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Everything posted by CosmoKramer

  1. There is nothing faster that gets me to add a business (no matter what kind) to my ‘Dead-to-me’ list than being ignored by said business that could’ve received thousands of my hard-earned cash-money.
  2. Hahaha Yup! We just sit back watch and laugh at the hypocritical generational bitching shitshow.
  3. My suggestion to Millennials (Im not one by a few years)...do what I did...when my parents got too harsh or grumpy with me in my teens and twenties I would ALWAYS remind them that in a few decades I will have the ultimate upper-hand and will be collecting many brochures from 1-star Shadey Acres “retirement” homes....that kept them in check..😂😂😂
  4. The irony is that aging boomers that are bashing millennials will be begging them to care for them as they get closer to meeting the Reaper...😂
  5. Boomers: Millennials are lazy money & time wasting moochers with are spoiled and feel entitled to everything, don’t own property or have a good job.😂 Millennials: Boomers are selfish and greedy and crashed the stock market and economy not once but twice because of their greedy gambling for more gains, and crashing the real estate market with their 2nd & 3rd summer homes they couldn’t afford. Feel entitled to every government hand out and will kill if someone takes their social security or Medicare away.😂 Boomers: Millennials have no direction. 😂 Millennials: Boomers can’t solve the problems they created.😂 etc etc etc...
  6. I find the Bart Simpson vs Grampa Simpson yelling at cloud debate hilarious...the meme are 👌🏻
  7. No no, that’s what I meant by including dairy as not good for hair/body and just added that I stick to only Greek yogurt...and the occasional Ben & Jerry’s ice cream..
  8. Microneedling alone without an “assist” from Minoxidil or Finasteride or saw palmetto will not prevent present or future hair loss due to androgens like dht/estrogen/test if that’s in your cards, it may help bring better blood circulation to your current native hairs and from what I’ve read the better the blood supply to follicles the less harm or delayed harm DHT will have on follicles, so if you just want to microneedle without anything else it may help with circulation and give you a bit more time until better medications or “cures” are on the market. I haven’t purchased anything from Ali Expresss, I’ve always bought from trusted sellers with good ratings on Amazon and or eBay. If you are going to purchase a derma roller be sure it has titanium needles and check what needle size and buy a few varying needle sizes to test with. Good luck.
  9. My technique is just basically stamping all over and repeating areas after a lap or 2. Yeah hair can get cut or snagged if you glide it in circles that’s why I just hover and stamp. Interesting about the finer needles on the A7, but I already feel the needle last on the A6 cartridges are already thin and fine and I don’t see how it could be helpful for hair....for face microneedling maybe. Yeah, it doesn’t hurt to experiment as long as you’re not doing rough damage to your scalp, let me know how you like and any better results from the cartridges with more needles. 👍🏻 Heres a video on stamping with a pen, it’s moreso for face but can good example for hair imo.
  10. I agree with @Fozzie, looks like a good result, but yeah, probably an extra 150-200 grafts in that area of your concern would improve it more so.
  11. Yes, gently on 1mm needle setting and once every 7-9 days at 2mm but a bit more firmly also 10-15min and in always in a stamping motion not gliding or dragging the pen across the scalp.
  12. I’d like to add....those that are giving microneedling a go that might be pain-sensative...you could always purchase a numbing/lidocaine cream at your local drugstore or online to apply beforehand. I haven’t used it as I don’t mind the slight stinging of the needles and have a good pain threshold and after the initial few sessions it got less “painful” for me.
  13. Nice! Hopefully in 3-4 months (if you’re consistent with it that is 😉) you can set fire to your hair putty & fibers 😉👍🏻
  14. Looks normal for 3 months...another few weeks and beyond is when the magic happens!
  15. Yup, forgot to add those too. I stick to clean collagen peptide protein powder from grass fed cows if i want a post-workout protein boost and to help my muscles and joints recover better.
  16. Yes, avoid foods that are too processed and full of junk, hydrogenated oils, eat healthy basic sources of protein (free range eggs, grass fed beef/pork/chicken), soy-filled foods, dairy (I stick to just organic Greek yogurt and haven’t touched milk in years), too much sugar. Just my opinion.
  17. My questions.. 1. What evidence do you have that frozen donor grafts will be healthy enough at the cellular level and not damaged in order to me multiplied? 2. Are you technically a “middle-man” operation between you and a company(s) that will actually do the actual science of graft multiplication? 3. If so, whom are they? 4. Have you tested in-vitro or in-vivo the health, multiplication, grafting of previously frozen donor grafts?....if so, did they grow hair? 5. What recourse do paying clients have should your company go belly-up?
  18. It may but at a much slower and less pace to get results, I tried microneedling with a 0.5mm derma roller a few years ago and only saw slight results after 6-month, then recently I decided to purchase a derma pen with adjustable needle lengths and use Minoxidil and got really good results in less than 3-months.
  19. Work looks very nicely done, and clean. Hairline design looks great! Happy healing and progress!
  20. You’re welcome Lenny! Yeah, good point! I like my hair short but also medium length, not too long in the front where it becomes a hassle.
  21. I think in those last photos, you’ve found your ht hair styling “sweet-spot” Lenny! 👍🏻
  22. Supposedly a German scientist team will begin trials before the end of this year. I do see a rush to get some treading action on cloning lately
  23. True. Silver-lining though...you’re still fairly young and when dermal papilla cloning becomes a commercial viable reality to give us all an unlimited graft supply then we can move on haha
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