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Eugenix, NW3 5200 + grafts / MazAB's 2nd procedure on 10/8/2022 by Dr Pradeep Sethi


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@MazAB How does your density look like in four months under direct light? I am shy of 20 days from 4 months and even though hair has started to fill evenly in the transplanted area, the graft distances look pretty wide to me and i am concerned that i may not get density. I know there is a long way to go but just want to know how do you feel about your density at this point.

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On 1/8/2022 at 11:14 PM, NARMAK said:

@MazAB i just watched your video on the Eugenix YouTube again and also looking at your update here, really looks like your temple points match really closely with how mine are and seeing results like yours growing well, looking natural at only 4 months in helps inspire some confidence.

Do you know how many grafts they used for your temple points? 

Thanks @NARMAK! The left temple is lighter on the growth than the right. Regardless though, I'm extremely happy with how both temple points are progressing, as well as the overall hairline progression. I believe the left temple had about 175 grafts and right had 155 grafts.  Would you mind including a link to your thread as well? If I'm not already following your progress, I'd definitely like to.😉

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7 minutes ago, MazAB said:

Thanks @NARMAK! The left temple is lighter on the growth than the right. Regardless though, I'm extremely happy with how both temple points are progressing, as well as the overall hairline progression. I believe the left temple had about 175 grafts and right had 155 grafts.  Would you mind including a link to your thread as well? If I'm not already following your progress, I'd definitely like to.😉

Thanks @MazAB for responding. I've only had a picture evaluated so far, tomorrow i wanted to talk with the Doctor at Eugenix. The link below was just my concern about the temporal points and achieving adequate density and not looking sparse but to recreate them in the first place requires experience. 

I got in touch with Eugenix, but the Exclusive Package no longer has Dr Arika involved and that was a HUGE motivation for me to go there. Because i trust what i see done in their hands. I am talking to the clinic about this to see if maybe we can do something. 

Overall, i think mine might have been as a result of a concentrated retrograde alopecia on the temporal points from 15/16 and its more or less remained the same for 10+ years now too even when i wasn't using medication. I have been on Dutasteride though for 7+ months though. 

Hopefully i can negotiate and arrange something with Eugenix. I think they'll be the right place for me to go

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2 hours ago, NARMAK said:

Thanks @MazAB for responding. I've only had a picture evaluated so far, tomorrow i wanted to talk with the Doctor at Eugenix. The link below was just my concern about the temporal points and achieving adequate density and not looking sparse but to recreate them in the first place requires experience. 

I got in touch with Eugenix, but the Exclusive Package no longer has Dr Arika involved and that was a HUGE motivation for me to go there. Because i trust what i see done in their hands. I am talking to the clinic about this to see if maybe we can do something. 

Overall, i think mine might have been as a result of a concentrated retrograde alopecia on the temporal points from 15/16 and its more or less remained the same for 10+ years now too even when i wasn't using medication. I have been on Dutasteride though for 7+ months though. 

Hopefully i can negotiate and arrange something with Eugenix. I think they'll be the right place for me to go

Looks like your temple points were very similar to mine before the procedure. They had to build them from the ground up, and it will be the same for you as well. I can say without question though, that the temple points added so much to grounding a youthful appearance for me. The hairline alone won't ever get you there, especially for guys like us. They are truly the best option out there if you need full reconstructive temple work done. A part of me is feeling like I could have gone slightly more aggressive on the temple points and it would have looked even better, but I'm very happy with how it's developing for a 1st procedure. 

As far as doctors go. I would not be too concerned about it. They run such a tight ship, that whoever has to step up and be the lead surgeon, will be more than capable to replicate the quality of work seen by the best in Dr Arika and Dr Pradeep. I know it's easy for me to say, but having my 1st experience with them, and baring witness to the checks and balances, protocols, processes and procedures, it's hard to say or think any differently. 

Ask your sales consultant over at Eugenix about Dr Priyadarshani Das. She does exceptional work that rivals some of best work produced by Eugenix. If you can get her to be your lead surgeon, you'd be in great hands for sure!

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+1 on D Priyadarshini.

She was in the OT with me a lot throughout the two days checking over everything, making sure I was ok and even did a few incision towards the end of the surgery where she felt we could add a little more density. She's a very calming presence and attentive and I was pleased to have her in the room so frequently, particularly having seen her superb work on @ADil's HT.

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10 hours ago, xpressabhi said:

@MazAB How does your density look like in four months under direct light? I am shy of 20 days from 4 months and even though hair has started to fill evenly in the transplanted area, the graft distances look pretty wide to me and i am concerned that i may not get density. I know there is a long way to go but just want to know how do you feel about your density at this point.

@xpressabhi under direct light you can absolutely see thru the hairline. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look weird or fake in any way. It just looks like I'm thinning with a full head of hair. A couple of my close friends even commented saying that the low density makes for a more natural appearance. Truth be told, if my growth stopped today, I'd still feel great, and much improved than before.

Here are a few shots under direct light and one that is not under direct light. In the higher light shots I have a thinning look, and in the last one, a complete dense, thick head of hair. 

At only 4 months in, I'm liking my chances in any high lighting situation, to having a full density appearance when all is said and done. Only time will tell...





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For being this early, you will look like a superstar in two months. What a drastic change already. Again, let’s talk about supplements, paging @kirkland who also seemed to have early growth. I’m thinking of throwing everything and the kitchen sink to get early growth.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Just to be clear ...Hairgreed is no longer tolerated on this forum..not allowed anymore ..especially with Gents with growth like that at just passed 4 months @MazAB..

I'm pretty sure the supps you're taking must be illegal to have such Turbo fast growth 😂


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2 hours ago, Berba11 said:

+1 on D Priyadarshini.

She was in the OT with me a lot throughout the two days checking over everything, making sure I was ok and even did a few incision towards the end of the surgery where she felt we could add a little more density. She's a very calming presence and attentive and I was pleased to have her in the room so frequently, particularly having seen her superb work on @ADil's HT.

I will definitely see if she may be available but currently talking to see what flexibility there might be in this area. 

3 hours ago, MazAB said:

Looks like your temple points were very similar to mine before the procedure. They had to build them from the ground up, and it will be the same for you as well. I can say without question though, that the temple points added so much to grounding a youthful appearance for me. The hairline alone won't ever get you there, especially for guys like us. They are truly the best option out there if you need full reconstructive temple work done. A part of me is feeling like I could have gone slightly more aggressive on the temple points and it would have looked even better, but I'm very happy with how it's developing for a 1st procedure. 

As far as doctors go. I would not be too concerned about it. They run such a tight ship, that whoever has to step up and be the lead surgeon, will be more than capable to replicate the quality of work seen by the best in Dr Arika and Dr Pradeep. I know it's easy for me to say, but having my 1st experience with them, and baring witness to the checks and balances, protocols, processes and procedures, it's hard to say or think any differently. 

Ask your sales consultant over at Eugenix about Dr Priyadarshani Das. She does exceptional work that rivals some of best work produced by Eugenix. If you can get her to be your lead surgeon, you'd be in great hands for sure!

Your pictures above look pretty solid for 4 months. Heck, that's growth even people are lucky to see in probably 8 months at times. 

I feel like the whole density aspect in the frontal hairline and especially temporal is an interesting one. The rep i'm talking with seems to be adamant that Eugenix are fairly set on the 30-35 square CM on temples and behind the hairline and 40-45cm towards the front. 

I think there's probably scope for a more holistic approach based on the individual to adjust up or down based on the persons hair loss level and perhaps hair calibre. 

I'm gonna shoot you a PM to discuss some aspects in private if that's okay. :)

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Looking good @MazAB especially the angles.  

1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

I’m thinking of throwing everything and the kitchen sink to get early growth.

Definitely add LLLT in some form (panel light, cap therapy, etc.). Make sure the specs are sufficient. The more I look at the studies, the more a believer I come away.

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Just now, kirkland said:

Looking good @MazAB especially the angles.  

Definitely add LLLT in some form (panel light, cap therapy, etc.). Make sure the specs are sufficient. The more I look at the studies, the more a believer I come away.

I definitely think there's become more clinical support for it, but in the effectiveness to price ratio, its quite a steep investment imo to get the right quality of LLLT equipment. 

The whole hairbrushes and whatnot with LEDs were the real snake oils. 

I have to say, i don't think it's advisable for a transplant but generally speaking for hair loss restoration methods. Microneedling is definitely one recent thing i came across that's shown to have been quite effective. Especially in conjunction with topical Minoxidil. 

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46 minutes ago, kirkland said:

Definitely add LLLT in some form (panel light, cap therapy, etc.). Make sure the specs are sufficient. The more I look at the studies, the more a believer I come away.

Looks amazing @MazABand while you will get more density, the 'see through' looks appears completely natural and suits you well.


@kirkland- what specs are sufficient for LLLT?

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7 hours ago, kirkland said:

Looking good @MazAB especially the angles.  

Definitely add LLLT in some form (panel light, cap therapy, etc.). Make sure the specs are sufficient. The more I look at the studies, the more a believer I come away.

@Melvin- Moderator totally agree with @kirkland on the LLLT. I myself have been using it starting 1 month post surgery for 10 minute sessions daily, and there are some very real benefits with accelerating the healing process and promoting early growth. Also, I did change a few things with my supplement stack and dosages. 

For me, I'm not a huge advocate for Hair Vitamin pills, because I believe many times they are nothing more than multi-vitamins with hair labels and high premiums. It's also hard to find any of them that are 3rd party tested for quality and efficacy.  However, in an effort to add organ meat into my diet I stubbled on a Beef Liver supplement that is extremely good for your hair! Organ meat, more specifically liver meat, is almost never consumed in any aspect of our lives, and is rarely part of any culture. I personally hate the taste of it, but I also know that it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, so I just started taking it around 2 months back. Not sure how much it's helped individually because of all the other things I'm taking, but again, I'm taking it more for the health benefits. I just could not believe how many people reported hair growth from it, so it's worth it for anyone to investigate. It essentially is a multi-vitamin hair pill, because every vitamin and nutrient it contains, has proven hair health benefits, and helps balance any potential deficiencies that may have a negative impact on the hair. It also helps fill a major void in keeping a health body. Mom was right when she told you to eat your liver!

Here is a link to an article that helps break down the benefits liver has on the hair:


Here is also a link in Amazon to the Beef Liver supplement I'm currently taking (3rd party tested & approved):

I'd recommend also doing a search in the comments and questions on "Hair". You will find a ton of folks that have reported back positive effects on hair growth after getting on it. 


In addition I also focus on individual supplements where I can choose the most impactful molecules for the hair, and customize my dosages like I always have. Post surgery though,  I did tweak my supplement stack and dosages to help kickstart the anagen (growth) phase just a bit faster if possible. 😁💪

Here is a breakdown of what I've been taking and how much. I did list these in my earlier posts, however, I forgot to update you guys on the changes I made close to the 2 month mark. Again, these are all in the safe, upper limits of what your body can handle for daily intake. 

MSM - 3 grams daily (was previously at 2grams)

D3 - 10,000 iu (previously at 5000 iu)

Collagen - 12 grams daily (previously at 9grams)

Hyaluronic Acid - 375 mg (previously at 250mg)


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15 hours ago, MazAB said:

@Melvin- Moderator totally agree with @kirkland on the LLLT. I myself have been using it starting 1 month post surgery for 10 minute sessions daily, and there are some very real benefits with accelerating the healing process and promoting early growth. Also, I did change a few things with my supplement stack and dosages. 

For me, I'm not a huge advocate for Hair Vitamin pills, because I believe many times they are nothing more than multi-vitamins with hair labels and high premiums. It's also hard to find any of them that are 3rd party tested for quality and efficacy.  However, in an effort to add organ meat into my diet I stubbled on a Beef Liver supplement that is extremely good for your hair! Organ meat, more specifically liver meat, is almost never consumed in any aspect of our lives, and is rarely part of any culture. I personally hate the taste of it, but I also know that it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, so I just started taking it around 2 months back. Not sure how much it's helped individually because of all the other things I'm taking, but again, I'm taking it more for the health benefits. I just could not believe how many people reported hair growth from it, so it's worth it for anyone to investigate. It essentially is a multi-vitamin hair pill, because every vitamin and nutrient it contains, has proven hair health benefits, and helps balance any potential deficiencies that may have a negative impact on the hair. It also helps fill a major void in keeping a health body. Mom was right when she told you to eat your liver!

Here is a link to an article that helps break down the benefits liver has on the hair:


Here is also a link in Amazon to the Beef Liver supplement I'm currently taking (3rd party tested & approved):

I'd recommend also doing a search in the comments and questions on "Hair". You will find a ton of folks that have reported back positive effects on hair growth after getting on it. 


In addition I also focus on individual supplements where I can choose the most impactful molecules for the hair, and customize my dosages like I always have. Post surgery though,  I did tweak my supplement stack and dosages to help kickstart the anagen (growth) phase just a bit faster if possible. 😁💪

Here is a breakdown of what I've been taking and how much. I did list these in my earlier posts, however, I forgot to update you guys on the changes I made close to the 2 month mark. Again, these are all in the safe, upper limits of what your body can handle for daily intake. 

MSM - 3 grams daily (was previously at 2grams)

D3 - 10,000 iu (previously at 5000 iu)

Collagen - 12 grams daily (previously at 9grams)

Hyaluronic Acid - 375 mg (previously at 250mg)


This is great @MazAB- I recently heard about liver myself and plan to consume some!

As for LLLT, when do you think it is okay to use a laser cap/helmet post HT?

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Which laser helmets do you guys use? I'm a novice when it comes to LLLT I know the diodes make a difference. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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16 hours ago, SLA said:

what specs are sufficient for LLLT?

The right wavelength is important - somewhere in the 630nm to 660nm (which is the visible red light) for the kind of tissue penetration depth used in studies for hairloss. Also, the output has to be sufficient. Seems like the new lasercaps on the market are boosting their output.

I use a hand-held device that I have rigged to remain stationary about 10 cm just above my scalp for a duration of 30 minutes. It has red and infra red LED's that are each 5 watts (times 12) that are greater than 100 mW/cm2.

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2 minutes ago, kirkland said:

The right wavelength is important - somewhere in the 630nm to 660nm (which is the visible red light) for the kind of tissue penetration depth used in studies for hairloss. Also, the output has to be sufficient. Seems like the new lasercaps on the market are boosting their output.

I use a hand-held device that I have rigged to remain stationary about 10 cm just above my scalp for a duration of 30 minutes. It has red and infra red LED's that are each 5 watts (times 12) that are greater than 100 mW/cm2.

What's the name of the device? Pm me the link please

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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