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Everything posted by AB2000

  1. I'm trying to recall my HT post-op instructions. I believe that by day 14 post op it is desirable for the scabs to have come off. On the days when I could first apply a cup of water it was to rinse off blood residue. But when I could also massage the scalp I'd touch the scabs and move them around gently. This would help them shed. After a certain point - and other's can jump in here with the correct info - it's detrimental to keep scabs on after a certain point after the surgery.
  2. That would depend where you are. I've gone down that route using a combo of scalp donor hair, as well as from the beard and some from the chest. I had my 2nd HT a few months ago with Dr. Umar in L.A. The results from the latest surgery haven't manifested yet, but I've decided to grow my hair out for the time being to see what it looks like. My plan is to either keep my hair very short, buzzed, or very long.
  3. You want to know if you lost grafts? You tell us. If some came out you would have seen them on the pillow or bed sheets. It would be that obvious.
  4. Another celebrity whose hairline has been on TV for decades is the wrestler Ric Flair. For many years in his career he wore a 70's style long 'do, then modernized his look in the early '90's when he cut it short for a while. The first two attachments are from '93 and '95 when he would have been 44 and 46 years old respectively. Fast forward 10-15 years and suddenly he has a huge bald spot on his crown. There's still a hairline up front, to give the appearance that there's more behind it, but he's essentially as bald on the back as his contemporary Hulk Hogan, who was famously bald and bandanna-wearing. More recently it looks like Ric is losing hair up front too. Kind of disappointing to know that you can be middle aged with a full head of hair but that you can go bald in a short amount of time.
  5. The clinic I had my HT's provided me with this information before I traveled out there. Ask a rep for a print out of their post-op care instructions, so that you can properly plan. From what I have read I've seen a minimum of one day of rest before travelling. If your post-op care is similar to mine, then you will be purchasing topical medications (cream, ointment) to apply to the surgical areas. Unless you gently cover them up then I would not want to put my bleeding and pussing head onto a backrest in an airplane where your open wound will take in all sorts of infections. Before you go for your HT buy a big cap or a loose bandana. My first HT was four days. I had to go out and get food to eat. So I'd either plop the cap on my head loose, with the back strap opened up, or use the bandana. These can't be tight though, because you might lose a few grafts. Following the procedures I was instructed not to put my head under a shower. For the 1st week just a cup of distilled water was poured on to rinse off the dried blood and puss. After I week I could start with shampoo, and Burt's Bees Natural was suggested. Since I can be on job sites where I would need a hard had I plan my HT's to not have the recovery period overlap where I would need to wear anything on my head that could disturb the grafts. The first two weeks are the most important. Protect your investment.
  6. Look online and find minoxidyl that come in liquid oil form. This is good for keeping your scalp moist after a procedure.
  7. Yes his clinic uses a custom FUE device called the UGraft, which is also used in extraction of grafts from the beard and body: https://www.dermhairclinic.com/follicular-unit-extraction-bht/ My first HT with Dr. Umar was for 4,600 grafts over three days. Since some of my head donor hairs, moreso on the sides as I recall than the back, were curing underneath the skin the whole procedure took an extra day. Between him taking the time to get the extractions done right, and perhaps because of the UGraft tool itself, I was able to get all the grafts transplanted. I had weighed whether to go with the Dermhair clinic in LA or to fly out to India, but I'm glad I had the HT done with Umar. From my experience it would appear that I got a better yield than I would have with standard FUE tools. It's been a very long time since I've grown my hair out longer but when I did I would describe it as frizzy and wavy. What's ironic is that it used to be very dense, as well. But at some point in my mid 20s it started to fall out. Combing my frizzy hair in the shower would pull out hairs and I didn't immediately connect it to hairloss, just tangles.
  8. I am thinking your problem is one of two issues. Either you are touching your hairline often, perhaps not being aware of it, and doing it when you sleep as well. Are you scratching the irritated skin? Or, your exposed skin is susceptible to thing you normally wouldn't be if hadn't had surgery on it. Have you been dying your hair, using hair products with chemicals that are suddenly bothering you, is your pillow not clean, etc? Try removing potential irritants and see if it makes a difference. When I had my first HT my scalp was red and itchy for weeks. I had to be aware not to scratch it because that just made it more itchy.
  9. Yes, I had pimples develop, some more irritating than others. As others have posted don't go poking them with dirty fingers.
  10. I had a procedure with Dr. Umar including grafts from the beard area - lower jaw and chin. Someone like myself who is aware of hair transplantation and followed my own recovery I can say that I do notice the points where these grafts were taken, when I give myself a close shave. I have asked people if they notice any dots or scarring in this donor area and so far no one knew about this. It takes a very sharp eye, my own, who knows about the procedure to look close enough for the signs. That being said, I never expected a wholly 100% undetectable transplant. I am all about weighing the pros versus the cons. I much prefer having a couple of thousand grafts taken from the face and put into my thinning crown. The plus of improving the appearance of my density outweighs the small signs that some work might have been done on me. I've only had one procedure at Umar's clinic so far, I am not an expert, but from my experience he took the time to carefully extract the donor hairs from my scalp with his ugraft system. I have hairs that are curly and his tool was able to angle in the correct way to safely get the scalp grafts. This resulted in my transplant taking an extra day. Originally it was for 3 days but he and his staff came in on Saturday to complete.
  11. How much do you wind up paying on top of the principle when you do such financing?
  12. At the same period where you are now I also had redness. I hadn't read too much on that being a potential persistent problem, that that's on me for not digging deeper on what having a HT means and all the healing that occurs. The whole procedure was a bigger deal than I imagined going in. In my case, I don't think I had any redness past six months, as that was when the new growth was noticeable. Until the new hairs came out, the skin was indeed irritated, with redness and pimples. But from that 6 month to one year post op period the results have manifested and I am not visibly sporting a HT; it looks normal. When you have your first procedure and the doctor draws in the areas he is going to fill in, you need to look good and hard at it before consenting, and ask for a change if you are not happy. Mine was a big asymmetrical up front, which is fine because I am not going to get a Norwood 0 result and needed something that looks more natural for moderate hair loss. When you recede it could very well be asymmetrical also.
  13. For such a patient, he would need to wait greater than the 7 months at which the progress image was taken. In my treatment instructions, I was given one year before doing any hair colouring. I've had hair straightening done in the past, and my recollection was it's harsher than hair color. It would be risky to fix this guy's hair before it has had a chance to fully heal and manifest the results. After that point, something like hair straightening could help improve his appearance and not damage his investment.
  14. My results from a couple of weeks back: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178674-ab2000-hair-transplant-1-4600-grafts.html
  15. Interesting. My hair transplant with Dr. Umar went different. I had 500 chest hairs and 4100 FUE scalp and beard grafts done five months ago, over four days. The first two days used donor from my beard and scalp to fill my crown. The last two days had hair from my scalp and chest used to rebuild my temples and lower my hairline. In both cases, the scalp hair was mixed with beard and with chest donors. The results have been coming in and I have no complaint with beard hairs being used in my crown. Since I keep my hair buzzed to 1/8", it is not noticeable to a typical person that there are beard hairs back there. I can, however, feel the contrast in coarseness when I put my hand over the crown; yes the beard hairs feel more prickly. In my case, I am fortunate to have a strong donor area of beard hair. After the healing was done and the scabs came off, I did not perceive a thinning of the areas from my jowl and chin where the grafts were taken from. I will be using a lot more beard hairs in the future to add density. Interestingly, I initially sought an online consultation with Dr. Bhatti as his reviews have been very positive. Since I am of partial south Asian descent, he would not agree to any more than 1000 grafts from the beard, due to concern of a side effect where the donor area loses pigmentation and becomes noticeably discolored. All being said, I have no complaints with how my hair transplant went, and the additional cost that associated with it. Dr. Umar has given me a great result five months in and I am looking forward to how it will look after 12 months.
  16. I haven't uploaded any photos other than the ones posted above. After four days of work, I can tell you there was plenty of grafts, ooze, and that my face became shaped like a football.
  17. All this is being stirred up by Joe Tillman. I don't know if he is currently employed by a clinic, but for the majority of his time here he has been a rep for FUT. In other words, he is not an honest participant, he has a vested interest in blowing out of proportion minor issues with FUE.
  18. Went to the Derm Hair Clinic to have my first HT with Dr. Umar and staff in Redondo Beach, California. 4600 grafts in total. 500 from chest, rest from scalp + beard. At this time I do not have the breakdown between head and beard donor. Surgery took place over four days. Had to add a fourth day because of issues with extracting some of my donor hairs from side of head that were not straight. The first half of the procedure was spent filling out my balding area in the crown using donor from beard and scalp, and the last two days on filling out my receding temples and lowering the hairline using donor from scalp and chest. My intention is to have about 10,000 grafts done in total and the plan with Dr. Umar is to add density for the next round. This is a quick update of my progress, 4.5 months out. I allowed the clinic to publish the results, so I don't want to over document my results here until I am more sure if they intend to use my photos and video or not. Day of 1st HT: 4.5 Months after 1st HT:
  19. I went to Dr. Umar in California for my HT. The instructions I received for post op care indicated the use of a neck pillow for three months in the case of hair transplanted to the temple area. It was quite inconvenient to get used to sleeping on my back for that amount of time but thought it best to ensure the proper orientation of growth from that recipient area. Did you sleep on your sides after your surgery?
  20. Similar for me. My face became misshapen the day after my last day of surgery. All of a sudden it looked like football and my eyelids were swollen. What helped was taking an ice pack to my face to bring down the swelling and to take some Advil for the pain.
  21. When you did your consultation for your hair transplant did you indicate to your surgeon that you intended to have follow-up procedures in the future? If that were the case, he would be continuing on where he left off after this transplant.
  22. Try growing your hair out long. You can comb it back into a pony tail and cover the low hair density bald spot.
  23. When I was on Dermatch and hair fibers, I took two showers a day so that I could apply minoxidil twice a day. That meant reapplying the hair concealers every day. As far as having these products affect hair loss, during the two years I used Dermatch and Nanogen hair fibers, my norwood level remained the same. Actually I was concerned that I would see hair loss due to painting all that Dermatch on day after day, perhaps not giving the scalp enough oxygen to maintain my hair level. But I never saw any further balding so I continued.
  24. It has been almost a month since my HT. Grafts were placed in two areas - my crown, and up front to fill in the temples and lower the hairline. After two weeks the hairs from the grafts began shedding, more so from the crown than up front. Some of the hairs have remained, perhaps about 10-15%.
  25. I can't answer that question for you, about doctor availability near where you are, but from my experience here are a couple of things to consider. From most of the positive reviews listed on this board, Umar might be your best bet in terms of distance. I have read good things about surgeons in Turkey and Bhatti in India, but if you want to stay in the US and want a known good result from a BHT, then going to LA could be your best option. Depending on your line of work and what is required in terms of facial hair grooming, if you need to be clean shaven for your job, then regardless of where you go to get BHT, you will need to wait a week or two for the face to heal up before you can start shaving again. And if you're taking a couple of weeks because of this, then how far you go isn't the biggest deciding factor. When I chose my first HT, I made sure that I put up with any temporary inconvenience and associated cost so that I can enjoy the result long term and not regret my decision.
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