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Everything posted by hairlosscpa

  1. Over 3 years since my 2500 graft transplant with Dr. Vories. Thought I would share a hair wet hair comparison. Apologies for the different variables such as hair length and lighting. Will post more pics if anyone is interested.
  2. good article, but seeing articles saying this really pisses me off: "The most common modern practice merely involves taking hair follicles from the back of your head, a scarless procedure with relatively no downtime."
  3. You need to remove those scabs gently and do it now. You will not lose any grafts
  4. Yeah a new thread is fine. There is a lot of talk from the clinic that FUE has not advanced at all, but apparently it's already been "modified" to obtain strip-like results - an advancement to remove the three detrimental forces. Therefore I was just surprised it has not been mentioned here.
  5. What ever happened to mFUE? Wasn't that the so-called "alternative" to FUE with strip-like results? I'm surprised to barely see it mentioned at all anymore. Can Dr. Bloxham or Feller please expand on their results with mFUE? Thanks
  6. Nice result. Great example of how FUE was the best method for this guy based on number of grafts and short sides he wanted.
  7. Dr. Feller, Thanks for your input. No feelings hurt. I'll address your comments below: 1. I failed to mention the pics from today were after a shower, damp hair, under bright lighting. To the untrained eye I have received no abnormal look and my new barber does not have a clue. In fact, when I told him, he was so surprised I had anything done. Very different experience from post-FUT. The second two pics are from today (1.5 years post-FUE) with my hair dry. 2. I have not noticed any FUE scarring. Yes, I admit my donor area looks slightly less dense, but that's to me only and to a doctor with 20+ years of HT experience. My hair is longer not to cover scarring, but because my current FUE hairline allows me to slick my hair back and I prefer my sides to be longer to compliment the hairline. I leave it longer by choice. 3. I had FUT from a well respected coalition doctor. What is your definition of a "proper FUT"? You even said in your other post that: "I saw your linear scar and it looked good to me." 4. It is unfair to mislead the public saying, "they BOTH state they CAN shave their head". Please let me know where I stated this. 5. It's unfair to mislead the public saying, "they cannot bring themselves to have a proper FUT procedure performed out of fear of the actual surgery involved with strip." If you read my FUE experience linked in my signature, I state that I thought FUE was more painful than FUT. I would gladly do another FUT if it wasn't for the linear scar. Looking forward to your response.
  8. Dr Feller - So you are saying the better move would be to remove the first already thin scar via FUSS with the goal to make it thinner, which isn't even certain based on a multitude of variables? I have attached 4 pics, first two 1 year after my FUT procedure and second two from today (1.5 years after FUE). I know the latter is slightly longer, but even at shorter lengths, it looks much better than the former. Please let me know which one you would prefer. Thanks.
  9. I had a strip from a coalition doctor. Pretty thin scar and only 1700 grafts extracted when the goal was 2000 [another con there about strip]. If I got a 4 guard or less, the scar was extremely visible. I would see the disappointed look on my barbers face. A linear pattern is going to be more noticeable. It wasn't until I got a FUE procedure, 2500 grafts, by a recommended surgeon, both to my hairline and strip scar where I could finally get a 3 guard without visible scarring. I'm at peace now hah.
  10. Thought the article below was interesting, what do you all think? Scientists studying cancer stumble on 'breakthrough' in search for baldness cure
  11. I understand the concept of multiple small procedures as a conservative approach. For many, including myself, I just did not want to go through that recovery period consistently. It's not easy. Constantly taking the time off from work,repeatedly going through the post-op care including dealing with stiches/staples, swelling and hoping nothing messed up. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.
  12. I'd go with Hasson and Wong. Why have yourself cut up multiple times when you can potentially achieve your desired result in 1 session? Hasson and Wong have continuously proven their high quality of work and have the resources to perform these megasessions which may not be cost effective in an office located in NYC (Bernstein).
  13. Very disappointed in Bhatti's FUE results lately. Maybe Dr. Feller had a good point about him with that whole FUT vs. FUE debate. OP, I am sorry for your poor result. I think you have received good advice here. I know Bhatti also does "Donor Reconstruction" or whatever you call it, but it is definitely something you need to bring up with him. Your donor region does not look bad, but yes, the patches are noticeable to the trained eye.
  14. Unfortunately that evaluation was not provided to me. It definitely concerns me though. My family doesn't have aggressive hairloss (no high NWs). Diffuse thinning is common though which I have sort of addressed with my HTs and meds.
  15. This does not look good. Do you have any pics before the procedure? Or is one before the procedure and one 13 months after?
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