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Everything posted by AB2000

  1. In my case I was directed to use Burt's Bees baby shampoo. Very gentle and it never caused me problems. But as suggested, get clarification from the clinic you went to.
  2. https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1AP_9SXXXXXX0aXXXq6xXFXXXO/New-Arrival-Halloween-Accessories-Skull-Hat-Caribbean-Pirate-Hat-Piracy-Hats-Corsair-Cap-Party-Props-Cosplay.jpg
  3. I'm unclear how you can use either hair fibers or Dermatch on buzzed hair. Fibers need to cling to longer hairs, and there's the danger that a "plop" of it will come out of the dispenser at once, directly onto the scalp, and not spread with nothing to catch onto. Dermatch, similarly, needs hairs to apply onto with the product's applicator, unless you are brushing it onto your scalp? Curious how you manage this, as it might be something to pick up on if there's a method. Back when I'd use concealers, I think I had my buzzer set to at least 3/8", if not more, in order to be able to use them.
  4. In my HT's I never stepped under a shower head until some days after the procedure. I think the first few days were spraying my head with a spray bottle with distilled water, and a couple of days in I could pour one cup of water over. At the point where I would have gentle shower water being applied, I would touch the scab areas and gently massage them; no pealing or over hydrating, just coaxing them along. From reading other responses there's different patient follow up care issued. But regardless of who's procedure you are following, I don't think any would suggest soaking your head anytime soon.
  5. Quite possibly. What I question is what affect his long term alcohol abuse and potential drug use had on his hair health?
  6. I have my suspicions that Bowie must have been wearing wigs/systems for some time.
  7. 6 Week Post Op 3rd HT: I have passed through the phase of post-op where whatever transplanted hair that's going to fall out has done so. All in all, I think a decent amount stayed in place. Since I suffer from grey hairs in the temple area it's noticeable when the dark brown hairs that were added are still there. For me at least, one thing to keep in mind during recovery is that the recipient areas remain noticeably red. There is no hiding the fact that something happened in these areas and perhaps some people understand it's a hair transplant. I just go with it. Now when I pick up some adult beverages after work now and then some cashiers are starting to ask for ID again. I think the effect would be better if I didn't have the grey, but it's hard to colour short cropped hair. For whatever reason I don't have wrinkles into my 40's and a full head of hair adds to the effect of a more youthful appearance. Since both beard and chest hairs were a part of this most recent HT, it can reasonably take up to at least 12 months before the full results manifest. At this early stage, at least, no complaints.
  8. Yes, having reached 9,900 grafts, some are going to need to come from other places. Those who've had BHT from the beard, I've read it's typically done around the mandible, where missing hairs are not as visible. In my past procedures I've have up to my chin area used, as I recall. I'd have to check my photos to see if any was taken from the cheeks before this. Coming out of this 3rd procedure, I still have a lot of beard hair coverage. I tend to shave twice a week as my skin doesn't react well to having it done every day. The growth helps conceal whatever surgical work has been done. When grafts are taken, they are spread out, so it's effect is further camouflaged. When I'm freshly shaven I do notice the small points where the grafts have been removed, but people don't see this unless I point it out and ask if it's noticeable. Having a higher norwood level, going down the route of using more beard hairs than typical was a trade off I had to weigh. If I'm happy with the yield on my scalp, then perhaps I don't need to use anymore beard donors in the future. It would be great to keep what beard I have left and to have good coverage up top. I was told by Dr. Umar that I have about 4,000 grafts that I could use from my arms and about 2,000 from the chest and abdomen. Once my results are known I'll have to see what my needs are for uniform coverage. It takes a lot of hairs to fill in an empty crown area, so I'll see how far long this HT got me towards that.
  9. And to speak of the devil, the hairs started to come out today. The DermHair clinic provides a bottle of liquid oil based 5% minoxidil and recommends buying three more for a four month supply. The idea is that oily minoxidil will better help the yield than using Rogaine foam or drops which will tend to dry out the skin. I was rubbing some drops into my recipient areas tonight and saw some short hairs in my hands afterwards. It's going to be a long haul waiting for the results to grow back.
  10. 9 Day Post Op 3rd HT: At this point the scabs are off and the healing well underway. The buzzed donor hair is growing back, whereas the transplanted grafts are held in place and should be falling out within a week. In my previous procedures, the transplanted hairs fall out about 10-14 days post op. Minus the red inflammation, this is what my hairline should look like in about a year when the full yield is growing.
  11. 3rd HT - Day 1: Recently I had my 3rd hair transplant at the DermHair clinic in Redondo Beach. I came about a year ago for a one day session to add frontal density, but this time it was for three days and 4,000 grafts. Prior to coming to L.A. I had emailed Dr. Umar my hopes for this next round and to find out what we could achieve. To start off the first day he did an assessment and documented my results up to this point. Coming in I thought the best approach would be to front load head derived grafts up front, mostly beard hairs, and in the future fill in my crown with body hairs but he suggested maintaining a mix throughout across the regions to maintain a more realistic appearance. He also indicated that the hair at the front of my hairline coming into this procedure appeared to be all transplanted hair. Meaning that the existing native hair has gone away at this point. If you look at my photos from the the day of the first hair transplant, before I began, there was diffuse hairs up front, and receded. The photos after the 1st HT where my hair is buzzed down looks good for coverage. But by my post op 2nd HT photos you can see some of the loss already. I don't know if this is shock loss or not. I've been using minoxidil for some years. But at some point balding hair will leave permanently. The work, then, would be to lower my hairline somewhat, push the receding points downwards, and to fill in the crown. Grafts used were derived from the scalp, beard and some from the chest for the front of the hairline. There was more remaining scalp hairs than I had thought were left over from the last HT and I have a surprisingly large amount of beard hairs left over after these three days. I had a lot to begin with in this process. Going into this HT I thought my beard would be mostly gone. I find the work done by Dr. Umar and his technicians to be non-rushed and thorough. The first day 1,000 FUE grafts were done, and 1,500 on each of the next two. Going with this clinic I am aiming to obtain quality over quantity. For this first day, the frontal hairline was determined, and I was told that this part usually takes a bit longer.
  12. Eventually the hairs will slip out. They will need to. I've had a couple of times when I massaged off a crust that the hair came with it, but that's fine because the root remained.
  13. Not to be trivial, but it's really hard reading a post like yous. There are no paragraphs.
  14. Will be going for the next HT this month, this time for a 4,000 graft procedure. Not much scalp donor left so most will be taken from the face. While not equivalent to scalp grafts, both are head derived hairs, and beard hair is better to mix in for now than body hair. Chest hair would be the last option to add density down the line. My first HT had beard hair placed in the crown. As far as I can tell it's growing out as fast and as long as regular head hair. There is some difference in texture and appearance, but since I have scraggly type hair to begin with I am thinking it won't stand out as much as it does in other BHT patients. And when buzzed down I see no difference. With what scalp donor FUE grafts I have left, this is my last shot at getting those into the front of my hairline.
  15. 11 Months Post Op 2nd HT: These are my most recent update photos. It's been a little over 11 months since I had a small HT procedure with Dr. Umar last May for 1,300 grafts. At that time density was added to my frontal region. No grafts were added to the crown or temples, nor was the hairline lowered. I think I benefit from hair that grows somewhat frizzy and curly, and it can help fabricate the appearance of more density than there is. When I shower and my hair is wet the hairs group together in streaks, creating ruts of baldness and exposing the lack of hairs. I have not experimented with concealers since starting hair transplants, but from my previous experience I imagine they would help. I am just glad I am liberated from that daily routine. The crown area is what it is. A work in progress. Decent recovery up front, but I am realistic in that I started as a Norwood 6. I now have coverage in this area, though I would like a lower hairline and the temple points made stronger.
  16. In your situation you are only going to get so far with head donor grafts. Look into finding a doctor who can do beard grafts as well, to mix in, to increase you coverage.
  17. I think you'll find that the most skilled surgeons will be booked out weeks in advance. Consider getting the best result for your investment. Donor hair is finite.
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