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Everything posted by MazAB

  1. It'll definitely help to conceal the sparse growth factor in the frontal hairline for sure. The longer you let it grow out, the better.
  2. Being the diffused thinner that you are, your coverage should be off the charts when all is said and done. It is starting to fill in nicely at the 3 month mark. At this point, your in the launching off phase of growth! Enjoy the ride!!!πŸ’ͺ
  3. One option would be to embrace the curl and use a leave in conditioner that enhances curl. The front would also curl up to blend in with the crown. You would get more coverage that way as well. I have naturally wavy hair and have been using this to make it more curly from time to time. I don't do it everyday, but I can tell you when I do, I definitely get amazing coverage with the appearance of a lot more density. Should also help to even things out a bit from front to back. Below is the link to product I use that has been working very well. It's at least worth a shot... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KXDC2TY?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_QPTKQ7AC0RMP979PB7XJ
  4. They always say to stay out of the sun after a HT, but truthfully it would take a lot of sun exposure to kill the grafts. Don't stress over it, it should be fine. Just be sure to follow the protocols today forward and you'll be good.
  5. The hairline, temples, crown, and overall density looks incredible at only 4 months in! Fun months here we come!
  6. Right on track man. Looks great! You might want to consider shaving your head entirely. At the 5th week I shaved my head down to a .5 and it went unnoticed during my ugly phase. Middle of month three I grew it out and it all started blending in and looking normal. Nobody really questioned it, except to say, "oh you shaved your head, looks great!" Just be very careful if you buzz down. Light with no pressure over the transplanted area. If you have any scabbing don't do it at all. Don't worry about shock loss. It is extremely rare for it to not grow back. It is typically around 3 months before new hair cycles back in after shock loss, but it will come back.
  7. Thanks again for all your support Kamran! I look forward to returning the favor with your thread. I'm chomping at the bit until your procedure in May.πŸ˜‰
  8. No doubt, Pinto is the man! This transformation says it all!
  9. I can tell you exactly what it is. I colored my hair 6 weeks ago and the color finally faded. That one area that you pointed out has a bunch of grey hairs, so they tend to have a faded appearance in that area when you see it from a distance. Up close you can see that area filled in a little more with the greys. Good catch Kamran, you're getting me motivated to color it again!πŸ˜‰
  10. Month 8 update from Cancun Mexico.😎 Long overdue trip with the family. We hired a photographer out there and got both family and individual shots. Thought I'd post my one and only individual shot that made the cut.
  11. You are in very safe hands with Dr Das! She's been producing great results and have no doubt that based on your needs she would knock the ball out of the park for you! Excited for you and your upcoming procedure and look forward to following your progress closely. This forum loves to see monthly updates if you can stay consistent with that. Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  12. Hey @Ryan Daniel, like we talked about, the red carpet treatment you are about to receive will be a whole different experience from your first experience in Turkey. Your journey will help so many that are fortunate enough to hit this forum before making the rookie mistake of going to Turkey or any other of the many clinics worldwide that perform poor, below industry standard results. The one thing that is good in your case is that you don't have wasted donor, so plenty in the bank for you my friend. Without question,@Eugenix Hair Sciences will turn you into a superstar!
  13. I remember when Dr Pradeep and Dr Arika told me that they want to establish what I once had as a child. They wanted to study the direction, angle, and curl of my hair and map out how the slits would determine that direction and natural flow. I did listen very closely, but all I kept thinking was, "please God just let it grow!" It was hard for me at that time to think of all the other aspects that go into it. Now that I've had time to think back and reflect, my hair flows naturally at the exact same angle and direction of when I was a kid. Has the same wavy texture and looks no different than when I was 16, 17 years old. Whether I'm getting out of bed in the morning, or getting out of the shower, my hair always wants to follow this direction, which is astonishing to me, and proves that Eugenix results go so much deeper then just a hair transplant that grows. They get you back to how God created your hair to begin with, and make you exactly like what you once were. @Eugenix Hair Sciences sets the standard and the highest bar for all clinics worldwide. Thank you!
  14. I know I've commented on this before, but you can really see how the SMP is going aid you in every aspect moving forward. By the time your growth is in full swing, you'll have full coverage. Be sure not to buy too many fibers in Thailand as you will not need them for long.πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ Incredible transformation already!
  15. Everything looks so natural at the 6 month mark. I do agree with @Zoomster on the FUT scars. Did Dr P suggest beard grafts into the donor scars at any point? If you do take care of that, it would give you more options for different hair styles and potentially going shorter on the sides. Otherwise, it is a vast improvement overall for you! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  16. Right on track! Donor looks great as well. Calm before the stormπŸ˜‰
  17. That is the de facto standard to how they rebuild hairlines and create the most natural God given results. Looks awesome @WhatComesNext! @Ryan Daniel you are right around the corner my friend. Think of your scalp and an empty canvas that you're handing over to Picasso. @Eugenix Hair Sciences will create a masterpiece out of you! Can't wait to follow your thread in the next week or so! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  18. Even hiding your face, you are still unrecognizable from your before and after. The combination of the placement and angle of the grafts and the meticulous work done by @Eugenix Hair Sciences to ensure graft survival, you have so much to celebrate already, with more growth and maturity in the coming months. Congrats man!
  19. Looks incredible for 3 months in. You kept a ton of hair early on and didn't have as much shedding as most and it's paying off for you in month 3. Only the beginning of hair growth. Months 4 thru 7 is where the real transformation begins. πŸ’ͺπŸ˜‰
  20. Topical Finasteride should not go systemic in the body and reduce sperm count, but every body type is different and probably not worth that risk during that period. I'd wait until 5 weeks and get on topical Minoxidil at least, and apply twice daily. Once you conceive, get back on Finasteride.
  21. I've heard mixed reviews on that topic. Personally, I had FUE because I like to have my hair short. If you don't mind having it longer on the sides, than FUT can be the better option for at least the first procedure as it relates to donor conservative.
  22. It is definitely not 2500 grafts. But in my mind the greater concern should be whether or not the grafts transplanted have a high survival rate. You can always fix shoddy work, but you can't get your donor back. All you can do is give it time and see how it plays out. You've come to the right place. Wish you came here first, but now that you're here, you can right the ship and make sure you're making all the right decisions for yourself moving forward. Keep the updates coming at least monthly.πŸ™
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