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Everything posted by SWdan

  1. I didn't opt for the A-Cell. Dr. Diep gave me an injection in each shoulder for swelling, no extra cost. I had swelling roll down my temples, but it really wasn't too bad. I took the pills they gave me for swelling also. Gone in 4 or 5 days.
  2. What a positive change..! Dr. Diep did it again.
  3. I noticed everyone that gets a FUT from Dr. Diep, including me had that band of abrasion across our foreheads. Is that some kind of retraint he puts on us to hold us still while he does the FUT..? I've always been curious about that, but didn't think to ask them.
  4. The numbness two three inches above my FUT incision , lasted 4 or 5 months. The numbess up on my crown, I didn't have any work done there but I guess the nerves got affected, lasted about 8 or 9 months. I occasionally would get a very sharp quick shot of pain. like somebody stabbed me with a needle. I just assumbed that was the nerves growing back together. That hasn't happened in six or seven months now. I'm 17 months post op.
  5. I think you and your Doctor made a good choice for where to put your new hairline. It looks natural there, and fits you well.
  6. And I thought my HT transplant turned out good. Your Doctor did a phenomenal job, it looks great.
  7. I think it turned out pretty darn good. Huge difference from before, IMO.
  8. Looks real good. I also had a big scab in front, and mine took a long time to come off.
  9. I think six or seven months from now, you're going to be very happy.
  10. A great head of hair Legend...yes indeed.
  11. I agree Dr. Diep is an amazing HT surgeon. (he did mine too). It would be nice if you could post some before and after pictures.
  12. Thanks Legend. Had a Skype yesterday with Dr. Diep. I took this picture yesterday for his follow up, he wanted to know how I've been doing.
  13. Looks good Legend. The next few months should be rewarding.
  14. I've always admired, and looked up to people speaking a language that's not their native language. And also amazed at the people who judge them for not being perfect at it. SMDH
  15. I've mentioned a couple times, I had horrible side effects from it. I was lucky, in my case they weren't permanent.
  16. I'm fair skinned too, and I had redness for about five months.
  17. I experienced the same anxiety at the TSA checkpoint flying back from San Jose to New Mexico. I had my hat on, but fortunately they never asked me to remove it.
  18. Dr. Diep does mostly FUE, and if you look at his results it doesn't appear that the larger punch size has affected his end results. I haven't seen any permanent shock loss, or excessive scarring on any of his video's.
  19. From a very satisfied patient of Dr. Diep myself, I have every confidence this will turn out great for you. It's difficult to play the waiting game, I know, but you will be rewarded. Yes please keep us updated on your progress.
  20. Since Dr. Diep ( or one of his tech's) shaved just the front half of my head, and a strip in the back for the FUT, no way could I go anywhere like that. Once home I shaved off the rest of it and wore a hat everywhere for about three months.
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