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Everything posted by TorontoMan

  1. You need to check your shbg levels to see how much of your total test is actually free test, and it could be possible that your problems stem from high estrogen aromatization. lower the dose of fin, try topical fin, or try something like CB which has looks promising for safety profile
  2. That is definitely at your own discretion and you're not the first to think like this. Every person whos eventually started on finasteride were at some point in time thinking they wouldn't possibly commit to a drug. However, according to studies, the instances of side effects were very low, and this was consistent even in a long term study, such as the 10 year term done in Japan. There are also over 10 million prescriptions cut for finasteride in the states alone.
  3. Pretty large contradictions. "You want to appear NW2 for life" but will not maintain NW2 without medication. You "don't want to think about your hair", but yet you say you'll conceal and do other things to give the appearance. and it of course just gets harder to conceal as you go down that path
  4. Lmao what made you rethink finasteride? In the post previous you said it was just hair
  5. Oh oh.. a case where a very reputable doctor advised a young patient to consider FUE over FUT.. this should rally a few people up. Everything looks amazing, you'll get great density and I'm looking forward to seeing your final result
  6. Lol where do you get info that Bisanga could only extract 4K grafts from?
  7. Agree with the comment above. Your donor has thinned and you have a lot of loss. You would be spending a lot of money to not get what you likely expect. But you have a great head shape and a crazy good beard, I would rock that and never have to worry about hair again
  8. I went to a whole foods store and bought some all organic thing. But what I’d recommend is getting Regenpure NT (nourishing treatment), that one doesn’t contain any ketoconazole or sulfates. Wait maybe 2 months then you could use their Regenpure DR that contains a mild 1% keto. You could find it on amazon
  9. My instructions were to use baby shampoo until the 2 week mark, after that recommended I use a gentle shampoo, try to find something without any sulfates and more natural ingredients. and the other instruction was to avoid nizarol and head and shoulders until 3 months, as they may be too hard for you grafts
  10. PRP is definitely not able to replace finasteride. The breezula trials are promising for its safety but I’m not sure how much binding affinity it has to the receptor. I believe it’ll be a promising thing to add with finasteride
  11. It likely wasn’t aggressive, you just hadn’t noticed it as it’s hard to detect on time. And coming off finasteride for 2 months isn’t a massive problem, you are likely to regain that ground, and you may have been experiencing a shed. yeah you could address the the hair line now, but you may have a bigger problem later if you don’t see how you progress on fin.
  12. Diffuse thinner, think you would benefit more from meds than a transplant. Right now the risks of surgery outweigh the benefit as you may shock as much hair as you try to replace. This in my experience searching online, seems to be the type of hair loss that responds best to treatment. You could get thickening throughout and you’ve hardly receded at the hairline. Wouldn’t consider anything till you try fin, my opinion .
  13. It’s pretty crazy how localized your loss is. The midscalp seems untouched
  14. Thanks for the write up. Would oral minoxidil be able to supplement and replace topical application if it’s tolerable? and where is topical dut available?
  15. How could you get sides with fin but not with dut?
  16. Yeah you may be very sensitive DHT in your scalp and likely other androgens including testosterone. Finasteride will of course help reduce the amount of DHT you have in your body meaning there will be less of it to come around and attach to your hair. For most people this reduction is enough to slow the progression of hair loss down and others still experience loss because there is still enough androgen activity in their scalp for their hair follicles to be affected. In your case I would try finasteride if you haven't already and it should help you maintain what you have, including your donor. Hair loss is progressive and there is unfortunately no real way of determining how far you will go with it. I would also strongly suggest you go get blood work done. Ask them to test your blood for iron, folate, zinc and look into your thyroid or any potentially autoimmune issues.
  17. Hi I think you need to take more time research and understand what finasteride/dutasteride and all these things are and what they're doing. It is not that you have more DHT in your body than any other average person, it is that you are genetically sensitive to dht at your hair follicles that you are losing your hair as opposed to another person who isn't. & yes theoretically if you get older and you're testosterone levels begin to drop, conversely the amount conversion into DHT will also drop. However, that is not what you want lol. You want to keep your testosterone levels high, and ideally if you didnt have MPB you wouldn't be touching your DHT levels either. The drop of 50-70% of dht from fin, depending on how you dose, is thought to be enough of a drop where you get dht reduction in the scalp, but still enough androgen activity in most men to support regular function.
  18. Apparently it has a very low binding affinity, so it isn't very competitive at the receptor. I don't believe there is enough research yet to treat it as a good stand a lone treatment and perhaps not enough to justify its current price. On anagen it sells for $100 for 1 gram and you'd have to get a vehicle like stemoxydine, KB or even minoxidil like Melvin mentioned. The studies released this year showed that 7.5% BID (taken twice a day) was the most effective after 6 months and a year. So it could potentially cost something like $100 a month to use with its optimal effect, this would likely change when it hits the market in a few years. Maybe Melvin could speak more on how much its costing him for his current dosage. I think its probably a very good option to add for someone who is on finasteride and adds it to minoxidil.. if you had the money to support it, I think the safety profile of it makes it a good add on. @Hairgain22 Yes CB-03-01 is Breezula and also called clascatrone
  19. I was quoted 2,500 grafts during consultation and was ready to pay for that amount and for more in the case there was more, although I was very certain I wouldn’t need more. on surgery day the doctor decided they would aim for 2,200 instead. They got around 2,200 but when doc finished the incisions, he wanted 200 more to fill in density, so they flipped me over and extracted another 200. Totalled 2,401 exactly, and they refunded me for 99 grafts as I paid for 2,500 before we started. had it gone over I had a visa ready to pay for what they’ve extracted extra. I think that’s the policy for many doctors in North America at least
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