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Everything posted by hairlosscpa

  1. After reading all this, there is no way I can reccomend Dr. Diep to my friends. Thanks all for posting!
  2. Sorry. To me it just looks like his hair grew longer. Not great before and after considering its different angles, his hairline is covered and hair brushed forward in the after pics.
  3. Yes I use it for my hairline and a little bit on my beard on the patchy areas. I think it works great. Easy to target smaller areas, looks natural and dont need to deal with the mess of dermatch. Plus I think the packaging is pretty sleek where it has the sponge holder and also a mini mirror. I dont use it over a large area so cant speak to its efficacy on that. I'll try posting some pics soon. Hope this helps.
  4. FUE about 1,500 grafts by a reputable surgeon should probably give you the coverage you desire. I would even do FUE for 2,000 grafts if it came down to it, but I dont think you need that many for your case. Anything greater than 2,500 I would go with FUT. The scar and recovery process is not worth it for anything less. Obviously all my opinion. You have great head of hair though but I do understand your concerns.
  5. I had two healthy boys while on fin. But I was taking .5mg. If you dont want to go cold turkey, consider temporarily reducing your intake.
  6. No need to wet the applicator - I don't, but you probably could if you wanted thicker coverage. Can't really comment on the waterproof yet but the little I apply to my beard doesnt come off when I wash my face with water.
  7. I started using this and it's great for targeting smaller areas (like portions of my side part) or some small patches in my beard. Highly recommend. Its come in a mini bottle with a built in mirror. Pretty neat design. https://tintbrand.com/
  8. I had the same questions few years go. Took 1mg everyday and felt terrible. Stopped taking fin and obviously lost everything. Decided to not continue while trying for my first child. Afterwards went back on .25mg every other day, did that for a year and now I'm on .5mg everyday. Took fin when trying for my second and there was no issue. I'd suggest doing .5mg every other day and then upping to everyday after 6 months if no sides to get the most out of the medication. All from my own personal experience.
  9. Do you have after pics in similar lighting and hair not completely combed over? Hard to appreciate the work with how you have currently presented it.
  10. Yes I really think you're fine. Scroll through the pics in my link and you'll see I went through something similar but the end results turned out just fine. Hang in there! If the pattern is visible like that after 3 - 5 months then I would be concerned.
  11. Hey Melvin, just confused on how we went from wanting more pics of @sunnybadhairtransplant to suspending bhatti's membership? Maybe I missed something in between. Either way, sounds like it was the right move to make. Thanks man
  12. I feel SMP would be a good option for you
  13. Not a fair comparison as the after shots are with the hair pushed down and forward. Definitely some improvement though.
  14. I think the doctor should spend less time on Snapchat and more time on practicing his graft insertion technique. Sorry to hear about your experience. Let's hope the results turn out great.
  15. Thanks man! Greatly appreciate the advice and I definitely understand your points on the hairline. I purposely avoid anything in the hairline because I have had scarring experiences in my pre transplant days of applying concealer to my hairline and feeling like having everyone in the world is staring at it...probably because it looked too thick and unnatural. So since then I've been going with the method of less is more in the front. I do agree there can be additional softening in the front and will try your advice out. thanks
  16. My routine includes using got2b hair thickening creme all around and style my hair. Then sprinkle Caboki around as I have diffuse thinning and then follow up with a volumizing hairspray that has some shine to flyaways and removed the dullish look of a concealer. Looks 100% natural at least to me. Attached is a pic. Thoughts?
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