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Everything posted by MazAB

  1. We are still early here, but it's awesome to see that you now have options. Whether that is styling options or even fibers at this point, you have something to work with which will only get better and better by the day! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  2. Slow and steady wins the race. The best sign of great results is even growth which you have. Don't worry about it being on the light side for now. Don't forget you have multi-hair grafts implanted behind the hairline. Each follicle in that graft has it's own anagen growth cycle and so you may see one hair pop out and 4 months later the 2nd hair, 2 months later, 3rd hair, etc... Don't worry what you have is great and it will get much thicker very soon! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  3. @givemehair2019 congrats in advance! Choosing Eugenix was a smart especially for your high norwood. You'll need a lot of coverage, both scalp and beard of course. Would love to see a shot of your beard as well, as that will play a big factor into how much coverage you are able to get over multiple procedures. Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  4. Only the half way mark and you look as good as this?!!! Can't imagine what the next 5 month will bring. I think a high and tight cut would look killer on you!😉👍
  5. Monstrous temples bro! The design was so well done to perfectly frame your face on both hairline and temples. Nice preview of what to soon be the new you!😊 Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  6. Hey Joe, you had very close to my hairloss pattern, temple points included. I chose Eugenix for the exact same reason. The masters of Temple Points! Dr Arika also performed my procedure, and had almost the same amount of grafts (2762). Great job making it happen! They did wonders for you! As stated by Mr @Ryan Daniel, an update is very much due😁 Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  7. You have a very thick beard to pull from! If you equally mix beard hair with your scalp hair it would blend in very well and you'd get full coverage. If done right, your beard will ultimately save you and give the an incredible head of hair.
  8. @lunch_owl, I believe you are in a good position simply because you have high sides which makes the donor a lot more plentiful for a HT. You need to find a clinic that can manage the donor well, and also specializes in body hair transplantation. If you combine beard and scalp and get closer to the 6 to 7k range for a transplant, I believe you would get the best possible result. Could you take a pic of your beard as well? How strong of a beard do you have? Our very own @kirkland could absolutely attest to doing more with less just coming off his procedure with @Eugenix Hair Sciences. His hair loss pattern is very similiar to yours and could definitely offer an insightful perspective that fully applies to your current state.
  9. @Bamboo if you decide to go with Eugenix any package will yield a fantastic result. Every surgeon, every tech is thoroughly trained in Eugenix processes and procedures and they all operate with precision in every procedure, so go for the package that fits your budget. That is precisely the reason why @Eugenix Hair Sciences came up with the packages to begin with. They are not just for the financially independent. They give everyone a chance at transforming themselves, and essentially remove the barriers of budgetary constraints that often times becomes an obstacle when choosing any clinic that consistently produces world class results like Eugenix. Do you have an idea of the amount of grafts needed? Would love to see photos to assess further. Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  10. @general-etwan would love to help. Definitely private message me when you have a chance.
  11. @Adier another tool in the arsenal would be microneedling as that alone helps thicken hair, but when combined with Minoxidil the response is many times off the charts. Very safe and very easy to incorporate as part of your home care. Of course, above all, first and foremost, finasteride is the number one treatment and be sure to stick with it religiously. In a years time, you can re-assess. Because you are a diffused thinner, @Eugenix Hair Sciences is the best in the business at handling those cases should you need a transplant later down the line. Best of luck with everything! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  12. Looks good! The added density in the frontal will make a huge difference as well. It's very interesting how most of the extractions came from the left side. I'm sure that was by design with how good Eugenix with managing donor, but interesting none the less. Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  13. Norwood Zero here we come! You will be a one and done my friend! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  14. The growth is incredible Ian! Quite a bit to happy about and like you said it is not over! Can't even imagine how great you'll look after round 2!😁 Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  15. Agreed, stabilize your current condition first. You need at least a year to that. Once you are ready to take the next step, remember that any consultation you get, especially overseas will just be a rough estimate. Eugenix told me that 2300 should be enough coverage during the video consultation for a conservative design. Although, they were right, I ended up with closer to 2800 grafts in the end with a slightly lower hairline. It is possible that you'll be closer to 4k if you want wider temples, lower hairline, etc... They have to measure and draw out the design to see how everything properly frames your face before they accurately assess graft count. Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  16. Loved the experience and thank you so much Melvin for putting this together! Really looking forward to more of these and getting an opportunity to learn from the most knowledgeable surgeons and patients in this industry. Call us back on anytime!
  17. I knew they receded but DAMN, had no idea it was that much! Didn't have to bend your arm to the breaking point, just a slight twist was all you needed.😂😂😂
  18. Right on track @rob7331! You'll see that waiting 2 months to update will be too long. Once you hit the 4 month mark, every month is a huge difference and major milestone. Would love to see how you look in July. The change will be night and day!
  19. Un-FREAKIN-REAL Karl! Off the charts results in every way possible, with still a few months more of improvements. You are a new man, enjoy everyday of it!
  20. Right on track! Usually by week 3 you see more shedding which is a good sign that you keep more hairs after the shedding.
  21. Definitely common Everything looks great! You'll have a killer result! Totally normal by the way as you still have inflammation in the recipient area after the first head wash. Mine settled down after a few weeks.
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