meant making a few quid.
  5. Demirsoy and Bicer are both very ethical surgeons and consistently deliver solid results, wait to see what either says. You also have a great beard which could come in handy for any future procedures.
  6. That's surprising, your hair doesn't look bad from those pics. Is it the thickness of the hair that's the issue or just not enough of it? Do you have a pic of the donor?
  7. Melvin, I watched one of your recent vids and I was a bit worried when you showed thinning in the lateral humps. Maybe it was just the lighting or angle but you need to be careful as if they start to go then you're going to have a problem if you use up your remaining grafts. If it were me I would forget about the temple peaks(they look fine as they are) and I would probably leave the frontal third for now also(maybe a very small amount in areas of weakness). Concentrate mainly on the crown but not with the aim of filling it in completely. That's just my view though, it's your head haha.
  8. Thank God your choice of surgeon is better than your hairline design 🙃
  9. Never heard of this before, why would the body reject its own hairs?
  10. Bisanga is a bit more than that I think? Or maybe that was with tax, not sure.
  11. Looks sensational to me, are you not happy with it?
  12. I do but not consistently. I might do it for a week or so but then one day I just won't fancy it and end up falling into having hot showers again instead. Hot water really dries out my hair and skin, I've found that when I do cold showers my skin stays moisturised and that's presumably the case for my scalp as well. Cold showers are a mental battle but once you're in you're usually fine after about 10 seconds, although the first few times will cause a bit of a shock and you'll probably struggle to breathe. I have to admit though, my hair feels cleaner if I have a hot shower the day I wash it. I think it's about striking a balance. At the moment I do a cold shower on the 1st and 2nd day, then the 3rd day I have a hot shower to wash my hair and then a blast of cold water at the end.
  13. Not had a HT but I wash every 3rd day, washing your hair too often strips your scalp of essential oils. If you can bear to use cold water, even better.
  14. Strangely, the best temple peaks I've seen so far were from Asmed and Doganay. I haven't seen Pinto's work but maybe you can find a case of him doing temple peaks and make a decision from that? I agree that when done wrong they stand out, especially at shorter lengths. I'm guessing that from a technical viewpoint it's really difficult to implant at such an acute angle but I think some don't get the direction of the hairs right either, or the calibre, or the density(often too high).
  15. Only doctor in the UK I would consider is Dr Reddy, if you have the money. Plenty of good options abroad though.
  16. Weird maybe but I feel it's a different kind of judgment. Some may find it funny an adult with braces but I don't feel I was ever judged negatively for it, if anything people think good on you for doing something about it. I don't feel it's the same with hair, it feels more taboo in a way, society doesn't like the idea of surgically improving your outward appearance but teeth get a pass even if fundamentally it's still just a case of rearranging for a better aesthetic result. I couldn't have Invisalign as my teeth needed moving more than what trays can provide but I can 100% say I felt way more uncomfortable smiling with crooked teeth than I did with braces. If I were to get a HT at some point I'd have no issue being open to the fact, I really don't see what the big deal is.
  17. I had braces up until fairly recently and that entailed having four teeth taken out and about 40 visits to an orthodontist over the span of three years. No one judged me [negatively] for it, other than a bit of light-hearted ribbing but at the end of the day it was my teeth just being moved into a more aesthetically pleasing position, no different to a hair transplant. I think the stigma mostly comes from a lack of knowledge(most probably don't even know where the hair comes from) plus I guess it's seen as an anti-aging procedure and for some reason society looks down on that.
  18. Yet Melvin ran a poll on here and from what I recall around 50% said they had side effects, maybe HRN members are just really unlucky.
  19. I bet doctors wish patients didn't bleed, must be so annoying having to constantly deal with blood trickling everywhere 🙃
  20. Both good doctors, I've yet to see a bad Demirsoy case - not that I've seen bad results from Bicer, just trying to offer some balance.
  21. I'm thinking Dr Ferreira should hire you to deal with his emails 😄
  22. I'm pleased that you are happy with your result but what a disrespectful last post, it almost reads as if someone from the clinic took control of your account. All the support and help you've had from this community and that's the thanks they get, a complete slap in the face. Enjoy your hair.
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