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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. What is the height from the glabella (the spot between your eyebrows) to the hairline they have created in centimeters? If you could show a photo of your face front on and from both the left and right hand sides we could make out what has gone on. Just black out your eyes if you don't want to show your identity. As to this so called 'clinic!' You need to to call them out right now because tomorrow morning they will be butchering another person just like yourself and who knows how many before you have had the same experience? How can they have any come back after delivering 10% of what you both agreed on. Did they charge you only 10% of the initial price? It's clinics like these that need to close down permanently. Also even more importantly how many grafts have been taken from the donor area? Do you have a photo of the donor area post op? If it was me (and I already have 35 years of anger in my belly) I would be reporting them to every hair transplant body on the planet. Along with demanding a total refund and costs to go to somewhere like Eugenix to cover the costs of repairing what they have done (or more to the point haven't). I've done podcasts, call ins on many YouTube and Instagram 'hair police' on just this sort of corrupt shit going on in this field. You hold all the cards but you just don't realize it (and they know that). In another ten years you will regret that you didn't go hard on them in hindsight. Further to that many others will have also fallen prey to these buffoons as well. The thing you do have going for you is that if the donor supply has not been vandalized (and with 3-400 FUE grafts remove I can't see how it could be) it will be a process of going to someone like Eugenix to have any grafts in the temples removed and further grafts transplanted around the ones you have now. Don't get depressed. Get even!!!!! All the best.
  2. No one in Australia comes anywhere close to Belgium. I know for a fact from a friend who is a tech that surgeons here can only do 1,000 or 3,000 because they don’t have the experience, skills and expertise that surgeons such as Dr Sethi, Dr Arika, Dr Wong, etc have. In fact you will pay as much or more having surgery here in Australia! As for Dr Vikram he is a fraud from New Zealand. Was busted lying about his qualifications, etc.
  3. There used to be a TV series called 'Jake and the Fatman.' With make up, etc, a head of plugs actually looked good for back in the day. For Biden plugs were his only option as it would have been early 80's when he had the plugs. I had mine in 85!!!! 😬
  4. I agree with all of the above comments. You have to have a lot of confidence and feel and know that you look better than not wearing a hair piece. I have a lot of scars and in many ways I was wearing a hair piece as much to hide my scars as I was to hide my baldness. For me I felt like I was putting on a suit when I wore it. 😁 But I was straight up front with all my friends before decided to wear it. I was around 25 and we had a wig party so you really need to own it with pride! If not it just becomes another thing to worry about. Eventually though you will end up sick of it. Whether it's the routine of it, the cost of it, etc. And the problem is it's like heroin. Once you wear a hair system for years it's almost impossible to get out of wearing one. I was done though and with SMP I finally felt free for the first time since I was 18!
  5. I've watched Fousey before on YouTube having his bad work lasered off (and lasering does hurt!!). Like I have always recommended if anyone is thinking of having SMP research it as if you were researching for a hair transplant.
  6. I'm not a surgeon but I think it's more sound to start from the frontal area and work back. The hairline/frontal third is what frames your face. Thinking in terms of approaching hair loss over the lifespan is always the safest plan. All the best.
  7. For 7,000 Euro's I would be looking at Eugenix depending on what your hair loss is and what your expectations are. I applaud you in avoiding Turkey and not putting money first because in the long run you will most be spending a lot more.
  8. To be honest @sergio91 your post consists of about 90% promotion of a clinic and 10% about the procedure itself? Also the donor area looks over harvested?
  9. If it was me I would just tell them and then it's over with because you pulled the trigger first. I know this is not something many people feel comfortable with. By Christmas you could be able to wear hair fibers perhaps or dermatch if the remaining hair is cut short enough. either way your results look excellent at only three months and remember that everyday forward it will only look better and better! All the best!
  10. Congratulations Azza. After all that you have been through I think you are making the best choice. Remember also that SMP in no way will exclude you from any other potential treatments, etc in the future. You will feel so much more liberated just from the hassle of hair pieces and hair. Trust me on this. Also this will put the focus on your eyes and other features that we forget about. Looking forward to your Christmas present to yourself. I look forward to seeing your results. All the best!
  11. If you are considering shaving your head at any time in the future I would not opt for FUT. If you did shave your head, FUT scars can never be fully camouflaged with SMP. FUE also obviously also leaves thousands of tiny scars but are much easier to camouflage with SMP. All the best.
  12. Melvin I like the work from Dr Taleb Bargouthi. I'm impressed by the naturalness of his results and his honest, conservative approach from what I have seen.
  13. You have absolutely nothing to worry about @tbb1252. As voxman has correctly stated you can't damage your crown by scratching. Dandruff can occur on the largest head of hair at any age but in adolescence it's very common. Get yourself on the right shampoo and you'll be fine.
  14. The lack of of post operative care is only just one of the many criticisms of surgery in Turkey (and in clinics in the West I should also add). This is an extremely important part of a hair transplant for the psychology of the patient after the procedure in the days, weeks and months to follow. That being said, I would DEFINITELY recommend that you start on finasteride now. It will help your donor hair from the miniaturization process that occurs over time. I look forward to seeing your future updates. All the best!
  15. It may be a case that you need to tweak your meds. Our DNA is always fighting what we continually put in our system. If you consult with your doctor and it's ok I would suggest trying to increase your dosage. I would definitely look at this before considering a hair transplant. Especially for your age and how well you have maintained what you have so well for so long. All the best!
  16. There is no general approximation as everyone is on a different playing field. No two people are genetically the same and hair caliber, scalp density, ethnicity and rates of miniaturization vary from one person to another. What you can control to a degree though is your hair loss and donor capacity by starting on drugs such as finasteride very early on in the MPB process. All the best.
  17. The truth is that there are not enough surgeons who have ventured into using beard grafts. Even those that have, do not have the experience and skills in being able to harvest enough beard grafts, let alone know where and how they should be placed and mixed with scalp grafts. Have a look at Eugenix and look at the amount of years of experience and training and the results they that are now successfully turning out. That doesn't happen by accident. I had a consultation with Dr Vikram in Melbourne and questioned him on his experience with using beard grafts. He's reply was that he can do it but that it's too difficult to extract. It's not 'too difficult.' It's just that he doesn't have the skill set nor experience in that area which can make or break a result for someone who could benefit by utilizing their beard donor.
  18. I've watch the Bald Truth sporadically over the past five years or so and I actually phoned in a few weeks ago. Personally and politics aside, I think every young guy between 18-25 who thinks that he can get his hair back like he was when he was 18 by going to Turkey should watch the show. The show is not 'anti hair transplant.' The show is that a hair transplant should be your last option and highlights all of the risks. Too many people (including myself) wish that the bald Truth was around when we had a hair transplant so the show does play an important role. In fact, possibly more so now than ever.
  19. Forget Turkey and Australia. If you can afford Eugenix then you will be in the best hands.
  20. What is the hairline made up of? Beard grafts? scalp grafts? A mixture of the two? Beard hair is thicker in calibre and should never be used for the hairline, but as a filler with scalp grafts behind the hairline. It appears that the grafts all over are a mix of the two. but that's just a guess? Do you know how many scalp grafts you have left available? You could continue with covering the vertex and crown (if possible) with scalp and beard donor hair. Or you could also add SMP and and keep everything buzzed down to give a 3D illusion. The FUE donor scars could be camouflaged with SMP a year after the final surgery. All the best.
  21. Hairless Ozzie can I ask how old you are? Who did the first procedure and how many grafts were used? Have a serious look at Eugenix. All the best!
  22. And believe it or not this fine gentleman still has a couple of months or more of growth to go! Very happy for you zoomster. Looking forward to your next update!
  23. First of all congratulations to have to wisdom beyond your age to wait until 25 before considering a hair transplant. Secondly congratulations that you can tolerate finasteride and I would stay on this drug 'religiously.' Whether you want to add minoxidil is really up to you. You may actually grow back some hair that you have lost. If/when you choose to have a hair transplant please make sure you have consulted as many doctors that you can and NEVER be afraid to ask as many questions as you can. Educate yourself as much as possible about the hair transplant industry and stay on this site and keep yourself updated. In two years better drugs may and probably will be coming out. You are doing all of the right things. Congratulations once more and I look forward to any further posts from you!
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