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Posts posted by Portugal25

  1. @Pauls I have no hatred for low cost clinics with all inclusive packages but here at HRN the more senior members will never recommend surgeries fully run by technicians in Turkey because we are aware patients are gambling on getting a good tech team to give them a nice result.

    I went to Rahal in 2008 and last year he commented my case with Dr. Bruno Ferreira. More recently I chose one of the best Doctors in the world for BHT and I can tell you he won’t be forgetting me any time soon, can anyone that went to Cinik say that Dr. Cinik remembers them or even shoke their hand? 

    Just now @Mike_2020 sent me a PM asking about Esma&Serkan Tetik the Nurses doing DHI for 1500€ all inclusive with dozens of real patients posting great results on the Turkish forums. So no, I don’t recomend always the same Doctors because I tend to recommend based on the needs and limitations of each person.

    I recommend  Dr.BF a lot because my friend had his surgery aborted at Dr. Pekiner and 6 months later he’s now a happy patient of Dr.BF that accepted the challenge of doing surgery on a patient with miniaturized hair. 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Kruchie said:

    @Portugal25 Clearly you have issues and until you can sort that out, there is no further discussion to be had with you. Facts are facts and Cinik has done a lot of good work lately, no opinion will alter that and quoting topics that are years old won't either. Going to ignore the points you made about Cinik advertising at a football match, that's irrelevant and doesn't impact on results. Cinik has a score of 4.8 on Trustpilot - out of 509 reviews. 


    I fully agree with you because if you are recommending clinics based on Trustpilot reviews then there is truly no more discussion to be had with you!

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  3. Like @Gasthoerer said the "best clinics" don’t have botched results with poor donor management, mis-angled grafts, multis in the first row and unnatural hairline design but hairmills like Cinik have them as you can see on the links below: 



    @Pauls I do have friends that can’t afford going to good Doctor in Turkey or anywhere else but I know better than to recommend them a tech run surgery at Cinik or any other Turkish hairmill so for those looking for a budget option I always give out the contact of the nurses Esma and Serkan Tetik because they have dozens of great results at the Turkish forum and are doing DHI for 1500€ all inclusive (better going to nurses with good real patients results than technicians at a hairmill). 

    @Kruchie I don’t have nothing against people paying a fraction of the price I paid to have a great Doctor fully devoted to me for 3 days but I will never in good conscience recommend tech run surgeries in Turkey. 
    I also went to Turkey but I went to a well known Turkish Doctor that is well aware of how Cinik can afford to advertise at the soccer match of the UK Premier League and I can tell you that it’s not from being fully devoted to assuring great results to the dozens of patients that come to his hairmill every day. 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Kruchie said:

    What you just linked to is 2 years old.

     If you Google 'insert clinic here' and 'bad result' you'll pull up such results. How about all the disasters at other clinics that charge a hell of a lot more? No clinic is without their bad reviews.

    You're yet again quoting these others doctors and going off topic, that is not the discussion we're having. What we are talking about is all the bad experiences people have recently had in Turkey @Cinik, yet you can only link to another forum with a post that's 2 years old. It doesn't matter what Melvin or anyone else says, without proof it's all just conjecture.

    You're basically saying that anyone like myself and @Bax, @Pauls had not bothered to research anything and went with cheap all the way. When I can tell you this, I came to this forum and looked at reviews and results and it was some of the posts here that actually led me to use Cinik.

    This thread from 2019 shows another botched result from Cinik and the user “o pclio” states in the thread that Cinik Clinic actually does 18 hair transplants per day (the patient stop posting like most do once they realize they have a botched HT): 


    It’s pretty obvious that Cinik Clinic needs to have dozens of patients every day day (paying those ridiculous low all inclusive prices) in order to be able to afford advertising and the English premier league (one the most expensive advertising space in Europe).


    @Kruchie if you had spent time in this forum you would have found @Melvin-Moderator videos warning us about the red alerts we should be aware of such as clinics advertising all inclusive prices and understood the risks people take when they chose a tech run surgery in Turkey. 

    Hope I have shed enough proof for you and managed to open your eyes.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Kruchie said:

    Then why would you not show me where all your evidence is? IF what you're saying is true, I may not have used Cinik and gone elsewhere. Why would you not want to share that valuable information and stop others from potentially making a huge mistake? Do you not think that I and anyone else who used Cinik, had gone away and read real reviews and looked at real results by patients? 

    You still have not managed to back up anything that you claimed and keep taking the discussion in other directions. Where are all these horror stories? Show us. 

    It’s really just a matter of taking the time to  google Cinik https://www.baldtruthtalk.com/threads/29839-Horrible-experience-Hair-transplant-disaster-Dr.-Emrah-Cinik-Turkey

    @Melvin-Moderator also explained to you that it’s well documented how these all inclusive hairmills operate but sadly people want to believe that a hair transplant surgery costing 2990€ will give great results to everyone that pays this ridiculous low price.

    If you sit next to one of these amazing Doctors like I did with Dr. Rahal and Dr. Pekiner (for 3 whole days) you get to find out a lot about the world of hair transplants and I can tell you Dr. Cinik is only ever discussed by these top Doctors at International Conferences to give an example of a well know Turkish hairmill. 

    If you really want to open your eyes you can go to a elite doctor like Feriduni, Muresanu, Bisanga or Lorenzo and ask them about Cinik Clinic and how mant repair jobs from Turkey they are doing every month.

    If you go to the Turkish forum you will find that they don’t recommend these all inclusive hairmills and most Turkish don’t go to Keser, HLC or Pekiner due to the high price is costs to have a good Doctor fully devoted to your surgery but instead they go to Esma&Serkan Tetik who are a team of nurses charging 1500€ for all inclusive DHI. They chose to go to these nurses instead of a hairmill like Cinik because they know Cinik surgeries are done by techs and at Esma&Serkin the results real patients are posting are the results they might also be able to achieve. 

    Ofcourse you can call me biased say these are all lies and keep believing in fairy tales of 2000€ all inclusive surgeries with nothing but happy patients. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Kruchie said:

    You definitely have a biased opinion and clearly don't actually know what you're talking about. Don't spiral the discussion into comparing doctors, you can't believe that charging more for less work equals a better guaranteed result. What about those that have 1000 grafts or less and still pay 2990€? You are assuming everyone has a huge amount of grafts, that's incorrect. 

    As for comparing, please don't. That isn't what the discussion is, we are here to discuss why Turkey is so bad and for you to provide evidence to back up what you're saying. 

    Comparing is all we do here at HRN.
    We compare real patient results from doctors to understand if we should chose that doctor.

    It’s impossible to compare results from clinics where tech teams do surgeries because the tech team can change every month, week or day. It’s like playing Russian roulette to find out if your lucky enough to have been awarded a decent tech team.

    I saw 52 real patients results from Dr. Pekiner before chosing him and I was hoping for a similar result to other patients of his that used beard grafts and had my type of hair. 

    You can’t say a surgery performed at Cinik Clinic will give you a similar result to this or that patient that posted his results because you have no idea what tech team was responsable for those results nor do you know if those techs still work at Cinik. 

    I don’t need to show proof like the curriculum of a tech working at Cinik or any other all inclusive Turkish clinic to state the obvious: going to an all inclusive hairmill is like playing Russian roulette with a permanent medical procedure! 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Foobar said:

    Does Dr. Kaan Pekiner do the surgery himself? What is the graft price?

    Also if clinics like Cinik were so terrible then there would be more complaints? The threads I saw about them have had good results.

    Dr. Pekiner (2.25€graft), Dr. Keser (3.5€/graft) and HLC (2.5€/graft) are the most well know for quality in Turkey and only operate on 1 patient per day using the stick&place technique. 

    You should know that Patients with botched results usually aren’t that keen to make their results public and always  try to get a refund (signing a non disclosure agreement) or get a free repair surgery.  

    I have been told the free repair surgery is very common in Turkey.

    You can read several threads at HRN of botched patients from ASMED in despair because there’s either no response from this hairmill or they are threatened with lawyers. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Kruchie said:

    Yes, I'm aware about technicians not needing a medical background. That just means they don't need a medical background, you can't just assume that everyone therefore won't have any experience or qualifications that apply. 

    You doubt they have skills to perform surgery, then were are all the horror stories? 8 procedures per day, I would expect to see a lot of horror stories, not just here but everywhere. Do you actually know what you're talking about? My surgery was not that cheap, certainly not cheap to people living in Turkey either. 

    The most expensive all inclusive package at Cinik costs 2990€.

    If you were to chose any of the 3 most famous doctors in Turkey with that money you can have 854 grafts with Dr. Keser and 1194 grafts with either Pekiner or HLC (without hotel or flights just the surgery).

    How can anyone think that 4000 grafts implated by technicians for 2990€ will provide the same results as the same surgery done by a doctor with tons of amazing results posted by real patients.... 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kruchie said:

    Are any of these posts recent? If taxi drivers are performing 8 procedures per day, I expect to hear a lot about it. Not just on these forums but everywhere. 

    @Kruchie they can have any kind of background or none at all because there’s no requirement in terms of experience for a technician in Turkey.
    My Doctor called it “the wild west” and the reason why it’s the world capital of botched hair transplant. 

    Highly doubt anyone will be posting proof of the background of any technician at Cinik or any other all inclusive low cost clinics but be aware they don’t need any medical background to do your surgery.  

  10. @Kruchie it’s a fact that technicians in Turkey don’t need a medical background.

    My Doctor (Turkish) informed me that these hairmills even employ underpaid Sirian refugees to cut costs.

    I have no doubt the technicians at Cinik treatead you nicely but I highly doubt them to have the skills required to perform a hair transplant surgery because if they did you wouldn’t be charging ridiculous all inclusive low cost prices.

    I had my second hair transplant in Turkey and paid over 8000€ for a good Doctor and his clinic whole staff to be fully committed to my surgery for 3 whole days. 

  11. @Foobar Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants.

    Cinik is a hairmill with technicians (without medical background that could have been taxi drivers 2 months before your surgery) operating on 8 patients per day.

    Hairmills like this are the norm in Turkey and several offer all inclusive prices (a red alert for anyone that values getting good results from a surgery in any medical field).

    The only safe option in Turkey in HLC at 2.5€/graft but for that price your are better off going to Dr. Bruno Ferreira or Dr. Ximena Villa (both charge the same price).

  12. @Tjphelps you have selected some of the worst options in Turkey (the world capital of botched hair transplants).

    ASMED is a hairmill with technicians (without medical background that could have been taxi drivers 2 months before your surgery) operating on 8 patients per day. Hairmills like this are the norm in Turkey and several offer all inclusive prices (a red alert for anyone that values getting good results from a surgery in any medical field). There are several patients at HRN complaining of botched results from ASMED and being threatened by lawyers.

    Doganay was kicked out of HRN some time ago due to serious accusations including re-using needles.

    The only safe option in Turkey in HLC at 2.5€/graft but for that price your are better off going to Dr. Bruno Ferreira or Dr. Ximena Villa (both charge the same price).

  13. @LukeMahn Feriduni and Besing are FUE Icons much like Dr. Lorenzo.

    Dr. Bruno Ferreira is a rising star because he’s currently a Doctor at Dr. Lorenzo clinics where he handles difficult repair jobs and patients with DUPA. He also has his own clinic in Porto where he charges a bit less. 

    So ofcourse like @Melvin-Moderator said you can’t compare a young rising star with FUE Icons like Feriduni, Bisanga or Lorenzo. Maybe in a few more years when Dr. BF has more patients posting their results online.

  14. @LukeMahn I must warn you that Turkey is the world capital for botched hair transplants and you have 2 hairmills on your list ASMED (8 patients/day operated by techs that could have been taxi drivers 2 months before your surgery) and Cosmedica (same thing and even you pay for the VIP package you still only have the Doctor for 1h making the incisions the rest is done by technicians without a medical background).
    These type lowcost harmills are very common in Turkey and sadly people don’t realize that any clinic advertising all inclusive packages should be avoided. 

    Keser gets good results but he doesn’t use a microscope during surgery and Pekiner also gets greats results but he aborts surgeries if he finds miniaturized hairs (very common with thin blonde hair). 

    The only safe bet in Turkey is HLC Ankara at 2.5€/graft but for that price you are better off going to Dr. Bruno Ferreira for 2.5€/graft at his Porto clinic if you go to Madrid it’s more expensive (Dr. Lorenzo’s clinic).

    Feriduni is an amazing perfectionist but charges 4.5€/graft and Bisanga is even more expensive 6.05€/graft. 

    Wish you all the best.

    • Thanks 1
  15. @Arthur Passos quando vier visitar Portugal sugeria que marque aqui o seu transplante capilar pois no Porto tem o Dr. Bruno Ferreira que também trabalha em Madrid com um dos melhores médicos do mundo o Dr. Jose Lorenzo.

    No Brasil não existem médicos a fazer transplantes com a qualidade do Dr. BF e se for aos Estados Unidos vai pagar 4x mais para ter um médico com a qualidade do Dr. BF.

    Fuja das clínicas Portuguesas como a Saude Viavel, CM2C e outras pois vai ter a sua cirurgia realizada por um técnico e o mais provável é ficar com um resultado fraco tal como o actor Rui Unas que é pago para promover a Saude Viavel mas mesmo assim ficou com resultados péssimos pois implantaram-lhe grafts duplos na linha frontal (linha frontal apenas deve ter singles).


  16. @1talian you have selected two of the worse in Turkey which is The World Capital of Botched Hair Transplants.

    ASMED is a high priced hairmaill (8 patiens per day opereated on by technicians without a medical background) with several members here at HRN complaining about their botched results and being threatened by lawyers.

    Doganay was kicked out from HRN in the past for botched results and people complained he was re-using needles (insane).

    If you want Turkey the only safe bet is HLC Ankara at 2.5€/graft but for that price your are better off going to Dr. Bruno Ferreira or Dr. Ximena Villa who both developed their skills with the FUE Icon Dr. Jose Lorenzo and both charge the same price 2.5€/graft.

    In the UK the best option is Dr. Reddy but he charges way more than Dr. BF or Dr. Villa and is not getting better results than these two top Docs, so why pay more just to avoid a flight...


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  17. @NorwoodOneWannabe your results have a high chance to be botched because your are going to a clinic instead of choosing a Doctor. 
    Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants because these clinics/hairmills offer low prices and then your surgery is actually done by technicians without medical background that could have been driving a taxi or washing dishes 2 months before doing your surgery.

    I highly advise you to hold off on going to a clinic in Turkey because you might end up needing a repair job.

    If you want a low cost Doctor in Turkey go to Dr. Demirsoy 1.25€/graft there’s no other doctor achieve good results and charging his price.

  18. @Mohammad12 my advice is for you to avoid any clinic where the doctor is not involved in the surgery.

    Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants but if you really want to go there the only safe option is HLC Ankara at 2.5€/graft. There are two other top docs in Turkey but both have limitations; Dr. Keser is a recluse and doesn’t use a microscope during surgery while Dr. Pekiner achieves amazing results but he aborts surgeries if he finds miniaturized hairs (doesn’t take risks). 
    You have low cost Demirsoy doing old school technique of pre-made slits and techs implanting up to 4000 grafs per day.
    The rest is mostly Turkish Hairmills like Cinik, Asmed etc, where you surgery is done by technicians that could have been taxi drivers 2 months before doing your surgery.

    Dr. Arika at Eugenix is probably the cheapest option to have a surgery performed by a doctor that is consistently achieving great results and using a highly skilled technique - DHT.

    Eugenix doesn’t do DHI but rather their own technique called DHT in which they first do pre-made slits then extract the grafts and finally implant them within 30m after extraction (grafts spend less time out of body). 

    I consider DHI a better technique but DHT at Eugenix done by Dr. Arika is getting great results. 

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  19. @SilverFox my friend @PT#31 went to @Dr. Bruno Ferreira in May (after Pekiner aborted his surgery in December) been nagging him to post his awesome results.
    He’s just waiting for Dr . BF to send his surgery pictures to start his thread. 

    Dr. BF doesn’t really pay much attention to online forums and he’s a Doctor at Lorenzo’s clinic so many of his results are not his property to be advertised.

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