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Eugenix, NW3 5200 + grafts / MazAB's 2nd procedure on 10/8/2022 by Dr Pradeep Sethi


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34 minutes ago, MazAB said:

2 month update:


Sorry for the delay in posting. It was a crazy week at work. The pictures were taken back on the 31st, so just at the 2 month mark. Not much to report on, other than I’ve been out and about busy instead of hibernating during my ugly phase due to unavoidable family and business commitments. Interestingly enough though, no one has really noticed much, or if they do, they’re not really saying much😉 Only had 3 guys speak up in my circle, and all 3 were men that are thinning and/or bald, and all 3 were VERY interested in learning the whole process of hair transplantation, HAHA!


Now that I’m into month 3, I’ve started back up with Sauna Therapy as well. The extreme heat could be dangerous for the new grafts in the first month, along with the sweat and bacteria in a sauna, so I didn’t want to bring it back into the fold until the majority of the healing was behind me. The main reasons why I use the sauna is the incredible health benefits you get when you activate heat shock proteins in the body. Along with that though, sauna is amazing for the hair and skin as well. It increases blood flow to the skin and scalp allowing for more absorption and delivery of essential nutrients, and boosts the body’s natural ability to produce more collagen. Not sure if it’ll help promote early growth for me, but since it is part of my daily routine anyways, I’m hoping for that added benefit. One thing to note with frequent sauna use is that you have to properly condition your hair, otherwise it can dry it out and cause breakage/split ends if you don’t thoroughly condition either before or after a sauna visit.  


The shedding stopped at around week 6. Since I’ve been going out quite a bit, I’ve been shaving my head down which has helped make the ugly duck phase less distinguishable. As of recent, I’ve been shaving it down to 0 with a very light touch and that look has been holding up for the most part. Even down to a zero, my friends and family that know I had a hair transplant can’t spot anything wrong or odd with my donor area. The recipient looks a little red still, but because the hair is cut so short, unless under close examination, no one really notices the spotty growth factor. Depending on improvements, I will be trying to grow it out at some point, just not sure if it’s this month or next.


One benefit to shaving your head is that there is nothing to look at as far as progress goes which has gotten me to put away the mirror and forget that I had a hair transplant as I’m not tracking the progress day to day at the void of having much of a visual. However, in the pictures I took Sunday, my hair was grown out a little more which has actually helped me to spot new growth 😁. Not sure when that growth started, but obviously limited to very minimal gains at month 2. I included a macro shot where you can see a few very small hairs pushing their way thru. Regardless of the amount, it’s highly encouraging and a sigh of relief to see the beginnings of new growth and to know that the most important part of process has officially begun!


Best to all,




Hey Max, this is really interesting and i love reading your health insights. It's clear you are an active person and how you come across in your youtube video you did, very positive minded which imo all reflects on one's looks, demeanour as we all age!

I'm really interested in the Sauna advice, I've been a regular gym goer for 5-6 years. Based on what you wrote i didn't realize it had such benefits, how often do you think a week is it recommended and for how long should one roughly stay in a sauna? With out hair at a 2 month mark can we be using a Sauna?

I also have a friend of mine that does morning cold showers, i don't know if you know anything about that? He says thats good for similar things, mind, hair, skin.

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Coming along great @MazAB..as we all kind of expected....you’re giving yourself every chance of a fantastic end result ...Im a big lover of saunas too ..i hear mixed reports as to when it is ok to start up Sauna use again post HT...you reckon around 2 months ? A couple of times a week ?? 20 mins at a time kinda thing ? 


Edited by Zoomster
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Thanks for the update Maz. Your advice on hair health is really valuable. Also you are looking pretty good with the shaved look. Once hair grows out you will look atleast 20 years younger. Look forward to the next month update.

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Well you can definitely rock the bald guy look @MazAB. If you didn't go down the HT route, and instead did SMP with a highly skilled artist, it would have been a smashing success IMHO.

I do see the hair poking through and the final result will be outstanding.

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On 11/7/2021 at 10:56 AM, londonhairlossvictim said:

Hey Max, this is really interesting and i love reading your health insights. It's clear you are an active person and how you come across in your youtube video you did, very positive minded which imo all reflects on one's looks, demeanour as we all age!

I'm really interested in the Sauna advice, I've been a regular gym goer for 5-6 years. Based on what you wrote i didn't realize it had such benefits, how often do you think a week is it recommended and for how long should one roughly stay in a sauna? With out hair at a 2 month mark can we be using a Sauna?

I also have a friend of mine that does morning cold showers, i don't know if you know anything about that? He says thats good for similar things, mind, hair, skin.

@londonhairlossvictim, @Zoomster  I started back up with sauna just yesterday which is roughly 9 weeks post surgery. Could not find much information regarding how long to wait after a HT to start up sauna use, but did find several other clinics that all recommended this it is safe after 5 to 6 weeks, so I added 3 extra weeks for good measure. Four times a week I'm in the sauna for 25 minutes each session on average, and always take cold showers immediately after sauna.

After diet and exercise, I believe that sauna, as well as cold therapy are the single most important things you could do for life extension and maintaining a youthful appearance. With sauna, you activate heat shock proteins, which in turn activates a longevity gene called Fox03 which repairs damaged cells in your body, increases growth hormone, collagen production, and many many many more benefits that are too long to list. Cold therapy is another hormetic stressor that works differently then heat stress, but has huge benefits for brain function and mood, post workout recovery, and yes, both hot and cold stressors help with anti-aging of the hair and skin. 

I'm a huge Dr. Rhonda Patrick fan, and she has a YouTube video that sold me on the concept of incorporating these therapy's into my life. It is absolutely the best 30 minutes you'll spend to understand how these different modalities will help you reverse the clock on aging. 


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21 minutes ago, MazAB said:

@londonhairlossvictim, @Zoomster  I started back up with sauna just yesterday which is roughly 9 weeks post surgery. Could not find much information regarding how long to wait after a HT to start up sauna use, but did find several other clinics that all recommended this it is safe after 5 to 6 weeks, so I added 3 extra weeks for good measure. Four times a week I'm in the sauna for 25 minutes each session on average, and always take cold showers immediately after sauna.

After diet and exercise, I believe that sauna, as well as cold therapy are the single most important things you could do for life extension and maintaining a youthful appearance. With sauna, you activate heat shock proteins, which in turn activates a longevity gene called Fox03 which repairs damaged cells in your body, increases growth hormone, collagen production, and many many many more benefits that are too long to list. Cold therapy is another hormetic stressor that works differently then heat stress, but has huge benefits for brain function and mood, post workout recovery, and yes, both hot and cold stressors help with anti-aging of the hair and skin. 

I'm a huge Dr. Rhonda Patrick fan, and she has a YouTube video that sold me on the concept of incorporating these therapy's into my life. It is absolutely the best 30 minutes you'll spend to understand how these different modalities will help you reverse the clock on aging. 


Damn the information you provide is so good man, I'm going to watch this and I heard of Rhonda before!
My gym doesn't have a sauna but I might switch to one that does, because I can imagine after a workout directly would be the best effects of this.

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20 hours ago, londonhairlossvictim said:

Damn the information you provide is so good man, I'm going to watch this and I heard of Rhonda before!
My gym doesn't have a sauna but I might switch to one that does, because I can imagine after a workout directly would be the best effects of this.

Thanks guys! Sauna after a workout is the best way to go. A few things I forgot to mention. If you don't have access to a sauna, hot baths will produce nearly the same effects as a sauna. They did studies on this and the difference in heat shock proteins produced in a hot bath vs a sauna were negligible. Sauna rose HSP by 50% vs Hot Bath that rose by 45%. Be sure to be fully hydrated going into the sauna, and be sure to replenish electrolytes right after (salt, potassium, magnesium, etc...). 

Sauna, like exercise, should push the limits of discomfort, so it's important to endure it as long as your body will tolerate it. It should always feel wonderful at the beginning and torturous at the end. I mentioned 25 minutes, but listen to your body and get out sooner if you need to, especially when you first start up with sauna. It's easy to get yourself in trouble since HSP's have not built up and your body will not endure longer sessions, so let your system adjust and raise your duration over time. For Cold Therapy, you don't have to have long sessions at all. I take the coldest shower I can for about 10 minutes. If you're lucky enough to have a gym that has a whole body cryotherapy machine, you could only endure 3 to 4 minutes tops at -140 degrees Celsius. Twice a month, I'll do an ice bath in my tub which is far better than a cold shower, but a little more work involved.

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7 hours ago, MazAB said:

Thanks guys! Sauna after a workout is the best way to go. A few things I forgot to mention. If you don't have access to a sauna, hot baths will produce nearly the same effects as a sauna. They did studies on this and the difference in heat shock proteins produced in a hot bath vs a sauna were negligible. Sauna rose HSP by 50% vs Hot Bath that rose by 45%. Be sure to be fully hydrated going into the sauna, and be sure to replenish electrolytes right after (salt, potassium, magnesium, etc...). 

Sauna, like exercise, should push the limits of discomfort, so it's important to endure it as long as your body will tolerate it. It should always feel wonderful at the beginning and torturous at the end. I mentioned 25 minutes, but listen to your body and get out sooner if you need to, especially when you first start up with sauna. It's easy to get yourself in trouble since HSP's have not built up and your body will not endure longer sessions, so let your system adjust and raise your duration over time. For Cold Therapy, you don't have to have long sessions at all. I take the coldest shower I can for about 10 minutes. If you're lucky enough to have a gym that has a whole body cryotherapy machine, you could only endure 3 to 4 minutes tops at -140 degrees Celsius. Twice a month, I'll do an ice bath in my tub which is far better than a cold shower, but a little more work involved.

Over time, do you get used to taking ice baths and cold showers or is it a torturous as the 1st time attempted?

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16 hours ago, SLA said:

Over time, do you get used to taking ice baths and cold showers or is it a torturous as the 1st time attempted?

@SLAI'll take hot bath/sauna over cold therapy any day of the week. Ice baths are torturous, I'm not gonna lie, but far more effective than cold showers. For me, cold showers feel great especially coming out of the sauna and trying to cool down, and there's beneficial effects immediately transitioning from hot to cold as well. You can definitely build up to cold baths, but you still gets tons of benefits from cold showers, and it's so much more convenient in my opinion. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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3 Month Update:

Hello all! Hope you are all enjoying the end of year holiday festivities in whatever part of the world you live in.

I decided to start growing it out the past 30 days, so this month will be a much better visual representation of where I am currently. Starting to see a lot more baby hairs sprouting and feeling encouraged by the progress heading into month 3. The only areas that are lacking much hair are the ones where I had some initial scabbing, but that is to be expected this early on. Otherwise, I’m very happy with the progress so far, and I know month 3 to 6 will be so much more enjoyable than 1 to 3. Looking forward to shaking off this ugly duck, and swaning up!😉

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone on HRN! Could not have done any of this without your support.


Month 3.jpg

Month 3a.jpg

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The fun starts now looking already better 🙌🏼

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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39 minutes ago, kirkland said:

@MazABCouple of things:

- Looks really good and glad that you are well on your way from the grotesque stage to the giddy-up stage.

- How do you not have snow already at this time of the year?

It’s always crazy to me how others experience winter, it’s a high of 75 degrees today in LA.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Amazing man, can see it shaping up! I love following your progress because we are exactly the same timing, prob just a week off from each other and same grafts too!

I took your lead and have been taking MSM and Hydraulic Acid tablets into my supplement stack, also Collagen Liquid. I do feel it has improved the feeling in my joints since using, especially since I workout 6 days a week. I really want to get into using Sauna and Cold Showers I havn't built that in yet.

If I'm correct you are on Finastride right?
I was on Finastride for 2-3 years, it was in the end when I started really seeing my hair thin out that I wanted to get off Finastride as I felt it did have in the last months of using it some effect on my sexual health and also i felt the power was waning off - and then the panic kicked in a bit more then i was like "i'm just going to get an FUE" - so since my FUE I'm using dutestride topical once a week (for 4 weeks) - now I'll start using it twice a week as I had no side effects from it

I'll post my hair tomorrow in my thread! see if we have similarities. In your one it looks very even, on my one I feel like in this period of time my right temple has almost come back to of course not new growth but it's really grown either it's the native ones or something positive has happened there also. My hairline I can see some things happening and my left temple is better but it's growing slower

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10 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

It’s always crazy to me how others experience winter, it’s a high of 75 degrees today in LA.

I'll be loving exactly that come end of February😁 LALA land here I come!

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On 12/4/2021 at 3:37 PM, londonhairlossvictim said:

Amazing man, can see it shaping up! I love following your progress because we are exactly the same timing, prob just a week off from each other and same grafts too!

I took your lead and have been taking MSM and Hydraulic Acid tablets into my supplement stack, also Collagen Liquid. I do feel it has improved the feeling in my joints since using, especially since I workout 6 days a week. I really want to get into using Sauna and Cold Showers I havn't built that in yet.

If I'm correct you are on Finastride right?
I was on Finastride for 2-3 years, it was in the end when I started really seeing my hair thin out that I wanted to get off Finastride as I felt it did have in the last months of using it some effect on my sexual health and also i felt the power was waning off - and then the panic kicked in a bit more then i was like "i'm just going to get an FUE" - so since my FUE I'm using dutestride topical once a week (for 4 weeks) - now I'll start using it twice a week as I had no side effects from it

I'll post my hair tomorrow in my thread! see if we have similarities. In your one it looks very even, on my one I feel like in this period of time my right temple has almost come back to of course not new growth but it's really grown either it's the native ones or something positive has happened there also. My hairline I can see some things happening and my left temple is better but it's growing slower

Really happy to hear that the supplements worked out for you brother. Couldn't agree more about how interesting it is to track each others progress having had our procedures so close together. As far as Finasteride goes, it will continue to be a lifelong commitment for me. Luckily, I never experienced any sides, but if I did, I like the approach of topical Dutasteride and/or Finasteride to fill that void. I do also believe that a lot more options will open up in the next 5 to 10 years for those that can't handle the drugs as well. Looking forward to your next update👍

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30 minutes ago, Mggm said:

I started seeing incredible growth from the mid of the 4th month. Exciting days ahead !!

That's encouraging to hear @Mggm. Would you have a picture to share that compares month 3 to 4? Or even a link to your personal HT thread? Would love to follow your journey. Thanks!

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12 hours ago, Curious25 said:

This looks great and a sign of a very magical next 3-6 months for you!

Did you get a quote on how many grafts your eyebrows could provide you, should the need ever be there?

Incredible set of brows, is that from oral Minox? 

Haha! I wish God put the strong hairs on my head instead of my brows🤣 No oral minoxidil necessary when your ethnic Armenian genes do all the brow work for you!

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