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Everything posted by TorontoMan

  1. I'd like to echo that you should not drop your line and just fill in those temporal points, 2k grafts max. Stick to meds if they've already been working over 2 years. You have great hair all around
  2. Hey man, first thing I am deeply sorry for your loss and the situation you're in as a result of all this. At the same time, thank you very much for sharing this experience, you don't have any idea how many men you're likely helping sharing and it takes a lot to do it. Your write up is spot on with all the red flags you've identified. But lets slow down for a sec, how old are you now, where are you located and are you on any sort of medication? The first thing I feel I would do in your situation is take a look at the list of surgeons recommended on this forum and set up an in person consultation if there is one near you, and if not, for now a video consultation could suffice. I think you need someone to assess how much damage is done and what your donor is looking like. You are NOT the first person to have a failed transplant and there have been many who have come through here and found solutions. I would not proceed with smp at this moment in time before you get a quality surgeon to look at your scalp. That being said, you do still have a good amount of hair, a good surgeon is capable of using remaining scalp grafts and potentially add in beard grafts to improve your situation. Some guys on here have had over 5+ surgeries to achieve results. Right now you need to be strong and free of judgement and other people's opinions. This shit happened but there will be a solution. If you need someone to talk to, you could always reach me on this forumn or reach me personally off the site if you'd like.
  3. The answer is just in genetics. Its unexplained to the point where you could point out the exact direction of your loss. You could lose hair all over your head. There are many examples of men who started losing their hair and started at the crown most agressively. Look up Zinedine Zidane.. famous soccer player.
  4. Not sure what the point If this video is entirely. Of course to correct a problem of this magnitude you have to make some sacrifices and be patient. He fear mongered all the things he does anyways, and continues to build a YouTube channel out of this. He takes medication and had two surgeries along to only fix his hairline. He made choosing a doctor and between fue vs fut sound like it was the end of the world
  5. I do have the product, but haven’t used it long because oral works for me. I would reccomend getting a vehicle like stemoxydine or k&b and that way you could pour the topical finasteride In another solution to spread it more evenly and adjust the doses if you like. You could also check to see if a pharmacy in your neighbourhood would compound topical finasteride for you, may be a cheaper alternative
  6. You could get topical finasteride on its own from Minoxidil Max, doesnt have to be combined with minoxidil, they have both options
  7. What country are you in? The pill is easy to cut if you have a pill cutter. If you cut one pill into four pieces, each piece is 1.25 mg of finasteride. Proscar is a cost saving but doesn't give you much flexibility in managing your dose. If you cant source 1mg propecia where you are, then I suggest cutting your proscar to quarters, and take one quarter say 3x a week to begin. Do that for a while and slowly move the up, maybe after 6 months up it to 4x a week instead of 3. etc.
  8. Yep had the same realization only 3-4 weeks outside of surgery unfortunately. Veterans on the forum do recommend shaving your head or at least buzzing down to reveal true damage. If I had done that earlier, my strategy moving forward would have likely been slightly different. Do recommend everyone man up and buzz down
  9. This is great advice. I personally would start with finasteride first, wait a year and then consider minoxidil. Finasteride is the main power here against the fight.
  10. ^ I wouldn't just assume its fine, however, when your hair has applied oil in it or if its wet your hair will stick together and appear less dense, this is the same for everyone. So try to avoid putting oils in your hair, and take some photos with your hair dry and make them more clear. You can't get a good assessment from anyone with the quality of photos you're providing. Your best course of action is to see a dermatologist and get your hair assessed. You are pretty young so it may not be advisable or perhaps necessary for any medical treatment options at this moment in time. However, its best you know your situation as soon as possible, so that you could treat the condition early and be proactive if it is male patterned baldness (MPB).
  11. Having the same issue trying to figure out what minoxidil is doing for me. Recently the Rogaine foam has started to irritate the hell out of my head and its always itchy. Its not a hassle to apply right now cuz I'm home most of the time, but my head just doesnt feel great with it. Wondering if I should consider Minoxidil with no PG or scrap it all together and let fin do its thing. Another alternative would be oral minoxidil, does anyone have any experience with that?
  12. So you came off minoxidil completely? Did your scalp recover from the irritation and do you think you've noticed any drawbacks from coming off it? What does Hasson say about minoxidil anyway, does he just think its not effective?
  13. I wouldn’t go for surgery if you haven’t tried at least something.. for at least 1-2 years. I think low dose fin or CB could be a good starting point for you. Prp won’t do anything
  14. This question comes up so often. A lot of guys come on here with hopes that hair will stabilize and that a ht will fill the voids. That is unfortunately naive and wishful thinking. Hair loss is progressive and there is no accurate way to indicate how far you’ll go. So just consider that in the long game you will not get full restoration with a transplant. So you may invest for temporary satisfaction if even that. finasteride is going to be everyone’s personal choice and you now have trade offs you have to weigh. Starting the drug is intimidating for every person who has ever started, but just look at it by the numbers Of clinical studies and the percentage of sides in control studies... go by the numbers. Also if you do start and get sides, come off and they are more than likely to subside.
  15. Is your hair wet in these photos? It does appear that you have thinning in the crown.
  16. Lmfao.. it’s what my gf could tolerate, otherwise I’m with you on the bourbon.. sometimes make old fashions and I love that
  17. I don’t expect 24 year olds especially in the Instagram era to be particularly sensitive to this sort of situation. Fuck the friends who batter you for something you’re struggling with. Anyway all that being said, yes you need to get on finasteride and preserve your hair ASAP. You still have a good amount. I would Not rush to get a hair transplant now, everyone hates hearing that, but given your age it’s critical you try and see what medication does for at least a year and thay you’re not selecting a doctor out of desperation. The talk of density and all those things will be best done with your doctor, it all boils down to your future potential loss, your donor quality and size and medication response. You need to approach this strategically and slowly, but you could win
  18. This cannot be real. I don’t know what I feel for this person, I’m not sure how they let it go all the way to this, and I’m assuming all that ink would be very expensive too. The fact that the barbershop is showing it gives me a feeling that this is some sort of joke
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