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Everything posted by MazAB

  1. You guys crack me up! Was laughing so hard at this my wife came into the room and read the post. She has been busting my balls all night on this one. My bad for not minimizing the window before hand. 🤣🤣🤣. Appreciate the support guys, you made our night!🤪🤣
  2. 100% agree. The illusion of density goes so much further with your hair type! Would still love to see a shot with your hair pulled back though. Looking great at current state!
  3. Once those baby hairs mature at the center point of the hairline, it will bring the hairline down quite a bit. Just a few months time should make all the difference! It's looking fantastic!💪
  4. @Melvin- ModeratorWith the fibers in the crown it looks like you never suffered a day of hair loss in your life. The frontal region already has such a natural appearance where no one would ever guess you had any work done, so I agree, ditch the fibers in the front, and in no time at all the crown will take care of itself with zero dependencies on fibers!💪 Best of all a happy wife / happy life not cleaning up the overspill of fibers on the vanity countertop!🤣 The UD phase officially behind you my friend
  5. Looking back a little closer on the pictures, I don't believe I've ever seen temple points look as good as quickly as yours do at this stage of the process. Absolutely incredible to think that it's still so early for you with a ton more growth and maturity you haven't realized yet! Bravo @eugenixhairsciences!
  6. Wow! Nobody would ever believe 8000 grafts were taken from your scalp. Full coverage of hair across the whole donor region, simply amazing! Even sporting a small beard after nearly 4k taken from there as well. Speechless my friend😲
  7. Thanks bud! The frizz was a little out of control so I was blow drying my hair straight. Realized that was the wrong way to go with drying my hair out. Between the hair dryer and minoxidil my hair was incredibly dry, brittle, and unmanageable. I started using an anti-frizz leave in conditioner and it made a huge difference for me as far as the overall health and manageability of my hair. No more frizz, no more split ends, and my hair goes in the direction I want it to. Best of all, it is all natural organic ingredients. Worked like a charm😁.
  8. Thanks Melvin! You've been an inspiration for me from the very beginning, and I know I can always count on your support. Counting the days down for your epic growth Melvin!
  9. It's in NYC, and I'll definitely be there. Look forward to meeting you!
  10. Hey @track_rat. As far as the lower hairline is concerned, it is a very subjective thing. Ultimately it is what you are willing to accept and live with. I believe that if you had great density and a higher yield at this point in the process, you may actually like where the hairline sits. My best suggestion to you would be to apply hair fibers on the hairline and see if you like it or not. If you do like it, then wait for full maturity and see how much more improvement you realize. If it is still weak, then have them add density without bringing the hairline down any more. If you don't like how the hairline looks with the fibers applied, then discuss options of bringing it up slightly. I do know that Eugenix has done many repair procedures bring up the hairline with virtually no scaring. As a matter of fact, I actually met one of those patients when I was at Eugenix. They had to bring up the hairline from 4cm to glabella, and even getting up super close I could not see scarring. I would also advise not to extract the beard grafts on the crown. Over time those beard grafts will start to thin out and have more of the characteristics of your native hair. Once again, at full maturity, assess and decide if you want to add more grafts to the crown as density tends to hide most all imperfections. And again, add fibers to the crown so you can get the best representation of what higher density would look like in both the crown and hairline as well. As a matter of fact, consider applying fibers instead of wearing a baseball cap. It'll set you free my friend!😉 Which state are you meeting Eugenix at by the way? Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  11. The ugly phase has officially begun! Don't worry, you look great bro! You kept a fair amount on top as well which is always a good sign. I do agree with everyone else here on the temple points. Sharp as hell! By the time they have matured, you can knock out everyone around you with just one look!
  12. Keep using that laser helmet, it is working brother! Hardest months are finally behind you! You'll be styling this summer. Can't wait for the abundance of hair that is coming your way!😁
  13. Month 2 looks much better than what the norm is typically with most people. Beautiful work! Your experience was an epic one with Eugenix. I can certainly relate with the life changing experience as it has kept me more on an emotional high than the transplant itself 😁. Can't wait to see the progression!
  14. Looking forward to the updated pics. Your results have been fantastic!
  15. Thanks @Berba11! I'll should be able to get to that today and have them uploaded.
  16. @Midwestkid0324 it is filling in nicely! I would not rest on taking Finasteride in some form or another. I know you mentioned that you were apprehensive about taking it and potentially altering your hormones, and if so, at least take it topically. I've been on Finasteride for over 25 years and no side effects, and it also kept my hair intact with little to no change. Results are different with every individual, but don't get spooked by all the negative reviews online. The drug works, and if you do experience a side effect, microdosing orally, or applying topically 99 times out of 100 gets rid of those sides. With all the pain, expense and emotion you sink into this, your best insurance policy, for now anyway, is Finasteride.
  17. Thank you @Gabreille Nelson Mukhia! Your results were an inspiration for me especially in my earlier days of research. It really showed how Eugenix could thrive not just with the higher Norwoods, but also with guys like us that would be considered a more standard procedure. I've been thrilled beyond all expectations with the progress and have @Eugenix Hair Sciences to thank for it all! Appreciate the support! 😉
  18. Hey @JoeMan, just found your thread. Dr Ferreira is an amazing doctor. You chose very very well! I was close to choosing him as it was easier to fly there last year during the pandemic, but his waiting list was so long, and to my surprise, I got approved to go to India and the rest is history as they say. Hang in there during your ugly phase because in no time you are going to be completely transformed.💪 A lot of coverage for that amount of grafts between crown, temples and frontal region. Having the sure hand of Dr Ferriera it is safe to say that I can congratulate you in advance for an awesome final result even though you are many months away from achieving it!
  19. Good hair days have been extremely easy to come by rolling into month 7!😉
  20. Karl, you achieved what most would consider the impossible. That could never be done without a high level of due diligence, trust, courage, and perfect execution by the clinic. You hit the bullseye on all fronts! Congrats dear friend!
  21. Seems to be a common theme with Eugenix. By month 5 everything explodes!💪🤣 Complete and total transformation for you brother! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  22. You are a changed man Yugbir! Night and day before and after!
  23. Adrian, loved the video testamonial! This is a true case study for the books not just for Eugenix, but for any other candidate or clinic to see and be inspired by. It will be, and is a successful procedure because of the combination of your relentless pursuit to making this dream a reality, and Eugenix rising up to the challenge in everyway and investing in you as a client, having a caring and creative approach to every aspect of your surgery!
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