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Everything posted by PizzaWolf

  1. Can I ask why you would have chosen Dr. Ferreira over HLC or Dr. Pekiner when it seems like he has limitations that they do not?
  2. Are you sure you're phrasing this correctly? By this logic everyone should never use any hair loss treatments and go as bald as possible before their HT. That way the surgeon will have a really good idea of the "empty area."
  3. I would be really wary of the hype around Couto at this point. He has very few direct patient reviews, even on the Spanish forums. Kinda weird if he's such a meistro. Also, there was a thread on here fairly recently where someone dredged up a photo posted from a Spanish forum--one from an actual Couto patient--and it was a pretty unimpressive result. I've also heard some conflicting reports about Dr. Lorenzo. Some are saying that they were the only patient he operated on for the day, and it was definitely him that did the surgery. It might be worth trying to get clarification from his clinic, rather than speculation. Dr. Lorenzo has a ton of experience with many complex cases throughout the years. Best of luck.
  4. I've taken Dutasteride for years. Zero side effects. Maybe I'm unique or amazingly resilient, but I doubt it. If you're determined to get side effects, you will get side effects. From your weird and panic-laden posts I can't tell if you've already tried Finasteride and gotten side effects, or if you're just terrified of trying it and worried about side effects. You could also look into RU58841 or cb-03-01 as topical hair loss alternatives that have less systemic absorption.
  5. I don't think it's productive to scare young guys into going bald when they don't have to. You were going ballistic with the side-effects.
  6. I've taken Finasteride for two weeks. In that time I noticed that my dick has retracted into my body and my testicles have shriveled to the size of small raisins. I'm undecided if my sex life has changed or stayed the same.
  7. Did HLC have any difficulty with your head being shaved already?
  8. Maybe "hack" was too harsh and not representative of what was bothering me. I apologize. I also didn't realize you had developed a personal relationship with Dr. Pekiner after your surgery. As someone who submitted a consult with Dr. Pekiner recently, reports like the ones in this thread concern me.
  9. A bit of a cop out there, bud. You went all kindergarten tattle-tale on me a few posts ago for saying mean things about your boy Pekiner. You don't think there's something really strange going on with these aborted surgeries? Still attempting to charge or hold deposits after taking hundreds of grafts? Any theories?
  10. I didn't realize that "caution" was another term for "deposit." Thank you for that. As for the rest, don't use a strawman argument on me. It sounds an awful lot like Pekiner is extorting guys that are vulnerable after he's done whatever weirdness is going on with this "miniaturized graft, dying FU" hustle. Didn't he do this to a friend of yours? You don't seem all that upset about it.
  11. A price for "caution"? What the hell is that? This makes Pekiner sound like a shyster and a hack.
  12. I can understand how losing your hair so young would be devastating to your self-esteem, but you aren't thinking rationally at the moment. You "really need to do the surgery as soon as possible"? Here's the thing: if you can never save up more money in your current situation, you have bigger issues that need to be addressed in your life than hair. My suggestion would be to get on a hair loss treatment regimen to see if you can regrow some hair. That would save money on a future HT.
  13. This was shitty of Pekiner. He already extracted the grafts. What was the patient supposed to say, "Nah Bro, just chuck those 200 grafts in the trash." The doctor should have apologized profusely, then implanted the grafts free of charge. I also think Pekiner could have offered some kind of compensation. Either way, it's not the patient's responsibility to worry about their doctor's loss of revenue.
  14. It seems like you're making a correlation/causation fallacy. How do you know it was Finasteride that made you hypogonadal after seven years? That being said, I have to agree with your other point. If a NW7 with mostly transplanted hair needs to take Finasteride in order to maintain, then we're all screwed long-term no matter what we do.
  15. You recommend Dr. Ferreira pretty aggressively on this forum. Do you have any kind of relationship or affiliation with him?
  16. Bro, it's MPB. Get on Finasteride ASAP or it will definitely get worse. You didn't do this to yourself with hair styling/straightening.
  17. For what it's worth, I don't believe that anything claiming to have "zero side effects" could possibly be effective. Anything powerful enough to have a good effect also has to be powerful enough to do harm. It's the whole light/dark, yin/yang thing if you want to get philosophical.
  18. At least from the results I've seen, I think it shows real skill that HLC can truly pull off different hair lines based on the individual. Even with certain well respected clinics, I sometimes feel like they're giving every guy that comes in the "doctor signature" kind of look, if that makes any sense. Was the beard hair used in the crown to save scalp grafts for future use? If so, it looks like another smart decision by the clinic, because your hair characteristics make it undetectable. Also, the widow's peak you have now, if I'm understanding correctly, was created by just leaving a residual portion of your original hairline? Would you go back to HLC if you weren't completely satisfied with the final density? Either way, I'll shut up now, but this clinic is definitely on my shortlist. With a British accent, girls here in the US would be lining up for you with this new look.
  19. I think this looks really well done, with a cool design for your hairline -- a very distinguished gentleman kind of look. How close is the hairline to your original before loss? I like that HLC designs it as team. Did all six doctors take part in your initial consult?
  20. I'm from the US as well and can't even get my passport renewed at the moment. How aggressive was his hairline recommendation for you, if you don't mind me asking?
  21. I realize this is a weird question, but what If you had straight-up told Dr. Ferreira you wanted your temple points touched up? Do you think he would have done them for you, or declined? Why do you think it's so hard to find more info on Dr. Ferreira? He seems to be unusually good for his price point.
  22. All the work I've seen from Dr Ferreria thus far seems to be very meticulous. The detailed reports he gives with his online consults, and answering every question himself -- who else does that? I just wish there were more final results, so thank you for posting your experience. To anyone with more knowledge of Dr Ferreria, have you seen him do any temple point restorations? To the guys who have had work done by him, did you discuss doing your temple points?
  23. I have an issue with a hair transplant rep putting up a list like this, when the same company he works for doesn't advertise with the same transparency. Unrealistic expectations about hair transplants didn't just sprout from the ether. Surgeons use photos/videos of their absolute best results and then, on top of that, often use choice lighting and angles. They advertise some of their best "No Finasteride" results. I wonder why they would do that? Many forums are paid to actively suppress bad results. I'm not just targeting Eugenix with these criticisms, you guys certainly are not the worst HT company when it comes to this stuff, but you did just decide to post this list after there were concerns over some Eugenix results.
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